In this Threat i wanne share my blueprint for a massive copper cooling mod for the GX740/Akoya X7811 with you Guys![]()
First a little solution of the situation:
with an OCed 5870 and an OCed 940XM its nearly impossible for the default 1 Fan cooler to handle the heat.
With a Laptop stand you can drop the Temps about 10°C but i wanted more...more OCing, more Power, more FPS.....and less heat![]()
The Things you need:
1. the will to do that
2. about one day of time (most time for waiting to dry the adhesive)
3. a copper plate (bought a 0,5mm 60x30cm @ local Hardware Store)
4. huge mount of ram heat sinks (50 in my case)
5. thermal adhesive (i took Artic Silver)
6. a metal shears and sandpaper
7. a pair of nippers to form the copper plates
Building the "THING"
i give here a short explanation... on the pictures are more notes!
1. Uncover the back of your NB....![]()
2. take the sizes of your free space (there is enough)
3. Cut the copper plates to fit the space ( remember->dont cover the screws)
4. Use the nippers to flat the plates
5. Use the Sandpaper to polish the egdes (real sharp)
6. Test if the plates fit (on that point i put a little plate on the 3 power circuit of the CPU)
7. if everything fits...let the plates rest and go over to the Ram Heatsinks
8. you must get rid of the sticky tape for better cooling, in my case i put them in the Icebox (-20°C) after 2 hours i could easily scratch it off! (Thermal adhesive better than the pad tape thing)
9. Mix some adhesive and glue the plates (without Heatsinks) in the cooling system. (wait about an hour to dry the glue)
10. fit the heatsinks on the plates without glue (to watch if all fits)
11. Mix some more adhesive to glue the Heatsinks on the plates (now wait about 3 hours to be sure all dried perfectly...)
12. When all finished you realise that you Backplate does not fit anymore...
in that case build a new one damnit![]()
I used a aluminum grid (Hardware Store) and cut it out...not the best looking but easy to built.
Here some pictures from the setup and the conclusion....testing right now...more infos will hands are bleeding from all the Keyboard Hammering.
Attached Files:
Hope these 6kg of copper works !
I am waiting to do some mods after my warranty expires..........
NICE !!! -
This mod is made with full warranty Guys...
You can change all back and exchange all Components if you got an Hardware failure! I just extended the cooling surface to get rid of the extra Heat...
btw its about 500g of copper -
thats about 1/6 weight of the notebook itself. -
So the testing is running good so far...
even the temps are ok @ 3400 MHz but dont have time for gaming right now!
more to come...Attached Files:
Nice mod.
How much is the temp drop? -
to my privious config its middle of 8°C drop!
So now my 940XM can realy run 24/7 @ 3400 with a max around 85°C.
Before it was for benching porpous so high and with 93-96°C nearly to a shutdown...
When i pu the clock down to 2800MHz on 4 Cores its around 71°C...thats like my old 740qm @ standart freq.
So 1000MHz more at the same temp.nice indeed!
Loocking back to the original Config with the temps i think the Overall cooling performance could be increased by 20-25°C -
lol I love projects like this. Nice job. +rep
Im a little confused right now
Can this mod realy be so good?!
All the Temp. tests i made so far where on the CPU.
Yesterday evening a gamed around 2 hours with Crysis 2 which is a real good Temp. testing utility
After i returned to Windows my max. temp on the GPU was 67° all the last gaming times it reached easyly the 80°C in Hardware Hungry Games.
The last time furmark give me a max of 86°C. Real high but still in the yellow zone (green < 80°C yellow < 90°C red > 90°C). !!!btw this was not EBM!!!
OK ran furmark for 35min now and the max i get is 71°C!
EBM comes next...stay tuned -
well well running Games and Furmark EBM for 2 days now...and what can i say!
EBM ends @ 75°C after 1 hour of running.
btw. the mod with all materials cost me about 30 ~ 50$
summarized i really can recommend everybody this modification because its cheap and you can upgrade your hardware to the max. possible.
Next i will try updating to a 6970m.
cheers -
I Can't wait !!!! I really can't wait
)))) Finally, when you succed, all the gx660/680 fans will have to slober over that !
GOGO MS1727!!!!! -
indeed +1 for you
Automatikjack Notebook Evangelist
Thats quite an addition there, talk about beastly cooling indeed. I wonder what would happen if you went for an aluminum/copper mix to try and get the best of both worlds...
Either way it seems that removing that panel as most of us have noticed, bumps cooling up quite a bit. I've actually taken the midrange approach instead of your extreme option, I just havent taken the time to post this.
Cool guide though man, talk about pushing your dollar to the limit!
Question though, how does that grid fare for staying on? I imagine without too much effort you could hot glue some small washers into the grid as placeholders for the screws so you can secure it much like the older panel.
For an added bonus, I think you should spraypaint it and try to match it back to black, or maybe hit it with some rhino liner to give it the same texture and color! -
This is something im working on right now...The grid is nearly unstable without little washers because the screws are realy tiny. After second or third unscrew the grid looses its hold! but so little washers are rare in our Hardwarestores...i also tried it in a model train shop! Any one an idea where to find that little ones???
And the painting is the last step of the beautification -
I bought 1.5mm copper plate and shaped it so it can fit into gx740 nicely. I've drilled some holes to force some air flow, without this holes, air that is normally blowed from notebook cooler would not reach some internal parts, eg cpu power circuits and other stuff that needs cooling, i may add some more before final mount. 1.5mm copper plate is thick enough to do the job (i hope so). My target is to run 920XM @3GHz@4Cores below 85'C to feed future cpu intense games enough. I have another copper plate that will be fitted onto GPU heat pipe after i upgrade it to 7xxx series (i also hope so).
Some of you may ask why i will not go for extreme mod like archewendler, simple, i want to keep my laptop with back cover on, still have mobility and not to afraid that if i shake it harder....insides will fell apart
Updates are coming next week when i will have more time to do this steady without rush.Attached Files:
Great mod! Should I ask, how much of thermal adhesive was needed? Was 5 g enough? How about the VRAM heatsinks - are they on some thermal-tape or on the adhesive?
Thanks. -
Alumina Thermal Adhesive will stay attached forever." I worry about this because if I need to rma my laptop, I won't be able to take off the ram heatsinks, thereby voiding my warranty. -
Hi Folks,
1. i never used the hole tube of adhesive to glue my cooling! i needed about the half of the tube to get it done.
2. like i wrote before you can get all mods removed even with glued adhesive
the secret is called COOLNESSin my case its my lovely IceBox.
You can unsrew the hole cooling unit, put it in the icebox tiktak waiting about 2 hours and you can remove the extra coolers.
Sure you need to scratch off the rest of the glue but it should work fine. -
Classic moment in uses of copper, right on!
I´m working on Revision B right now after i realized that a second Fan can probably get the temps down a bit more.
The last Summer Days in Germany are cooking my 940XM to near 93°C @ a room temp. of 29°C. Thats why i decided to rearm this Mod!
Searched a while on ebay to get such a thin Fan (max. 8mm high).
Its an Forcecon F.....-CW something (cant read all of the sticker)
5V 500mA silent and working
Unscrewed the cooling system, build everything back to original, fit the Fan, solder both Fans together on the plug!
Reconfigured the Heatsinks on the Copper plate to optimize the airstream...
Glued everything together again...and testingAttached Files:
i remember that you have told me that outside temp really doesn't matter...or it was @darkstorkmz ?
what are your idle temps in this 29"C hell m8 ? -
Room Temps. are important for the cooling system (cant remember told you that) tested the original Mod with ~20°C room temp!
Idles @ 48°C at the moment...working on that -
Hey AscheWandler, I've got the akoya x7811 too and I'm planning on maximizing it's performance. I already bought 8 gb ddr3 1333 mhz ram for it and getting a ssd within 3 weeks.. although I want to do a proper copper mod, could i maybe have your steam/skype/msn/facebook to talk with you. I have to discuss some things. Forum replies are too slow for me to wait for an answer. Could you please contact me as soon as possible: skype: piotr_tekien, msn: [email protected], facebook: Piotr Tekien, steam: piotrtekien. I'd prefer you to contact me on steam but please respond soon.
Hey Guys just a short note from my X7811.
He died last weekafter a bad Bios Flash from the unlocked to
the original one...
No Chance to reanimate the EPROM crashed...
If anyone is intrested at the cooling system send me a note....
All other parts will be sold from Thursday 8 PM at Ebay Germany!
Rest in Peaces my friend
Cheers -
did you try to flash the most recent msi vbios?
No the 5870 is allright...the Main Bios has Crashed!
Just got my x7811 back from medion after it had an idle temp of 85°C.
(them buggers flashed my bios back to 10b, whereas i had 10f)
Now I'm looking at the most recent gx740 vbios from may 2011.
Anyone ever try that? And if not, what are the chances that it'll brick my notebook?
Also the EC firmware is 4 iterations ahead of the x7811...
Ultimate Cooling Blueprint GX740/Akoya X7811
Discussion in 'MSI' started by AscheWandler, May 20, 2011.