I purchased mine GT70 2PC dominator (Gtx870m) Yesterday and tried to update mine BIOS.
I succesfuly updated it to the second newest BIOS Date: 2014-3-04 E1763IMS.50T
MSI Global GT70 2PC Dominator
This is the link where i downloaded the BIOS now i got one question which Update File should I use for the latest Update ?
There are two files one says: If your system BIOS version is E1763IMS.500 ~ E1763IMS.509, please must update BIOS to E1763IMS.50A first.
Another says If your system BIOS version is E1763IMS.700 ~ E1763IMS.709, please must update BIOS to E1763IMS.70A first.
The problem is mine BIOS is now E1763IMS.50T I am not sure which File I should use could you guys help me out?
I apologize for my poor english
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It tells you in the notes, one is for raid as a default setting, one is for ahci as a default setting.
However your bios is newer so i would not flash an older one. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I was going off the version number myself but maybe they are being odd about it.
Either way any particular reason you are changing it? -
I thought I might need to upgrade the BIOS aswell but it didnt solve my problem either. BTW I didnt do the EC Reset after I upgraded my EC Firmeware I did it 10 hours later(could this cause the problem)?
And something off the topic : does Powernotebooks.com offer international shipping? I am living in Austria (europe) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes we do, the EC you flashed should have been partnered to a corresponding bios, they should always be updated at the same time.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Not a problem. Make sure you always get both updated at the same time. Flashing again is a good option if a couple of strange things crop up after an update.
Hi, I have the same problem, my touchpanel is not working after I flashed EC update from here: MSI Global GT70 2PC Dominator
Could you please tell me what should I flash to repair it? I'm a newbie, and I don't even know what should I search for -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Flash the other one, for the correct version of your bios. Follow the instructions carefully and don't update it again without needing to for a specific reason.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Cool, always worth triple checking when working with firmware.
Updating Gt70 2PC dominator Bios
Discussion in 'MSI' started by wiinner, Apr 17, 2014.