Hi everyone!
I have a MSI GX600-061FR therefore with a Turbo button. A few weeks ago a problem with strips of RAM I have to return to the mobile VAS for replacement strips.
I received the laptop today. The problem is that now I have a crash with a blue screen when I activate the turbo mode!
What can I do?
Do I again return to SAV?
thank you for your help! : D
english please? most of us don't understand french
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
EDIT: no longer needed since its in english now
no one can help me ?
Its possible somethings bugging out, CPU or RAM, unless your suffering from overheating,
Does the GX600 allow fsb ram changes? -
Excuse me catacylsm, but I'm not so good in english.
It's not a problem of a overheating : Temp sesors are all normal.
I don't understand that do you meen by "allow fsb ram chages". Can you explein please ?
:-D -
Did you change the percentage in the bios ? -
Dead2th3world, do speak french ?
Like i said, I received the laptop today from the manifacturer. I don't know what they did. I only know that they changed RAM strips and they seying about a bios update but i don't understand what bios they are specking about.
What do you meen, by "change the percentage in the bios" ?
How can i do ? -
Hmm, your processor and ram has the actual speed of the northbridge/ram/cpu, i don't actually know what there main task is to do (Good this came up, i'ma go learn it.)
So your CPU fsb will operate at say 800mhz, your ram can operate at 800mhz and your mobo will follow that through too(I think.)
So when you overclock, your speeds go up because of these numbers, your ram and cpu will increase, so northbridge also goes up because of processing through there,
More pressure, risk of a failure occuring. -
Merci for this explanations catacylsm. But it's not notmal, before the turbo mode was working well. It's after ram strips changement that this problem occured.
what can i do to modify if necessary the fsb ram ? -
I just lack practice .. but my understanding is flawless
Anyway , I thought you changed something through the bios for the turbo feature , but nevermind ..
Just curious , where did you get it ? -
Kool thanks.
You mentioned something about bios , they want you to update it or they did it already ?
I'm 100% sure it's the ram , try re-seating it. -
How re-seating ram ? -
Why did they update the bios if all you wanted was replacing the memory ?
Take it off and put it back in.
Before doing that , try loading the default values in the bios , save and exit and try turbo again. -
how to load the default values in the bios ?
restart your pc , press delete at start up , once in the bios , load the default values and exit.
ok ! i will try right now. i will back.
ok. i load default values but it not change anything. If i open my notebook the warantly will be stoped.
an others ideas ? -
Still crash on turbo ?
If you still have warranty left , then ship it back .. explain to them what prob you been getting since their stupid memory upgrade and bios. -
yes, still this crash on turbo.
I think that you are right. I will ship it back for the second time.
thanks for all ! -
Hope it gets sorted arut!
It has to be the memory , i too had the same issue with my previous set of rams but none since i change it myself.
Bonne chance -
Yeah i agree, the chips just give up if they wan't, my case here too, they won't take any pressure (Except the new hyundai/hynixx, me a happy man!)
Turbo Mode => blue screen : GX600-061FR
Discussion in 'MSI' started by arut, Mar 23, 2010.