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    Utter Disappointment with UK MSI Customer Support

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by SimonD., Dec 6, 2012.

  1. SimonD.

    SimonD. Notebook Enthusiast

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    In September I took the plunge and purchased a new MSI GT60 0ND laptop from a supplier here in the UK, the reason for getting this beast of a laptop was it's ability to use 32GB of ram (something I would use as I am a virtualisation engineer \ blogger and could use it on the road without limiting my lab environment). The day after I got the laptop I took it overseas with me on a business trip, during the business trip I noticed that I had an issue with the space bar not working 100% of the time, I didn't take too much notice of it and instead just read what I was typing to ensure that I had all the spaces on my documents where I needed them.

    Move forward a month and I discovered that actually it's not an uncommon trait for this particular laptop and the advice was to get it RMA'd for either a replacement laptop or keyboard, the RMA process was relatively simple and handled by MSI directly rather than the supplier I purchased the laptop from, unfortunately it subsequently turned out that MSI outsource their RMA process to a 3rd party company who carry out all of the repair work on MSI's behalf, now usually that's not an issue but in this case it has been.

    I opened up the RMA process on the 24th of October and had the laptop picked up on the 26th of October, a replacement keyboard was requested and fitted to the laptop and the laptop was returned to me by the 10th of November, unfortunately it soon transpired that the laptop was actually fitted with the wrong keyboard (minor issue but I purchased a UK spec laptop, I want a UK spec keyboard) so a 2nd RMA request was raised on the 16th of November and the laptop was picked up that day, I was advised at the time of raising the RMA that the laptop would be returned to me the following week with the correct keyboard fitted.

    I have now spent a further 3 weeks without my laptop with many broken promises from the repair company first telling me that the laptop would be returned to me the following week, I was then advised that a replacement keyboard would turn up and be fitted on the 5th of December and surprise surprise I discover today that the keyboard hasn't arrived and there is no ETA for when it will arrive.

    In the mean time I have been on the phone with MSI Support here in the UK trying to get something organised with regards to a replacement laptop, at first I was only offered a refund (via the distributor, who would then refund the reseller who would then refund me, long, complicated and not ideal because not only did I get the laptop on finance but also the reseller didn't have any other laptops that I deemed acceptable or able to utilise the 32GB of ram currently sitting in my GT60). I was then offered the GT60 0NC, a step back in the GT60 family, not the same spec with regards to fitted ram or video card (I am also a gamer and the GTX675 fitted was another attraction to this particular model). Again I refused the offer of the 0NC laptop and asked if there was any reason why MSI couldn't bump up the laptop to the GT60 0NE laptop, after all it wasn't my fault that the laptop went wrong in the first place, it wasn't my fault that their repair company fitted the wrong keyboard to the laptop during the RMA process and it surely wasn't my fault that MSI can't supply the repair company with the right damned keyboard in a timely fashion.

    Unfortunately it's at this stage that MSI just stopped talking to me, 4 days have gone since I last received an email from UK MSI Support (I even followed up with an email today but again no reply).

    I had hoped that my dealings with MSI and the experiences I were to have with their laptop would have been really good, after all the reviews of the MSI GT60\70 have been positive but in my case I have had nothing but trouble with the laptop and find myself questioning my logic for buying the GT60. Were it not for the fact that the repair company have 32GB of ram fitted to the laptop instead of the 12GB that originally came with it I would have told them to keep it and simply refund the money now, unfortunately I don't want to lose that memory because it's decent Corsair Vengence ram instead of cheap and cheerful stuff.

    MSI I have to say that my current dealings with you have left a very bitter taste in my mouth and I really can't find any reason to recommend your products based on your poor support function, yes I realise I am only one man and you won't lose sleep over my gripes but I did need to get this off my chest and let others know the poor experiences I have had with the dealings I have had with you.
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