Okay so I've been trying to pick up a properly working unit of a GT 70 with a gtx 680m, because it is better performance wise than say the new hasswell series with the gtx 770m.
Unfortunately, I've been running into severe problems with that!
First unit I picked up 2 days ago was a GT70 0NE-882BE for 1699, which wasn't too high a price to pay for such nice specs, 12 gigs ram,bluray, the works...
Seemed to work flawlessly at first, but after about half an hour it just suddenly totally stopped working. Power went out and it wouldn't budge anymore at all, not even the battery would charge. Checked out the AC-adapter with the multimeter, it was supplying power just fine, so the day after that bummed out I went back to the shop where I got it from, where I was given two options: wait for msi to fix it (waiting 3 weeks after having used my product for maybe like 30mins? like hell I will...) or receive a gift coupon for the notebook's value and pick another one, which I did, this brings me to the next part of my msi adventures:
So finally getting home again after another long drive I open up the box with the almost same unit, minus the bluray drive, dual killer wlan, and 8 gigs of ram instead of 12.
This time around we're talking about the GT70 0NE-643BE. Okay it installs okay and at first I'm quite happy it's still alive after the first half hour!![]()
But then I notice a strange buzzing noise coming from what appears to be underneath the left side of the keyboard, and sure enough... there's another faulty msi, yet again! The buzz seems to lessen/ go away when I change colors/ turn on the lightning and strangely... when I force the fan to spin faster using the touchkey for that.
What is up with these computers? Am I seriously this unlucky or is msi having serious QC problems?
A few other things which have caught my attention: The touch controls for shutting down the screen,wlan and eject dvd-tray are not working.
The wlan doesn't even light up upon touching it, the others two do but they don't make anything happen.
Seriously, how faulty can one series of notebooks be? I thought msi was supposed to deliver quality... I mean, this isn't a 500 notebook anymore.
The only issue my 2010 849 Sony Vaio notebook ever gave me was needing a new paste-job and a fan blowout and it's still going strong under heavy (light gaming) use.
I'm kinda really annoyed now... I've spent so much money and time trying to get a new decent gaming-notebook and I'm still left without a proper functioning device.
Anyone else having issues with their msi notebooks? Specifically the GT70 lineup.
Are you buying these used, or as demo models or remanufactured? These laptops are a great value buy -- about the best there is in terms of performance (features) per $. They also happen to be pretty high quality in most respects.
The most common issues you hear about are: bad factory thermal paste and a low quality fan that can be loud. I have yet to read anything regarding the types of major issues you are experiencing aside from the utility buttons. To me, some of those buttons seem pointless (one launches PowerDVD) and I think I have one that might not actually do anything. It would be one thing if we were reading post after post about people experiencing crashing and power issues, but we are not. Don't give up yet. -
i'm pretty much in the same boat as you my friend. i got the new gt60 and the video card crapped on me. i had to send it back and now going to wait about 2-3 weeks for replacement.
I'm buying these brand new from a pretty big Belgian retailer, well that's what I was expecting yeah... I mean, I did my homework and did quite a bit of research on msi notebooks.
I really don't want to give up on msi notebooks, because I love the way they look and they generally feel really well build, but with the troubles I'm facing... it's becoming pretty annoying.
I mean I gave up my db drive,4 gigs of ram and my dual network card to receive a working unit that I can enjoy right off the bat but instead I'm experiencing problems again straight from the start. I really don't feel comfortable with the idea of having to send it in for repairs and still be unable to enjoy my new lappy.
I'm hopelessly trying to perform every step I can to resolve the buzzing, not too bothered with the buttons as that isn't all that important to me, although technically it should obviously work.
Can't open it up either to have a look, as it would be voiding my warranty. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I think the OP could have more appropriately posted in the GT70 0NE thread. Creating a thread such as this (Troublesome GT 70 Notebooks or just plain unlucky?) only serves as troll fodder, bashing, and venting frustrations. This absolutely does nothing to rectify the problems.
To answer the topic question, the OP is obviously very unlucky, as can be seen with little light reading from the majority of happy GT70 users. Flawed units are a fact of life, shipped by every manufacturer, this is an unfortunate production issue, and of course they try to prevent this via quality control measures. Some of this can be sorted out by purchasing from a custom building reseller, but some defective units even slip through there hands. Welcome to the real world! Rather than complaining, whining, or venting with threads such as this, why not focus energies on the remedy, and afford the reseller or manufacturer the time to meet your satisfaction. This is possible, and a likely result if you exercise more patience.
The OP has also identified the GT70 0NE, an older previous edition, yet seeks to broadly question all GT70's. Also, the comparison with a 2010 Sony Vaio is interesting, though not in the same league with the GT70 0NE. Flawless is what we expect, but not always what we get. Heck, I am still using an older GT783 I am very happy with..... no problems whatsoever. I too owned (SOLD!) a GT70 0NE, experiencing none of the issues the OP describes. However, at the time, I did not like it's power mgmt., the 180W PA, and experienced mild to moderate throttling when stress testing. The newer GT70 2OD is significantly improved with latest-gen tech, is more powerful with better power mgmt.,and the manufacturer already seeks to improve it with bios and firmware updates.
As to arcticreaver, I think your situation could have been circumvented by Xotic, and it's a shame it will take them another 2 to 3 weeks to remedy this.
Anyhow, I think it is more productive posting in appropriate threads, and you may even find consolation or good advice fellow owners.
I agree with you! It does sound like thinly veiled bashing, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and figured he was just really frustrated after getting burned twice. If the OP is not embellishing anything, I think there is a good chance he is dealing with "B-stock" and/or a shady store.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
It's normal to be frustrated, I have had my share of Asus, Sonys, MSIs lemons over the years and my many hundreds of notebooks used haha. But as striker said, lets focus on getting solutions and not just bashing. Obviously just because we get a lemon doesn't mean the whole brand is awful or anything like that.
I have used the search function, but wasn't able to find a thread for the 0NE series, if I had found one, I would have obviously posted in that thread.
As far as any perceived bashing is concerned, that really was indeed not my intention, as I mentioned before... I do like the msi brand a lot, for the reasons posted above and well... research online has shown to me that they deserve credit. Plus, I've never had any msi board failure in any of my own desktop builds. This is all the more reason why I am pretty surprised getting burned twice on the same series, I don't think that it's illogical that one starts raising some questions when having this experience.
I was also wondering if someone might be aware of an easy fix for my buzzing issue, as I'm not too bothered about the minor ones, but the buzzing can be rather annoying.
Especially because it kinda kills the point of having a backlit keyboard if you're unable to select the settings you want to have because it creates a more annoying buzz.
Anyway, I'm trying to get everything as up to date as possible hoping it's a software related issue, but I'm afraid it won't be. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Thanks for the link, didn't come up in my search... probably because I specified "GT70-0NE" to be in the thread-title.
I'll try my luck over there! -
Go to any of the subfourms in this forum. Asus, Clevo, Alienware, you will find people with problems no matter what brand you are looking at.
What you should be paying attention to is how many of these "issues threads" can you find. Since most people tend to go to a forum to complain or try to get help with a problem, you can get some idea how reliable the notebooks are.
As for MSI subforum, you won't see many complaints. Nothing out of the ordinary here. So I am thinking you were pretty unlucky with your two units.
Now, put your tinnfoil hats on, here comes a question: the notebook you recieved from the shop, could it be that the 0NE they sold you had some issues but they thought you were just gonna go along with it? Since its only a minor issue. Not taking it to a repair center first sounds like too good service to me
Here where I live they would have tried to fix it atleast 3 times before giving you a new one.
You were probably just unlucky though. Just me letting my suspecious self think out loud lol -
Okay guys I've got another update here!
So I've sent this unit in for repairs, but because I didn't like the idea of waiting on it for 3 weeks I got another notebook from MSI instead, because I know a person who's interested in buying it from me when I get it back anyway.
I got one from the new haswell series, the MSI GT70 2OC with the gtx 770M thinking I couldn't get struck by lightning 3 times in a row... well, I did!
This one seems to have a faulty fan! Don't believe it? Here's my proof to back it up: msi gt70 failing fan.mp4 Don't worry it's only 24mb it's filmed in 480p.
"Luckily" I should say it is working perfectly fine otherwise, so I'm just going to buy a replacement fan myself, because I really do not feel like sending in another one for repair!
I got this one in another store in another town by the way.
Should have stayed with my first MSI I guess... a couple of months back I got a good deal on a GX60 with a 7970m but I felt the cpu was a bit weak and I sold it on as well.
That one never experienced any issues, I'm saddened by it though... having had 3 out of 4 machines fail on me by a brand like MSI. -
I think your first problem is buying laptops so far away from where you live! haha. If you bought this new one in a store, make a trip out of it and exchange it!
I try to, but the problem with that is that most nearby stores only have middle-lower end class notebooks in stock, because there's more demand for those in general.
Every single one of these was bought new in a store btw.No refurbs unless there's a way to get a refurb when the boxes are both still perfectly sealed.
You know, the brown shipping one with in that one the actual notebook box.
I'm just going to order a new fan on Ebay and replace it myself, saves me the trouble of waiting and wasting time.
Although I can't really find a fault in the fan when I open it up, must be something internal that I can't get access to because I've dissassembled it as far as it will go (down to the washers) and lubed it up but to no avail.
At least that way I'll finally have a working notebook.Although I must admit I'm getting doubtfull about whether or not to go on using it... my trust in it has kinda been hurt a bit needless to say.
Troublesome GT 70 Notebooks or just plain unlucky?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Zenonx85, Jul 17, 2013.