i have a serious problem, and maybe someone can help me...............................now MSI have done it...........they tell me to update the BIOS & EC Firmware to fix my issues (audio problems, and randomly restarts of the USB, and the notebook it self.
They send me the files from google drive, but i download the ones from there web site to, and tested with both, and after updating the BIOS, "Bam", it doesn´t boot from the MSI logo, it just stays there.................i can only access the BIOS............ for F******** sake..............is there anything working on MSI drivers and tools section?!!?!?!?!?......................come on.........................so......i talked to the store and i'm going to return the "dam" notebook, and wait until ASUS releases something with the ultimate skylake processor...................for a notebook that cost me 2700€, there are too much problems to solve, and even if they want to solve them, they don´t have the correct files to do it........................
In a last despair..........i have one last question........does anyone have, or know, where can i find the previous version of the BIOS??????
i know it ended in XXX.108, because the new one is XXXXX.109....................maybe if i find that one, i could update again the BIOS, and downgrade the version.................it´s my only hope to revive it.........until i deliver it tomorrow......................and stay without notebook for more then a mounth................
Anyone have that version, or know where can i get it?
Thank you very much my friends in advance for your kind help
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
Al_Jourgensen, Keep this topic so that someone can help you. Cross posting is not allowed. Please be patient so that other users can read and try to help you.
The problem you have right now is that after updating BIOS, the laptop boots and then takes you to BIOS instead of booting to windows??
I had the same situation with my GT80 titan. I had to set the boot order to something different and change the fast boot to off or something like that, restart the machine, then set the boot order correctly, restart and I booted to windows. It was a weird thing.Al_Jourgensen likes this. -
Was your GT72S shipped with RAID enabled? if you can still access the BIOS might check to see if it got reset back to AHCI after BIOS update. That's why it doesn't boot since it can't find the bootable drive.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Why MSI asked you to download the file through Google Drive? Which MSI branch is this?
The newest version is 10D, click here for official link.
Code:Changes: Add CPU Hyper-threading & CPU C states in BSU Advanced page.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Good Day ALL,
My Name is Vijay and am from india , i found a person posting me this thread on one of my youtube videos. so i came here to reply up
i am the owner of MSI GT72S 6QE Dominator pro g with latest intel skylake 6820Hk and GTX980M.
To be Clear the Bios Version 105 and firmware version 103 which is factory installed and it works fine.
However Bios Version 105 doesnt enable g sync if you have a g sync model.
i tried updating to 108 but it resulted in MSI logo stuck at the time of boot,
So i rolled back to 105 bios version. however i paid for g sync and i couldnt able to use the option, so i contacted msi support
and after a week they released a new bios 109. i updated the bios 109 and g sync is working now.
Note: Dont update the bios or any drivers until you have a problem on that particular topic.
Currently 10D bios is up. but am not gonna update the bios on my pc.
my currrent bios and firmware versions are
bios 109
Firmware 103
Check out my youtube channel for more information
If you find this topic helpful , please subscribe to my channel for more video updates on MSI GT72S -
Please be patient , its not a serious issue, i faced this problem in the second day of purchase, since broadwell and skylake processors are new ,
they are still under optimization. but i have mentioned the BIOS AND FIRMWARE Above for My GT72S 6QE
Best Regards
Vijay PrakashAl_Jourgensen likes this. -
Al_Jourgensen likes this.
I'm not sure if the newer MSI's have the option in bios, but make sure UEFI is enabled for boot and not legacy.
I just replaced my card and I panicked a minute when it wouldn't boot.Al_Jourgensen likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Newer doesn't always mean better, but there must be something that are being fixed by MSI, and since it's also reversible therefore it does not hurt to go to 10D.
Al_Jourgensen likes this. -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
My friends....i thank you all for your replys, but i give up, i talk to NVIDIA, MSI, REALTEK, some Technicians from the store, as i´m a technician to..and this is beyond comprehension....
So i give up, and i return the laptop, and get my money back
I write to MSI, so they can do there homework, i´m going to tell you what happen, 1 week without any answer.
it´s pretty shameless a machine like this, be treated like garbage from it´s own factory builder.....
I warn them, but they just don´t care, so i´m just waiting for someone to buy the damn laptop, and start with the complains that i guess are from the entire branch.
As for me, 2 months without laptop, plus 3 weeks of headaches, and now God knows when i'm going to get a similar laptop......it´s a nightmare
1st time in 15 years, i could kick the ass of ASUS for good, and now, i have to wait for the G752VY with I7 6820HK.........it´s the only thing similar that can get here in Portugal.......
only the G752 I76700HQ, is the one arriving until the end, or beginning of the next month..........real marketing genius.........
For F******** sake..............Jesus Christ..................i´m going insane with all of this events
as for the topic reply, not even if you change your BIOS to 10D, your firmware to XXX.106, it´s useless, and with so much try´s, i was getting a BSOD, in the beginning of the installation of the chipset driver, my 3D stereoscopic options missing from NVCP, and my emitter it´s not installed properly, because it was recognized as a Nvidia 3D sound device........i disable the "boot secure" under BIOS, to install an advised driver from NVIDIA, no way jose......and this was made always coming from a factory, or windows, or hard disk partitions restore.
Related to the audio problem........i notice that any driver detects only 2 analog sound outputs, so the problem is here, you have to let windows update do the job, and then you will get the 5 inputs that are embedded in the notebook, you can see that in the audio properties.
For the rest, 1 advise, don´t install nothing manually, because nothing is going to work, and only with windows update doing the job, you can get this more or less fixed, except the Nvidia 3D options, if you have an external display like i do.
Another thing, update the BIOS to 10D, it has no effect, but it will stay updated, it´s the only thing that you can actually update, and flash it twice don´t forget.
Thank you for everything my friends but i just had to give up.....
Now let's go back to Asus.........F******..........and wait for their "masterpiece"....Jesus....maybe next year i get my christmas present.......if we were living in an era that had no means of fast transportation, it would be understood..........but not this........ -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Have you tested your system using the stock OS with the same issue?
Normally, the stock OS works perfectly fine without any issues. -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
Well the stock OS was giving me the installation of the Nvidia emitter problem, as he at the beginning was working fine, but with all the BIOS updates, started to mess up with the emitter, so the only solution was to install new nvidia drivers, in here everything was fine, the emitter was detected etc, but in the NVCP the 3D stereoscopic options disappear, the only solution Nvidia had give me was installing new drivers, but i already had install them, so since i give up, they give up to.
Regarding the audio, it was working fine, until you plug in for example the headphones, it immediately lose the sound from the notebook speakers when you take them out, so, only with the windows update installation, this problem could be solved, not even with new, or old drivers could get this to work, as i said, it only detected 2 analog inputs, not 5. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Did you do a clean install of the OS when you started having issues with the stock OS?
Were you also using an external screen for 3D viewing/gaming? -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
"...and this was made always coming from a factory, or windows, or hard disk partitions restore."
"except the Nvidia 3D options, if you have an external display like i do."
I have an Asus PG278Q -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Have you removed Nvidia drivers completely? Then reinstall it?
Have you also checked with Nvidia directly about it?
For Realtek issue, please also remove it completely and use the latest version to try again.
Don't use the one from Windows Update. -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
Let´s go trough some points here, you have to read my post Al_Jourgensen, Yesterday at 3:47 PM to understand what i have been through......with 2 units, exactly the same.
As i stated regarding the Nvidia driver, i talk to them, they advise me the new driver, i had to disable the "secure boot" in BIOS to be able to install that driver, so the problem is that the emitter is installed properly, but no 3D options in NVCP.
If i made a clean factory reset after this, and use the OS drivers from factory, the emitter is not detected as a 3D stereoscopic device, but is detected as a 3D stereo sound device with a (!) point, in the device manager.
Because of this you need to install a new Nvidia driver (NVIDIA advise me to do that, and only that, MSI do it also), or else it won't recognize it.
Even if you install 3D vision driver separately, the issue persist because the emitter is installed properly but no 3D options in NVCP appear, so we are in a loop here, or you get one thing, or you get the other, you cannot have both (this occurs since i updated the BIOS to version 10D, from XXXX.108 that came with the laptop). When i had the XXX.108 none of this happened with the OS factory drivers, not even if you update them via Windows Update.
Regarding the Realtek problem, you have to realise that even with the BIOS updated or not, the issue is always the same, it just takes one thing to get the problem, plug in the headphones, and then take them out, you instantly stay without sound from the notebook speakers.
As i stated i notice that any driver detects only 2 analog sound outputs, so the problem is here, you have to let windows update do the job, and then you will get the 5 inputs that are embedded in the notebook, you can see that in the audio properties.
Everything in here only works if windows update, do the job, i can assure you, that any, and i mean ANY driver that i installed manually didn't work, regarding video or audio issues, and with the same versions that Windows update installs.
But if you let windows update do his job, everything goes fine, the 5 inputs are detected in the audio section, but regarding the Nvidia problem, i think it was the change of the BIOS that is causing the problem, and i can´t get back with older or new drivers, to have 3D options, or the 3D emitter properly installed.
In the store where i bought the notebook, they tested everything, with the 2 notebooks that i had to return, and the same issues were detected, but they also said that in other versions of the Notebook the GT72 line, that they don't have any issues installing any drivers, what is odd in all this situation......
I can in fact realise 2 things, or the notebook is too much advanced for the existing drivers, or the BIOS is all messed up, i´m still waiting for an MSI reply, if they want to do their homework.
They have the notebooks, the serial numbers, the technicians, and everything they need to figure out what is going on, they just have to do it, and have a closer contact with their resellers/retailers, and it´s a big mistake don´t bother with this, because if they had bother with this, maybe the problem was already understandable, and fixed.
I really thank you for your patience and attention to my case, you and everyone that is sharing their problems. -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
But i thank you for sharing your issue, because i had it to.
thank you for you attention -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
Just one last thing that i forget to mention.......after all of this........when i was religiously following the install procedure of the drivers in MSI web site, NOTE - After all of this happened, when i was going to install the chipset drivers, i got a BSOD and no chipset drivers were installed.......how about this one? And if i installed windows 8.1, to see if the drivers are more compatible with that version of windows, at least the sound problem continues in the same way.
.......Jesus...............W.h.a.t. a. N.i.g.h.t.m.a.r.e......Last edited: Nov 17, 2015 -
To be honest, you have a very peculiar set of issues that are not resonating with a lot of users at all. I think the order in which things are being carried away is part of the culprit, because I have noticed I have issues updating a couple of program of my own in which I have to reinstall and reboot a couple of times to get it properly working.
Your issue is more how many things happened, instead of the individual issues presented. Just be patient and hopefully you can solve itfor example, my audio was updated with the latest windows 10 upgrade that just released, and it broke completely my sound and made Sound Blaster no longer work.
I had to reinstall a different driver, reboot, install a new program (they now use nahimic) reboot, finished installing everything and reboot a third time and now it all works properly.Al_Jourgensen and Kevin@GenTechPC like this. -
Typically, I'll install my drivers in this order:
Intel chipset drivers
Intel Rapid Storage
then reboot
then I do graphics (Intel, then Nvidia as mine has Optimus) and then reboot
then networking (Ethernet/Wifi)
Then all sound components
Other peripherals (keyboard, SD card reader, MSI specific drivers)
Then reboot.
If available, I'll often install the latest BIOS and firmware after the graphics.
I've had minimal problems this way. -
Al_Jourgensen Notebook Consultant
I thank you both for your attention and consideration,
My problems are in fact odd, i never expect so much problems with such machine, i forgot to mention that i had randomly reboots also, and randomly reboots from USB external discs like i was plug them in and out........there are so many problems that i lose myself on all of them...........but i talked to MSI to see if they want to do their "homework" and try to see what is happening, so i can buy the notebook again, and this was the answer:
"Both units that you purchased before are on the way to the MSI´s main repair center, located in Poland.
Here, our engineers will determine if there is some issue with both computers. These units are coming from a distributor called CPCdi.
So, i´m going to wait for further details on this, and soon i get something i will reply here everything.
thanks a lot to all of you out there my friends
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Al_Jourgensen, Nov 4, 2015.