I have a rather strange problem that I think is related to the BIOS, I have a T9600 CPU the funny thing is if I power the laptop on and wait for 5 secs it freezes, if I hurry you can hit del to enter setup (it doesnt go to the setup but it goes to the post screen, it knows what processor I have, but will not do anything else, it will sit there and then a second later it will display a single pixel that flashes the colors of the bios menu, (that's what it looks like to me anyways). My Bios is 1.0E do I need to find another CPU to flash the BIOS? because it wont allow me to boot off any devices, but I can see the POST screen with Tab and I can "attempt" to enter setup but nothing else works.
Anyone could help that would be awesome.
tough to say but it sounds like you may need to update the bios. and if that chip will not let you then yes you will need a different chip. the newest bios is 1.0s i believe. check to make sure everything is seated correctly. i have in a few cases seen this when people dont fully engage the screw for the cpu or they done seat it properly.
Tried to re-seat it, same problem, anyone know the cheapest processor I can get that is 100% guaranteed to work in this bare-bone?
t9400's work great from my use. make sure to get a final qs or retail chip though. i have a few left if you need one. depends on how much is cheap to you. if you want a under 100$ you will prob have to check out a p8400 or something.
just out of curiosity...what memmory are you using?
You may find it beneficial to try a different brand for testing purposes. It is a lot cheaper to try that first instead of dropping the cash for another CPU. -
those should be fine. id bet they use powerchips ic's if so they are the same as ocz sticks which i know work for a fact. if you want to post an actual pic of the black ic on one i can tell you for sure.
But the IC's read the following:
D2 128M8GCF
0905 G7134X -
I just talked to the eshop I ordered my CPU from and I have to flash to at least 1.0S, can anyone point me to this BIOS and firmware? thanks, (MSI's site is cryptic.)
Strange problem with MSI MS-1651
Discussion in 'MSI' started by telek, Mar 11, 2009.