Anyone done this and since they're close to the same card, is there anything special you need to do to get this to work?
for all I know we mustn't upgrade to dell's GTX580M because of the throttling issue!
I'll be waiting for the answer of anyone tried the clevo one! -
upgrade from 560m to 570 is possible since it's the same fan and heatsink, but the 580m requires a bigger and stronger fan and heatsink, different from the one in your GT780 for sure
as a clevo p150 w/580 owner^^ (not sager, clevo, not exactly the same) the 580 in my clevo does not have throttling issues at the cost of high temperature in stress test only (only seen in stress test furmark 96 C Oo) in BF3 the highest temperature reached is 81-84 C max which is normal, I slightly undervolted mine by precaution, you should wait for the next MSI with a 580m gtx in it (CES for sure)
That would be interesting to see whats change from the gt780 to the gt783. They basically look the same but I don't have a gt783 in my hands and my gt780 is not that old but upgrading the strip down 570m was more of a curiosity. And nobody has a video of the cover removed yet on the gt783.
again, the heatsink as well as card layout of 460M/560M is different from 570M/580M
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
But not between the 570M and 580M so Wickette is wrong there too.
You will need:
One small strip of thermal pad.
Thermal compound
What I would recommend:
Fresh high performance thermal pads.
High quality thermal compound.
TIM cleaner to prepare the new card. -
+1 Meaker, this is exactly what I am planning to do !
That's what I thought, the chipset pattern looks the same, so the heatsink should fit exact. The 570m is just a trimmed down version of the 580m. I found a 2820 for a fare price, grabbed some 1600 memory and would love to jump up to a 580m. Running two 120 gig mushkin chronos deluxe in raid 0 and they run smooth (small space but fine for me).
I do have some artic silver laying around, I'll have to get a strip of thermal pad and tim cleaner. Any suggestions for a place to find thermal strip/pad? Paste and cleaner seems to be easy to find... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I would assume any 0.5mm pad would do.
any 1mm no ? Or is it for 6990/5870 rather?
Get 1mm, o.5 wont make contact
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Measure your current pads. It's just that with no pads the heatsink will mate with the chips directly so I replaced all the pads with 0.5mm ones to ensure the best core contact. I saw this on the ATI/GTX560/GTX570 heatsinks.
I've got the guy selling me the card throwing in some thermal tape and paste but would like some backup. I'll keep surfing to see if I can find some. Going to tear apart my perfectly good laptop next weekend...
Are you getting a CLevo 580m ?
Thats possibly my second issue, not sure who made the video card, trying to find out. sneaky suspicion it's a dell and I don't know if it will work.
I got a dell as well, they look exactly the same as Clevo one so only need to flash with Clevo vbios to make it look alike.
And you had no problem using it in an MSI laptop? Did you have to update or change the bios to work with MSI? And if so, what did you use?
I just got the pictures for now from the seller, it will arrive next week so will keep you posted about the progress
Okay, so your in the same boat as I am. Guess we'll figure it out as it goes.
If I were you, I would ask the seller where is the card from, just in case
And he gave me the answer that "they work in Dell systems with no vbios modifications", which makes me think two things, he doesn't know and/or they probably are Dell gpus
lol good guess, but does he know you want to install it in a MSI ?
What laptop does he have ? -
He does know and he's a reseller of what i'm guessing is surplus stock.
paul1ow, I'm wonder if you could flash the gtx 780m with the vbios from the msi_gt783. You talked about flashing the bios from a dell to clevo, can't see why you can't flash from dell to msi.
From what I have seen, the latest dell and clevo 580m look exactly alike. James_2k reported he has been able to flash to clevo vbios from his dell 580m.
Anyway, just got the confirmation that we will have the throttle for sure in our gtx580m tonyanderson1, so you'd better cool the gpu down properly. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I have this terrible urge to go for the best even if it costs a lot more but I remind myself that the actual difference in the end is not that large ^-^
I just think it may be better to save the cash for the next generation of GPUs. -
Running a 570m right now, so yes, it's a small jump for a chunk of change, next step up would be a whole new laptop till the next generation of gpu's after the 580m, which would also most likely have the new ivy bridge or whatever but it will be a 2k plus price tag.
I always get the urge for the next best also... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well unless MSI make another whitebook and you just move everything over....
How much have you got out of your 570M? You are at the level where by overclocking you can beat any stock mobile single card in existance. -
After reading your response again, I have yet to over clock this card. I think I'm running 650/1300/1500. Never pushed it as far as you've got your so far. Maybe I'll just upgrade the cpu and memory, over clock the gpu a little more and call it good.
Does xoticpc, gentech, powernotebooks, etc sell the gpu individually?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The GPU can be flashed to go from 0.85V to 0.9V which usually lets it hit at least around 800mhz.
Nop, straightforward installation.
Spending ridiculous bucks to go from a GTX 570M to 580M, this close to an all new generation of GPUs (which very well may themselves work in the MSI, and cost the same as a 580M) seems extremely shortsighted.
Has either one of you guys that are getting the 580's in got them up and running. I'm interested in taking one of those 570's off your hands if they are up for sale.
But it was fun doin it....and the next generation will probably be a while.
I'd sell the 570 but just in case there is some slim chance in heck I still have a warranty after changing parts, going to keep it around.
Upgrade gtx 570m to gtx 580m on MSI GT780dxr
Discussion in 'MSI' started by tanderson, Jan 6, 2012.