So I have an MSI GX640 that I am looking into upgrading it. So far I have upgraded the CPU to an i7 740QM (found it for 30 bucks on ebay) I have moved from 4GB of ram to 8GB, I have replaced the DVD drive with a 1TB SSHD and installed a 60GB SSD for the main boot drive.
I am looking into upgrading the GPU, the 5850 I have overclocks well but I want to move up. I have read on the forums here about people upgrading to either the 7970m or m290x because the HD 5000 and HD 6000 series don't receive updates any more. I am wondering what the upgrade process is? Do I just buy a 7970m or R9 m290x off Ebay, remove my 5850 and install the GPU and I am set? I have heard stuff about not buying alienware brand 7970ms because they don't work on non alienware? Just wanting to figure out the best course of action for this.
I have read here on the forums that the GX640 does support both of the GPUs so I know they work i am just trying to figure out how to do it.
I am not interested in buying a new laptop I enjoy projects and this has been an amazing project so far so no I am not interested in buying a new one.
Upgrading MSI GX640
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Timer5, May 8, 2016.