I had ultimately bad experience with MSI repair service and still don't know what to do, please help me!
My laptop started to be very slow and since it was still a few days before my extra year warranty expires, so I considered claiming for repair. I sent the laptop on 6.9.2014 to the Poland MSI support service. It turned out that laptop was soaked with water (probably wet table) and I had to pay for replacing Keyboard and Mother board. I was totally fine with that, it was my fault in the end, so I paid around 250.
They sent my laptop back on 25.6.2014 (this is important date) from Poland and it came to me in the beginning of July. I had hard VGA issues straightly after (screen got flashy with colorful rectangles occurring randomly). I have sent the laptop for claiming for repair again on 15.7.2014.
They replaced VGA card without me paying for the service, so I was happy. I had my laptop back on 11.8.2014 fully working (Important fact: warranty for Motherboard and Keyboard from first repairing was not increased by the time of the second repair period!)
On 30.8.2014 my laptop suddenly was unable to start, like if there was some problem with Power supply (my wife is other person who can prove it). Here comes the point I made a mistake and did not reclaiming repair immediately (I did not know that MSI can turn so alibistic). Over a month I was using my company's laptop instead, since I was in hurry with my work and I put the laptop for reclaiming again on 3.10.2014.
After short period guess what? They told me, that Mother board is broken! The same motherboard which they put into my laptop within first repairing period, which was not use even for 2 months. They want me to pay again 250. They told me that the warrant of repaired component is guaranteed for 3 months from the time of sending the package (25.9.2014), and any additional repairing is not increasing this period. The most funny thing was that no one informed me about those conditions, they told me they simply don't need to (I was not able to find a single instance of this crap on the web)
Tell me guys what should I do know? I know they installed component which was not able to face the warranty period of three months in real use. They turned totally alibistic to get of their responsibility for corrupt componentThe end of the story is, I have to pay 44 for transporting corrupted laptop back to me
TLDR; I ended up with broken component (mother board) for which I paid initially 250. It got broken after several months (in real use less than 2 months!) and for the new one I have to pay again the same price. MSI terms of conditions for the repairing after warranty period made a huge impact on the situation (actually I was not able to find single instance of those conditions).
MSI repair service trauma : MSILaptops
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Anyhow, you say, "I was not able to find a single instance of this crap on the web", or "actually I was not able to find single instance of those conditions". Well, it seems pretty clear to me that the information was readily available to you, and ignorance is no excuse. Really, it's all right there and explained on MSI's Global website. READ CAREFULLY!
Warranty Information
Warranty Extension Package
Limited Warranty Conditions
So perhaps you need to fuss at yourself a bit..... just say'in!
Problem of people like me is simple, that we are not lawyers. I personally didn't know about many things before this experience. I didn't know the warranty of repaired hardware in authorized service is only three months after standard warranty period and I didn't know it is not extended when some other repair period will come in between this interval. Basically I was reading the link you posted about "Limited Warranty Conditions", which I didn't find before and I still have difficulties to find the part about "not extending warranty, when some other repairing process will take place within the three months warranty period of other hardware". Can you help me to identify this? I simply did not know that when my VGA was in repairing process, that my Motherboard warranty is going on. I can find this highly irrational. I think this is not fair and if they would really care about me as a customer they could inform me about that. About ending time of warranties. What's more that guy on the service was really making his job without any emotions. During VGA repair process (second one) I was kindly asking him to inform me, when he sent the package back to me, just to inform UPS, since they have trouble to find me on my address after first repair process. He said OK, but he did not do that and thus I received a package over one week later. This is another thing I am made about, if this would not happen I would have my laptop much much sooner.
I am very pissed off that you as a normal person have no chance to be prepared for the things like that. Simply you cannot know every piece of law at proper time, it's unrealistic. And they proved to me they had no interest in satisfied customers at all. It's only me now who knows they installed hardware which was not capable to even reach the warranty period, but it's me again who ended up with it. So it's me who's in checkmate now. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
The VGA issue, and FREE replacement of the card has nothing to do with the motherboard replacement, or the conditions noted above. The VGA card replacement did not extend your warranty. As a matter of fact, if I am reading your story correctly, MSI was very nice in replacing this card, because by this time, the VGA card would have been out of warranty. I assume they replace the VGA card, to eliminate any claim of their liability, when they replaced your motherboard. In any event, the VGA card was replaced FREE, and this does not extend your overall system warranty..... nor the motherboard warranty.
I hope this helps..... though I can sympathize with your situation, I cannot see that you have a grievance with MSI.
Not extending warranties of components during other repairing period is, as I said earlier, just not that fair. And is even not explicitly stated in the paragraph you posted above. They could repairing VGA one month, second month they could repair Power supply, the next month monitor or something else and I could get the laptop after far more days than three months with broken Mother board. They are also covering themselves with the day of sending laptop, and not the day it arrived to me.
My biggest concern still is, that simple they didn't care about me from the beginning. I was not a customer for them, just a pure number. It would cost them nothing to inform me about the rights but simply they don't care.
I am adding last more thing during the process why I don't like that MSI service and the proof they don't care about you as a customer. During first repairing period (when laptop turned out to be soaked by water) I paid also for replacing the bottom cover. I paid for it as well. Suddenly they stated they put the cover without PCMCIA slot. I was in shock. They didn't ask me if I agree. Why should I get the cover without that slot, if I had one in the original cover? And the invoice bill didn't say anything about getting cover with different slots. They just put it as a final thing before me. I asked them if this is normal to act like that and if they could give me cover with all the slots it had before. They did something with old cover, the one they invoiced me to be replaced. I don't know what they exactly did at all. But please do not try to persuade me that I should be tolerant to them, since they were not to me. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Good luck!
darn it...
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ok, you have correspondence and invoices..... unfortunately those will do you no good here. Why not appeal to MSI? Why to this forum? Also, surely you know all warranty's have terms and conditions? Again, they exist, and are posted on all MSI country websites, and being ignorant to the conditions. doesn't make them null and void. Sorry, but ignorance is a bad argument.
Tell me something...... other than ranting to a whole lot of strangers in a forum, precisely what is it you expect to achieve here?
If you want to have it straightly, it's pure despair. I already wrote to MSI support, but god knows how many days it will take for them to finally respond and tell me that they wont do anything. I am currently writing a letter to headquarters. Actually at the moment, I am trying to just gather as much info as I can before I pay 44 € to get my broken laptop delivered from Poland. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Sorry to hear about what happened. It's unfortunate and unexpected that the repaired notebook had broken down again after.
Otherwise, any one can claim warranty after 10 years, and say "oh, but I only used the computer once" which creates a loophole so it is always ongoing.
Try to request to speak to a supervisor if you can, and be polite while speaking to him to see if you can be offered a second chance. That's probably the best route to go because MSI in this story is not at much of fault. Their fault would be a bad quality repair thus why there's an extended warranty to cover any potential issues. -
Ultimately bad experience with MSI repair service
Discussion in 'MSI' started by rt_hideaway, Oct 13, 2014.