Hi !
I have a MSI GT73VR with an 1070m I would like to upgrade to 1080 or add a seconds 1070m
I don't know why there is no tutorial, i did upgrade on my GT70 and GT72
Thank !!
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
Do you think there will be no issue with the both 1070?
Buy a new laptop cost me a lot -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
But if you did manage to install it and hook it all up properly, there should be no issues as the system will use the same drivers as before and it should identify the card without issue
The bigger problem is that SLI in general is quite janky and will introduce a lot of stuttering into games. The average fps may increase drastically, but i dont think the 1% lows will change, if anything it will get worse and you will have an overall worse gaming experience than if you just opted for an upgrade of a singular 1080
i believe the singular 1080 upgrade uses the same heatsink as the 1070 one, and it is just plug and play and it will be fine -
Thank you for the reply.
What do you mean with "1% lows"?
I want the 1080 but i need the power cable too and there is no way to finde it... -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
1% lows is the minimum framerate and fps that the game will experience while playing, this contributes to stutter and the overall "not smooth" gaming experience, even if you have 100+fps but have an occasional dip in frametime/fps to say 40fps you will instantly feel the game stutter and chug along which makes games very unpleasant to play. SLI increases frametimes as it needs more overhead to run the two graphics cards together
There is a reason why sli is basically a dead technology for gaming now -
Ah ok i understand now thz 1% about thz power i speak about the cable on the card, i saw on YouTube the gtx 1080m does have an internal cable to the Mainboard, like 5cm lang. I seach on ebay and google but didn't find.
better try TDP tweaker + 1070 mod ,.,identical performance GTX1080
but need hwprogramer
or your 1070 works bad ? send any bench or results
GTX 1070 -1850mhz lock / stock vbios -
my recommended is for most game HALF/sync "60FPS"
or some games + G-sync 120HZ -
and gtx1080 upgrade - heat sink / PSU 330w / gpu must have small power cable
and SLI ? to many money .,.,better buy RTX 3000 series + any new notebook -
Yes you are right, it's will cost nearly the same, BUT i sure you understand the challenge?
About the TDP tweak i readed 3 time the post, I'm afraid to do it, it's often the problem, i make 1 to 1 the tutorial but at the end it don't work
this not helps .,.,tune up what have "need only time + skill"
or new notebook - RTX 30xx -
I heard a lots of people saying sli is ****!
I check the new msi laptop and saw no more mwm... I'm so disappointed -
and on GT73 + EC mod "when draw to much power" ,,..,this reduce CPU
try bench writen above and send results " i will send my config"
1070 still works goodbut modern games need - half/sync 60fps target here
or full support for g-sync
and cpu - static "4GHZ" or more and all works smooth -
your is identical .,,.try bench and determine your performance state
use maintenance or OC - similar like my results
upgrade i think not have benefits ! or new notebook is better "but not THIN notebook !!" -
stock 1080m vs 1070m
but consider the TDP difference "180W vs 115W"
there are some games at the end and results
benefits from upgrade not exist ?? -
MSi GTX 1080 doesnt need power cable. Running one in my P750FM right now.
MSi 1070 is very capable if you grab a programmer and adjust the TDP parameters.
Still playing my games as desired, only cyberpunk 2077 needed to be tweaked everything else I play so far hasnt had much issue.
Deep Rock Galactic, Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dragon Quest IX are what have been in my rotation lately.
While I am happy with my GTX 1080 for now, I also had the MSi 1070 in my Alienware 17 R1 and was very happy with its performance after flashing and tuning, a lot of performance left on the table. That all being said, be sure to do your homework and take precaution while you go through it. Its not difficult but doesnt mean you shouldnt understand the process.
EDIT: SLI is dead so dont bother with that. -
or old revision have thin 6pin in right corner for 180W stable tdp
Last edited: Dec 7, 2021 -
and what would happen to solder this power cable on the GTX 1070
edit // Reciever
please what kind of hwprogramator did you use and everything worked as original?
or must mod drivers for this modded vbios
I am planning flash my 1070 but hard find in this country normal HWprogramer ,.,.ch341a + 1.8V is possitible find easy .,,.but this not works well ???
,..,next is EC on MSI .,,when i raise D-gpu this kill my CPU OC probarly
and slot maximum capability "heavy long usage" 150W max or is safe from slot 200W+??Last edited: Dec 7, 2021 -
You will want to look at the Pascal TDP modification thread here in the forums for proper details and feedback. -
maybe it's from SLI
one is normal and one + this power cable for stability
but it's weird what i saw before in CLEVO vbios
all is 125W max in vbios ! ,,but clevo gtx1070 have 8 or 6 pin this power cable and run on 150W
msi variant for "1070" from SLI + this power port ??
this not exist ????
or what is this GTX1080 ,.,old revision ?
6RF / 7RF it looks like they have this gpu "cable exists"Last edited: Dec 8, 2021 -
I owned a MSI GT73VRE with a 1070 and was looking into upgrading to a 1080. It is possible but it cost about 1600 dollars USA https://eurocom.com/ec/upgrade(2,427,0)MS_GT73VR
I didnt think it was worth it even when this laptop was fairly new so i enver did it. MSI was not very helpful and basically told me you cant use the 330w power brick which Euro com said it worked. -
Looks like a 1070? How so? Just because its MXM? VRM's and mosfets are in opposite locations, which means the die is non standard to any other as well as having RAM surrounding the card. The MSi 1070 has standard RAM layout and has less spill over. The only thing in common is a finger. Saying the MSi 1080 I have looks like a 1070 is like saying a Ford Model T looks like a D-Series Honda because they both have four wheel and a steering wheel.
I really have no idea what your opening statement is trying to convey, I dont believe I made a reference to specifications relative to any other 1070. Merely stated that the MSi 1070 is the best iteration of 1070 MXM. If you take issue with that then you will need to provide some receipts, if you agree with that then you really need to work on communication.Tenoroon likes this. -
Thats because there is only 1 P750FM in the world. a 2.5 second google search and that the GPU uses 185w.
I dont like to appear to be "flexing", but w/e. Your receipts are above.
Pascal modding threadLast edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2021 -
,.no want gtx1080
but exist HWmod "solder this power cable " on regular 1070 or exist MSI variant 1070 + this power cable ? "like clevo"
and you think 200W 1070 vs 200W 1080 is big difference ?
post "17" here is vs 115w and some games is few FPS different
all these upgrades are not worth the effort ,.,.only possitible "if all works normal" - TDP tweaker ,,but that's why I have reservations!
what is safe from MXM "no power cable" 125W or 150W ? or 200W ? "long full usage !"
for this we need good info ???
all UPGRADE posts -- i think best is buy new modern notebook
.,,.all upgrades or tune up is only for sentiment on old devices
editLast edited: Dec 11, 20214W4K3 likes this. -
Increasing the TDP of the 1070 can basically put you in line with the 1070Ti iirc Which is pretty close to 1080 levels and the MSi 1070 is hands down the best one out there due to how robust it is.
This is mainly due to the MXM 1070 having more cuda cores than the desktop counterpart.
As for what is safe for high power consumption really depends on the model in question. Clevo tends to have more laptops that fit that description but Im sure there are many other specific models, Im just not aware of all of them. You could take a look at the MXM upgrade sticky and wee what has been documented.
I can understand both sides of the Laptop upgrade problem. For most its their way of saving money that usually doesnt work out, while the second is just simply upgrading a laptop that you actually like using. For the most part people put the 1070 anywhere between 150w-170w TDP I think there was a few that used the full 200w but I cant recall them at the moment. -
rtx3060 or similar gpu .,,.and all is complicated / limited hw on ebay :/
premium notebook "upgradeable" but only what is possitible upgrade is RAM / HDD
if you find 1080 cheap + cooler and 330w PSU ,,.its OK
but for me is this price for new notebook -
how much does it cost ?
but it looks nice
SLI cable no need ? .,,.i not see him "gt73 7TH SLI" is linkLast edited: Dec 11, 2021 -
,.,.but still need new 2x SLI GPU for SLI connector ,..,right ?
my gpu not have this connector "or any single gpu + TITAN by default"
and SPEC - 2x 230W "dual box"
330W for 230W gpu"s + 30W system + cpu ? or must be limited TDP on card "special vbios here"
but maybe yes -
my not have this port .,.,similar is my stock vbios is 3A !! .,,.and it is the same for all TITANS seen
AC Adapter 2x 230W adapter
or 7th GT73 /GT75 official spec
try check GPU v1.2and need one more heatsink ? you need 2x new "oem 1x gpu is 6pipes"
SLI 3pipe per gpu core + SLI compatible gpu
even my cooler for VRAM covered "missing sli port" !! - 3x new cooler is possible !!!Last edited: Dec 11, 2021 -
here is my card "GT75 7RE" .,.,.and all what i seen in "1x gpu config" not have SLI port
and all users reported + 3A vbios "OEM" ,..,not 8A "this is chinese mod" for repair boost bsod - GTX1070
full upgrade RE -- RE SLI
another 230w + dual-box ,.+ 2x new gpu "SLI compatible" + 2x new cooling + some next small parts
....and this still not must works perfect
or GTX 1080 example GT75 RF
not have SLI port !
https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?...-graphic-card.317892/#lg=post-1814678&slide=0Last edited: Dec 11, 2021 -
SLI is dead anyways. Mgpu is the standard now and very few titles take advantage of it.
Better to just adjust the tdp to 140-150w, tune for card and call it a day. Better that than chasing SLI.
I could understand if the purpose of the machine was for playing dx11 and older titles. -
and some power problems "and I assume that OC for cpu is extremely limited here"
this is just a matter of clarifying this thread.
best upgrade is
I think so too Tdptweaker "when works good" ,.a similar upgrade on the GTX 1080 is useless
but depend on available parts "and price"
but the same formula still applies
new cooler / PSU / GPU or SLI - you exchange everything "if you not have SLI compatible gpu"
or i can send 125W compatible vbios GT75 /73 - 1850mhz/0.893V "no crazy limit" .,.some games + g-sync 120FPS / some half/sync 60FPS and all run smooth
1BE1 ver1.2 from link above "no sli port" ,.,.nvflash compatible
this is best way
my backup "gt75 7re" 3A /8A"native locked 0.893V" 29 - 125W
for 125W thanks
cuneyt1984 ! works fine
or this i using now "but + custom voltage curve" ,..,maximum for NVFLAH way "1850mhz/0.893V custom lock via AFTERBURNER" // 100W 7820HK around 4.5GHZ "on 230PSU / and 330W tested"
Last edited: Dec 11, 2021 -
i try find same 3dmark "in @Coolane results" for full compare
will see .,,.if it's worth the risk via mod vbios
a lot of users forget about the first post -
.,,.this is problem ?? "SLI vs no SLI gpu"
or how to connect cable here "when there is no clip"
and my cooler is also incompatible ??Last edited: Dec 11, 2021 -
GT75 Titan 8RF
AC Adapter 230W adapter / 2x 230W adapter (for SLI or i9 CPU)
GT75VR 7RE Titan SLI
AC Adapter 2x 230W adapter
GT73VR 7RE Titan SLI
GT73VR 6RE Titan SLI
AC Adapter 2x 230W adapter
if you mean spec for 7820HK - all is identical
but is possible 330W works ,.I'm not taking that from you .D
but what about the SLI connector ?? for this exist any info ?
added more SPEC /repair INFO "There are still customization for the countries concerned !"
this is from MSI USA -SPECLast edited: Dec 12, 2021 -
exist two variants GPU "SLI and no-SLI" ?? -
It's unfortunate this thread got so venomous for no real reason.
I still maintain that adjusting tdp of the existing 1070 is the best route to go for a cheap tangible performance increase. The msi 1070 is bar none the best there is, as with any modification I would do the homework and get to reading.
My first flash was bad and so I just re flash the backup and look over the steps to see what I may have missed, and re-engage after that. -
from what he wrote at "msi forum"
,.,he'll be back in a moment
I'm waiting for SKYPRO
.,.but exist any valid compare "modern" ,.,.my 3dmark is free and buggy "non-steam"
i trying to find 3dmark what @Coolane used "but this is PRO or older app ?"
and still must keep on mind EC FW limit.,,.when i raise GPU 150W+ this probarly kill my cpu OC ??
or I'm waiting for the old problem "CPU + GPU load + AC" still discharge fast my battery.
I have to think about it
edit .,.,or this is valid for compare ?? "desktop vs mobile vs max q mobile" GTX 1070
or GTX1080M "probarly 200W" vs GTX1070M "probarly 115W"
some games is 10FPS different on normal setup
"in ultra is GTX1080 better" but this is possibly from faster vram / TDP
GTX 1070 + 115W - in extreme usage 0.8xxV ,.,crazy limited gpu.Last edited: Dec 16, 20214W4K3 likes this. -
3DMark 11 Performance
its valid ?
this is my "no modded" GTX 1070M + OC /under-volt lock
i try re-find - last version
fire strike dx11 or "fire strike ultra" for better compareLast edited: Dec 16, 2021 -
But in my opinion, benchmarks are no longer reliable. The best way is to compare fps in games with others, for example on youtube. -
it's not so much for me as it is for the users here
before they start spending unnecessarily on upgrades and others parts. My is stock notebook + OC " I only use better heat paste 90C MAX "
and all games works smooth
I found out a long time ago that every pc port is crippled you is need mods / edit INI / or patches / or lower detail for notebook gpu "without real reason"
recommended check "when you have problem"
and Frame Rate fix vs games / gsync ??????? "on GT75 120HZ"
g-sync works random for some games "range must be ideal 90FPS+" or not works and some games is fully incompatible.
i think best for this old notebook "gtx1070" is adaptive half v-sync "60FPS target"
120HZ fix - 60FPS RATE
in NVPANEL "per profile or global"
monitor type - FIXED
vsync - adaptive half
60FPS rate is supported for all games / ultra setup and all works smooth and nice
this is my recommended for this TDP / cpu -4CORES is now dead "my is 100W OC ! " .,.,ideal for this config - 60FPS target
or some games G-sync / 90-120FPS range
or for better working "120HZ" - TDPtweaker "150W or 200W" - 2000MHZ core / 2250 Vram" .,,.my custom target after mod !!!
.,.,.but there is a problem
GPU cert / g-sync / others works identical after mod ?
EC FW limit ?
lifetime for such a TDP ?
CPU OC compatibility ?
and maintenance / noise in gaming "my current is 3000RPM target - no helicopter"
or results here is "stock vbios + 150 offset - new curve 0.893mV around TDP 115W-125W" // and I played a lot of games and everything was OK !!!
GT75 7RE "1070M 1.2VER" 120HZ /1080P
OSD - overlay in 3d "real-time monitoring"
for better setupLast edited: Dec 17, 2021 -
my score TIME SPY - 6040points
but FIRE STRIKE DX11 is 11500points
when this compares vs link above "notebookcheck"
in TIME SPY - better than DESKTOP .,.and in FIRE STRIKE DX11 is my gpu maxQ
but my app not works normal ! " warning about missing UAC"
and FIRE STRIKE not utilize fully my gpu ?? "but probably is this test for boost 3 / low usage"
.,.,real gaming is little different
EDIT .,.repaired
FIRE STRIKE 15784 points "1850/2000mhz/0.893V/125W - 58C max"
https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/69638631Last edited: Dec 17, 2021 -
Only way to upgrade the older machines is to look for damaged machines like the $600 GT75 8RG I found, smashed lower inner case and cover, palmrest! There is one constant and that is Pipelines. More Pipelines=More Bandwidth=More FPS. PeriodLast edited: Dec 23, 2021 -
We've been down this road before.
Upgrade MSI GT73 SLI
Discussion in 'MSI' started by tataddd, Nov 24, 2021.