I own an MSI GT60 ONC-491XFR (2 years old) with NVIDIA 670MX GTX
Since day one, I can overclock GPU until ~900mhz (from 600)
Past 900, under full load, immediately, gpu frequency is... not stable at all (fluctuating from max frequency to ~225mhz (depend from max frequency) ~10time/sec)
1) Voltage? When I rise it, problem is growing
2) PSU? Power consumption doesn't exceed 135Watt at wall (180W Original PSU)
3) Bios/Vbios/EC? I tried nearly every combination, mod vbios, mod bios, beta EC with no succcess
4) Temperature is ok
I searched everywhere with no solution
If someone have an idea...
Thanks in advance! I'm tired of this mystery....
While I am not sure what is going on, remember that there is a limit to how much a GPU can be stably overclocked, even with good temps and all. But I suspect your problem is more with how nvidia manages its boost speed.
Ha, my 680M does it even when overclocking by less than 100 MHz, the stable OC is just about 60 MHz... You are lucky to get that much out!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
This is caused by the video bios, a custom one will stop that from happening.
Thanks for all your replies!
I tried with a custom VBIOS made by Klem but issue stay the same..
I want to be sure that's it's related to my 670mx as I plan to upgrade to a 970m GTX in the coming month. I'm afraid that my MSI doesn't have enough power (in pcie?) to drive this one.
I was thinking that too high frequency cause BSOD etc but than more voltage could fix it until reaching limit of PSU. -
Are you sure you flashed correctly? Not saying you didn't but sometimes a flash doesn't go through and you have to check in GPU-Z I think. Could also be you just got a 'bad' GPU i.e. not the best OC potential
50% overclock, and you expect more?
This is a strange thing. -
Yes, I verified, changes are active un GPU-Z ;-) Also, OC with vbios or MSI afterburner give the same results...
keep in mind dat ur gpu isnt the only thing dat requires power from da psu.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
you need to edit the vbios quite specifically to stop this from happening. It's the video bios.
karasahin likes this. -
So, who can do stuff like that? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
SVL7 developed the 680M vbios that stopped this behaviour.
Strange issue overclocking MSI GT60
Discussion in 'MSI' started by low9, Apr 23, 2015.