So basicaly this happens if i set the mutipliers higher than x37 in bios or TS when gaming. In syntetic loads like cinebench or TS bench everything is fine even with multipliers set to x40. But once i go into a game and put some load on GPU - Edp other on ring and core come up - sometimes flashing red. (x39 and x40).
Max power draw CPU is 56-57W (x37), if i go above to x38 (arround 61-62W) - edp other
PL1 & 2 are set to 230 and ICCMAX to 400 (100A).
VR Ring set to 400
6re so its a 6820hk
Gtx 1070 with the 8A Bios +200mhz core in afterburner
Did i miss a setting or faulty PSU?
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Reboot or reboot before each uninstall.
Turn off the laptop.
Hold down the power button for 60 seconds.
Release after 60 seconds.
Wait 3 minutes for MSI boot loops.
Go back in the Bios and set VR Current Limit in OC section to "800", which is 200 amps. -
I did a bios reset and changed only VR current limit in bios to 800 like you said.
x40 in TS and now i get edp other after one cinebench run. Score is 846.Falkentyne likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
EDP Other on CPU and RING means that you are encountering the VR Current Limit.
This bug ONLY happens if Dragon Center was previously installed or if it was EVER installed in the past.
Also 100A is not enough if you are overclocking. You need at least 150A. I just set it to 200A and forget it (bios value=800)test0s likes this. -
I never had dragon center installed on this machine. (or XTU)
VR Current Limit is set to 800 in bios, but still get yellow edp other in limits window.Falkentyne likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Go to the Embedded Controller (EC) tab.
Take a SCREENSHOT of the EC RAM and upload it here.
Use to upload. Make an account there. Takes 30 seconds.
Upload the screenshot then post the DIRECT LINK (there is an option there).test0s likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Go to Coordinate E3.
Change the first 10 to an 11
Test for EDP other and report back.
Be careful, the "10" to the right of that should not be changed. Has something to do with "auto hibernation"--if "E4" is set to 11, the PC will go to sleep in like an hour, regardless of what is set in your power plans.
BTW this is the GTX 1080 power ID (11= 330 watts AC adapter), GTX 1070/1060 is 10. (230 watts)
Before you make this change, if ur not busy, go download PRIME95 version 29.x
Extract it, and in the prime95 folder, find the file LOCAL.txt (it helps to show file extensions in windows explorer properties), and add the lines
Then do a 60 second SMALL FFT stress test with 100% max fan speed and test for EDP OTHER throttling.
Then do the EC RAM register E3 change (10 to 11).
report back.test0s likes this. -
After bios reset it gets triggered immediately after i set x40 in TS.
But i saw a draw of 79.3W under load even with EDP. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Is it ever flashing red?
Are clock speeds constant? -
Clock speeds stable in synthetic test but in game a had some rare drops to 1,6 ghz. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
This one should work: (1070 and 1080 systems use the same bios).
Also, try flashing the KABYLAKE EC firmware (yes it works. It's been tested by several people), 17A1EMS1.108
DO NOT use the kaby lake bios. Just the EC. The hardware is identical on both systems, besides the chipset (CM236 vs CM238) and CPU, and Bios versions, which is why it works (some Chinese users said that the Kaby Lake mainboard is MS-17A1 rev 1.1 while Skylake is MS-17A1 rev 1.0 but I can't verify that.
The only posts I saw about current limit throttling happening like this were from users that had Intel XTU or Dragon Center installed previously. Yours is the first I've seen otherwise!test0s likes this. -
I'm allready on the latest bios 10E. -
If you've got any other solutions here i'm willing to try if not i'll sett it to x37 and call it a day.
Thank you. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Can you download HWINFO64 and go to the system summary and tell me what chipset your laptop has?
It will be either CM238 or HM175.
Sorry for asking you to do all of this work.
I think I remember several issues being discussed with the "skylake" 6rx GT73VR way back, among them. There were some issues, like the maximum CPU multiplier being allowed in bios being x42 or x43, while in the unlocked "Overclocking performance menu" bios via unlock combo (or donating to SVET or manual unlock), it goes up to x80, but entering in anything higher than x43 says "Invalid range" or something, despite the APTIO clearly saying 8 to 80.
I also faintly remember something about an "EDP Other" issue with this laptop as well that was not caused by Dragon Center, but going back in the GT73VR thread, I can find no reports of that happening.
Some Chinese baidu user claimed that the Skylake GT73VR used a "revision 1.0" MS-17A1 mainboard while the Kaby Lake version used a revision 1.1 or 1.01 mainboard or something.
There was some other verified thing that a Chinese baidu user did on the GTX 1080 equipped 6RF board, as he was getting 10% battery boost drain an hour when playing Witcher 3. He enabled the intel iGPU manually in the Bios in System Agent, then set Rc6 Render Standby (in GPU power management control) to disabled, which reduced Witcher drain to about 3%-4% battery an hour, while having very slightly less FPS. I was unable to replicate this bug or any benefit to doing this on the GT73VR kaby lake system.test0s likes this. -
Says here that i got CM236 : -
MB just like you said :
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
(do the same for the cpu cache).test0s likes this. -
Also nothing in game.
Where are there settings in BIOS? Also should i set IA AC-DC loadline to 10? I know i have to remove the overclock first.Last edited: Nov 13, 2018Falkentyne likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
If throttlestop fixed it, then there is some bug in your Bios or NVRAM.
This bug is what happens when people used Dragon Center on the GT73VR. Ultra Male aka Phoenix had this problem. He had to do a full NVRAM clear to fix it. So your bios has the same bug, but I don't know what caused it. You said you never once used Dragon center.
But something has to be setting your ICCMAX manually to 70 amps.
It's good that we found a fix for you.
Are you 100% sure that when the laptop was brought BRAND NEW, that it did NOT have a pre-existing windows installation on it? Even if you 'formatted' before use, if there was windows previously on it, with Dragon Center, that's enough to trigger this bug. Most of the time Dragon Center comes preinstalled and tested by the ODM. I don't know if this applies if bought through the MSI store directly or not.
IA AC DC Loadline =1 works but you will have to increase CPU voltage manually and you won't be able to undervolt anymore (system will be unstable). With IA AC DC Loadline set to 1, your system should be stable at STOCK voltage at 3.6 ghz (example:adaptive voltage, with an offset of "0". Undervolting is only for people without access to the IA AC DC loadline setting in the unlocked bios menus.
On your laptop, the CPU VR settings are in a different place than on the kaby lake GT73VR. I think yours is in some strange place like overclocking performance menu. On the kaby lake one it's under power and performance-CPU power management control. It's there in yours but harder to find.Last edited: Nov 13, 2018test0s likes this. -
Laptop was not brand new when had another owner before me for max 30 days or so. Store gave it to me formatted and i installed OS.
But i remember when i updated to BIOS 10E i was prompted to clear NVRAM.Last edited: Nov 13, 2018Falkentyne likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Trust brother @Papusan
Papusan knows best.
And brother @Ultra Male
He was the first one that found out that Dragon Center messes up VR Current Limit in the Bios.
IF you do "Load Bios defaults" after dragon center messes it up, it doesn't fix it. On the Kaby Lake model, a FULL NVRAM clear is the only thing that can fix what Dragon Abortion breaks.
I'm just surprised that it didn't fix it on your model.
Clearly the previous owner had dragon center installed at one point, even if he claims he didn't.Papusan, Spartan@HIDevolution and test0s like this. -
Will do some more tests tomorrow and report.
Thank you Falkentyne.Falkentyne likes this. -
I cleared the NVRAM again using the 60 seconds power button press (date resets to 01/01/2016).
In OC section i set VR Current Limit to 800 save and reset.
Deleted throttlestop .ini and started fresh and voila> it reports ICCMAX to 70 amps, regardless of my value of 800 in bios.
So i have some sort of bug in NVRAM, but throttlestop to the rescue - change ICCMAX under core to 200 and its fine.Papusan and Falkentyne like this. -
Hello there. I want to make the same settings.
Can you help me? I've read most of your writings here.
I just couldn't find the E3 tab.
I would be very grateful if you could help me with what I should do.
CPUSupportsFMA3=0 -
Thank you very much for the information.
What other settings do I need to do to get the best performance? -
What about EDP current throttling? I have it appear yellow on boot in limit reasons, and when idle. On full load though there is no EDP current throttling or anything else, clock speeds are constant too.
I also am surprised that people talk about the multiplier so much when the cpu usage is equally as important in determining throttling. My CPU usage is almost never at 100% while gaming.
Does this mean it's just a poorly optimized game, seems to be most of them then, or the GPU is a bottleneck? Then again the GPU isn't running at full speed either oftentimes. **** these throttling schemes seriously.
ThrottleStop Yellow EDP Other - GT73VR 6RE
Discussion in 'MSI' started by test0s, Nov 12, 2018.