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    Upgrade screen on MSI GE-72 MVR 7RG

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by willhub, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    Just wondering if it's possible to source a 4K screen that is compatible with my laptop on my GE72MVR 7RG.

    I know it'll only be 60Hz if I can, but that doesn't bother me and a 4K would certainly be better display quality.

  2. Bobbert9

    Bobbert9 Notebook Consultant

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    Yes you can. I haven't looked up the specs of your model, so I'm not sure what graphics card you have, but 4k gaming will require some horsepower. I have bought laptop replacement screens a few times over the years from, and I have always had a positive experience with them. Here is a link to your model series (I'm not sure which exact model you have as there are many in that series), and it shows the replacement panel that comes with your laptop: 7RG SERIES/

    Now, we need to find a similar model which has the 4k screen (some models on this site show multiple screens depending on how they can be configured when purchased, and others just show the main panel that ships with the laptop. That doesn't mean you can't change it out, though.)

    Here is a link to my laptop, an MSI GT73VR - 7RE, and this page shows that I have 3 options - matte HD, glossy HD, and matte 4k. Also there is an option to choose the correct pinout size on your connector, either 30 or 40 pins. This is important and you may need to do more research on your model to make sure you get something that works: 7RE TITAN/

    This isn't the only options I would have, as my model came from XoticPC and they offered a 3K panel which was a little harder to hunt down on here, but I did find it. I considered getting the screen cheaper here and doing my own upgrade, but in the end I chose to keep the HD screen because many people said that running 4k on anything smaller than 24 or 32 inches was just awful, especially for basic desktop use, because everything was too small to read. These 4k panels are g-sync, but as you said, they are lower refresh. In fact many 4k panels on these laptops are actually 48hz, not 60hz. Many gamers choose to play 4k games in a lower resolution on these machines to help the fps count, also.

    So the short answer is yes, you can do this. Make sure you find out everything you can about your model before you order. will take returns in case you make a mistake, but you run the risk of a damaged panel the more times it has to travel (each screen I've ordered from them is very well packaged.) Look on youtube before attempting the upgrade, as this procedure is different on every laptop. You will most certainly void your warranty also, if there is any left. One thing to consider is having a custom shop do it for you, such as XoticPC or HIDEvolution. It may cost a little more, but the work would be covered under their warranty. Lastly, if you do it yourself, you would have to option of changing it back to the HD panel if you didn't like the 4k screen.
  3. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    Looks like the 4k one for your laptop has the same screen layout and connector so that 4k one should just go in? But 48Hz, will that be a terrible experience compared to my current monitor? Mine has a GTX1070. My laptop also has a Gsync display but the laptop doesn't support Gsync, has optimus or whatever it's called. I'd assume that text size wouldn't be an issue as Windows 10 seems to scale quite well now?
  4. Bobbert9

    Bobbert9 Notebook Consultant

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    Yes as far as I can tell, if I were to purchase the 4k screen then it would easily pop in to my machine (after taking apart the lid.) Another reason that I chose not to order my laptop with a 4k upgrade was because I also have a GTX 1070. I don't feel like the 1070 would be a good card for 4k gameplay unless game options were set to medium or low, and I like to run my games at Ultra or as close to it as possible (I use a 1080 Ti on my desktop with an Ultrawide monitor.) As I said before, some people run their games at a lower screen resolution on a 4k monitor when they have problems. I also assume Windows desktop can scale fine for this but I don't have a 4k screen so I was just going by other people's responses elsewhere. Your laptop should support G-sync, even if it isn't indicated on the box. MSI doesn't always advertise these machines as supporting G-sync, and this seems to be related to Nvidia not always supplying them with this information, so MSI chooses to err on the side of caution with advertising. Open up Nvidia Control Panel and check to see if G-sync is active or at least able to be activated. According to others on the forum, these panels "are" G-sync capable, and if the 4k panel uses G-sync, then 48hz may not be a problem unless you are an eSports gamer (CS:GO, PUBG, FORTNITE). I have to assume however that it hasn't been an issue otherwise people would be complaining loudly about it. Check around some of the other threads here or search for some 4k threads and read up on some opinions from users who have 4k screens -- they would be more able to answer some of your questions than I can. I just wanted to let you know that you are able to upgrade your screen if you want to, from what I have seen. I almost chose the "3K" screen when I ordered my laptop but it has a very odd native resolution and I was afraid my games would look strange unless I played them in a different size, and I didn't find enough info about that to feel comfortable with getting one. Also, optimus is basically for running on battery and it's designed to lower your settings to allow you to play games on battery, but it severely downgrades your hardware settings to do this so I wouldn't use it unless you didn't have a choice. MSI laptops with a discrete graphics card like ours come with a button on the right side, mine is under the power button, that switches from the GTX 1070 (or whatever card is installed) to Intel's internal graphics, again for running on battery. This is a feature best used for 2D desktop use like surfing the internet or watching movies while on battery, and it requires a reboot to complete the switchover (the light on the button will go out when the discrete graphics card is not in use.)
  5. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    Apparently with my laptop and the Optimus tech, the intergrated graphics are always on, the screen connects to the iGPU and the dGPU feeds through it, therefor Gsync doesn't work, I know for sure my panel is Gsync capable however. I play Assasins Creed Odyssey at 4k with HDR on my Samsung TV, around 30fps but it's fine for me, so on a 4k screen it should be a bit better since HDR does kill performance a bit and the screen wouldn't have HDR.
  6. Bobbert9

    Bobbert9 Notebook Consultant

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    mmmph. I didn't realize you had optimus tech. good point. yeah, g-sync isn't listed specifically for your laptop at MSI's web site as it is for mine. I have the manual switch on the case so mine isn't automatic, and I like it that way. 30 fps is playable on a game like AC, and many games that I play would be fine as well (Prey, Tomb Raider, Dishonored...). I don't have a 4k monitor to test mine on, so this is promising news...... Ok, so we do know your machine can play 4k on a 4k panel, and yes there would be no HDR to deal with on the laptop panel. Looks promising. I hope I haven't misled you with bad information about the 4k panel from It looks like it will work, but I would do as much research as possible before ordering. Also, maybe contact the support team there. If you do get one and install it, let me know how it goes. I may still do this mod on mine.
  7. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    I think I might pass for now on upgrading it, the 120Hz might make a difference afterall, and to be honest having an Xbox One X now and a 4k tv means I don't have any real demand for 4k on a laptop. And the risk of damage I don't want to risk it, might think about it in the new year!
    Bobbert9 likes this.
  8. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    Is this a 40pin connector for the monitor? Contemplating changing it now, but wondering how scaling would be down to 1080p or 1440p on the 4k screen?
  9. kolias

    kolias Notebook Evangelist

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    I have a 4K screen 40pin for sale from my gt73vr with zero dead pixes
    They have the same pin connector but I’m not sure if it will fit?
  10. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    Same screen yes, are you UK based and how much ? How was scaling in games 4k at 1080 and 1440?
  11. kolias

    kolias Notebook Evangelist

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    I’m located in USA Maryland ,the scale was pretty good mine 1070 was around 45-50fps in bf1 multiplayer and I didn’t test it with any other game
    The colors are amazing mate
  12. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    So if I play a game at 1080 it isn't going to look all blurry? How much would you sell it for but shipping over to the UK would it be cheaper for me to go from the site that sells the screens?
  13. kolias

    kolias Notebook Evangelist

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    I didn’t try at 1080 to see it but 4K looks gorgeous....
    I saw them selling those screens for 200$,now in UK it will be more expensive I think
    You can search and see
    The price I put her it’s a steal
  14. willhub

    willhub Notebook Geek

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    What price you seelling but can you ship to UK
  15. kolias

    kolias Notebook Evangelist

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    Sure but the shipping cost it’s on you mate.
    You think that you will have problem -charging you at the airport?