I'm thinking about ordering the GX640 today since I've saved up an andequate amount of money. What I'm wondering, though, is if the temps are really that big of a problem? Alot of people on here seem to think it gets way too hot. I've been reading about a few other problems on here too, but I'm thinking those are just a few bad units.
I'm replacing my Vostro 1500 which surprisingly lasted this long (I had the defective 8600m GT, got CRAZY hot). If I could deal with that thing, I'm sure I could handle this. I don't see another good deal for the price.
What do?
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
I currently STILL game with a defective 8600mGT that starts throttling when it exceeds 90C...
The laptop clearly stays under 90, and for the ones who have gotten OVER 90, there is no throttling whatsoever.
I say go for it. -
the only thing i can do is compare the gx640 to the asus g51jx. and this laptop does not get as hot as the g51jx. the asus seemed to be way hotter to the touch all over the laptop.
Where do you keep your money ?
Heat is not the issue , it's the people who are using it. Like ben said , go for it. You won't get better at this price. -
I was hoping to get it express from NCIX by tomorrow, but apparently you have to wait 2 days for a price match confirmation. Ugh!
Don't like waiting! Hah -
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
I think he meant that people using "the computer" care too much about heat and not much about gaming; he refers to the fact that the chips are designed to withstand LOTS of heat, within the 110C range with continuous usage.
Most people that care "too much" about Temps, are like me; that have undergone hellfire & brimstone with their throttling or dying GPUs...
110C being acceptable is definitely an exaggeration; however, the highest temps of ~90C people have gotten for MemIO while playing games are not a problem, especially considering the DispIO and Shader temperatures are typically 6-10 degrees lower.
I'm currently using the GX640 now, I don't get that much higher than 69 on the CPU and 76 on the GPU while playing Just Cause 2 maxed out on a blanket.
Proof -
I play with a defective 8600m gt, it sits on 98C most of its time, doesnt downclock either (What a *****)
Yep that's exactly what I meant , paranoia. Though I doubt it will hit 110c on a daily basis ... Remember cooler does exists.
My price match got accepted with NCIX. I price matched with Greytech computers. Saved around 60 dollars. Pretty neat. Should be here by tuesday, I'm guessing. Can't wait!
Waiting till Tuesday will feels like an eternity
Good luck
You won't regret the wait! -
My 8600mGT never had a prob, and I had the Inspiron 1520, same as the Vostro pretty much. Lucky I guess.
i ordered on the 11th of april and received it on the 24th. longest 2 weeks of my life. -
For what it's worth, as soon as this recent deposit clears, I'm ordering from Xotic. I think I'm just going to upgrade to a Bluray drive. I was going to upgrade the WiFi card, too, but I don't think I'll really see any increase in performance/range.
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
*was gonna post in another thread, sry*
wow, did any of the posters to this thread even read the title?
The op should have just changed it to, "please threadjack my posting". -
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
Multiple inputs from different aspects of the GX640 broadens the thinking space to "what do?", as OP asked.
I've been debating RMAing my GX640. I went to worst buy today and saw the G60JX and the G73 side by side. The G60 was warmer at idle than my GX640 at load, and damn that thing is hideous, bulky, and heavy. The G73 however was really nice, and surprisingly light even with the battery given its massive size. I may go for the G73 but I really don't want something that big so I gotta think about it. I still think for the15-16" range, the GX640 is the best gaming laptop out there right now.
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
I'm gonna strike your mind: NP8690.
Debate between the 3. That's where I'm at.
So to buy the GX or not to buy the GX? What are you folks waiting for? I'm still stuck in my decision.
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
I'm at this:
My computer's plugged in 90% of the time.
15'' the NP8690 has better cooling
At its resolution, GX640 is a beastits FREAKING good, but it runs a bit hotter.
You know what? Buy the GX.
There, I SAID IT.
Buy it.
if you dont like it.
Cash back!
Its that simple. -
i c wut u did thar -
I'm gonna hate myself in the morning. Who has the best return policy??? Also would 5850 be stable at 5870 clocks? Since it is the same card basically. Which would make sense why it runs a lot hotter in the 740.
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
its just 75Mhz, you could try
but be sure to post and inform us
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
And are the frames comparable to a laptop with 5870?? :O (biggest deciding point for me)
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
Same boat as DaFinest:
master's degree final yesterday (scored 100), but I have a test tommorrow, and this class I'm sitting in right now is extremely boring (Project Scope + Quality)...
I'm pressing F5 like a madman... -
Guess hes not coming back.....o well back to this paper then.
Colonel_Fantastic Notebook Enthusiast
well, I haven't received mine yet. but for the sake of the whole learn from others mistake thing, do not order it from newegg like I did. In fact, I had good prior experience with them that i actually didn't bother reading their policies.
Hasty and on the run, I ordered mine from newegg just later to discover its under their non-refundable policy standard. That means, If i'm not fully satisfied with the GX640 I'm totally stuck with it. it sucks. -
The only possible reasons I could think of you not liking it is the screen,keyboard, heat. The screen compared to that other asus looks really nice, but its basically down what you're used to. Keyboard I really don't care since I will be using a desktop keyboard most of the time. Heat is basically the major thing.Since I don't play any games that are demanding enough I guess it won't be that big of a deal for me at least. I'm honestly just waiting for ebay bing to come back or J&R to have them in stock(which has the highest bing rate out of all the gx640 sellers) then I'll make my move. -
Unless you think FurMark is a game and play it every day for a few hours, I wouldn't worry.
So, I'd like to get my thread back on topic.
Like I mentioned, I orderedmy computer last thursday, and it is now wednesday. I paid for the 20 dollar next business day shipping. This is complete bull****. It took the computer 5 days to get through all the ridiculous verification steps, and now I paid a premium to get it a week later. Should I be dissatisfied? Because I really am right about now. -
Where did you buy from? Provantage?
(need more characters) -
Complain, they will most likely refund your money.
I just wrote them explaining that their "express" shipping is bogus, and if I don't get my shipping refunded they've lost my business for good, haha.
A bit harsh? -
Harsh? Are you kidding? Harsh is paying for next day shipping while they take 5 days to actually ship it. I don't care how long their processing time is...5 days is just obscene. Screw them. If they don't refund your shipping, which will be bad business on their part, call your credit card company and complain to them. They are usually good at resolving problems for the end-user (especially AMEX). Also, if necessary, file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau ( I had a situation a couple of years back with a physically damaged motherboard that I was not allowed to return because the retailer claimed I damaged it. I filed a complaint with the BBB and I got a full refund within a couple of weeks. Serious retailers don't like threats to their reputation, especially from an organization like the BBB.
It is ridiculous. As a customer, I feel as if I was mislead into paying extra for something that did nothing in the long run. Hopefully getting it tomorrow. Purolator tracking is pissing me off too. It took my notebook 14 hours to travel a distance of 100km. Annoying? Yes.
Purolator? I'm guessing you are in Canada? Well, if you have problems getting your shipping refunded, file a BBB complaint. I looked on the NCIX site and they are accredited with the BBB, so any complaints I'm sure will be resolved fairly.
To buy or not to buy? GX640
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Chainbrain, May 6, 2010.