excuse my English but I am from Denmark.
Can someone explain how I update my VBIOS from dos.
Im having problems with fuzzy screen display when i connect a second monitor, and as far as i can see, MSI newest VBIOS should fix this.
I've made a bootable USB key, using the HP USB boot utility program, but do not know how to go further.
So if anyone has experience with this, please make me a guide, that is like foolproof.
just download the file from msi and run the file with .bat extension
The folder contains followings files:
BR38815.001 - 131.072bytes
fVBIOS.bat - 28bytes
atiflash.exe - 1.875.456bytes
checksum.txt - 8bytes -
that is the file my friend, just write (under dos) fvbios.bat, press enter, wait 10 secs and done!
I will try that.
Do you have any experience with this update on your own laptop? improved performence ect. -
can you tell me where did you get that .bat file??
I downloaded it from MSI's Officielle site
MSI Europe ? Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Mainboard, Graphics and more -
it says that it's not compatible with 64-bit
but I can't find a 64-bit version of it on the site
I've tried it in command prompt. or command prompt not same as DOS?? how can i enter DOS??
You can make one with HP USB boot utillity program.
Then copy over the files and restart. and then type fvbios.bat
I just did it half an hour ago, and it fixed my problem.
Thanks for the help.
Updating VBIOS on GX660
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Linaa, Feb 28, 2011.