PLs help i wanted to buy the msi gt627 bt i have come to know that the gt628 is better ... i llive in india and my brother i cuming from usa so i have told him to get the msi gt627 for me and he will come by april 25th sowhat should i do .. wait for the gt628 or go with gt626 and will the gt628 release in time
karankohlithehot1768 Notebook Enthusiast
If you do not intend to overclock take GT628, if you intend to do so take GT627, and save money
The difference is only the GPU, wich on GT627 can be oveclocked to that one used in GT628.
Cheers. -
karankohlithehot1768 Notebook Enthusiast
bro how much difference is their in both of their graphics capabilities .... is there a big difference .... and is the gt627 ffuture proof as far as gaming is concerned
See Here. Bottom of the page - my posts
I have to add something, that I've checked later - GT160 is 55nm production process wich it means that it can be even more overclocked. But I don't think this pleasure will cost it's prise.
As far future proof of gaming - there is no such thing. Ofcourse it depends on what quality you preffer to play that game. If you are like me and want to play almost all games on max quality, you'll have to change you machine every 6 months, otherwise - 1-2 years. You never know what game will come on the market tommorow. -
-the 160m gts graphic power is somethin between 9800 gts and 9800 gt(even more powerfull than gts!) while it uses resources as low as 9800 gs.
-the 628 also has nvidia hybrid-power that can save energy a lot, but i don't know 627 has it or not.
-628 seems to have DDR3 rams instead of DDR2 -
That's news to me, where did you read that the 628 has hybrid GFX cards? That might be worth waiting for to get much more battery life.
Be clear: the GTS 160M is a 55nm 9800M GTS with the power consumption of the 9800M GS.
Gt628 is delayed til may early. I made a thread about the delay . Sigh.
I find it in here:
at the end of article.
It is a great tech that is truly needed for all of gamers but sadly the 160m only has nvidia hyprid-power (that cans turn off the main 160m card and uses an intragted low-voltage card when not gaming &...) and not the other one that can use both intragted card and dedicated parralall when needed extreme gaming! -
i have a question:
"does this model like its pre. only comes in red?" -
Most likely, it will be in red.
I think it's going to be worth the wait. Since, I don't really like overclocking. I'm a type of gamer that my rig needs to be fast already and no need to overclock just to play smoothly on crysis. Oh well, here goes another month of waiting. I always wanted a sager with a 9800m gts like my brother, but, I can't seem to have enough money for it. Now gt628 will come with 160M GTS similar to 9800M GTS, so I guess I'm gonna be patient. Goodluck to all that is waiting also. -
What sort of battery life extension do you guys see from the hybrid graphics card?
That might be one reason to hold back and wait for it in my case.
URGENT !! MSI gt627 or gt628
Discussion in 'MSI' started by karankohlithehot1768, Mar 12, 2009.