Taking a look at the GE60, it's a beautiful case with all the right hardware, but no support for the backlit version of the SteelSeries keyboard. We're told that the motherboards do not support the necessary power cord on the keyboard.
Well if that's the inly difference, why don't we just add some power to the connector?
There's a good tutorial here for a different model.
Can anybody confirm that the only missing connector for the backlit model is power? I cannot find a picture of the underside.
If so, will the standard data interface cable which DOES fit be compatible with all the color programing software? I don't see any reason why not, right?
Resellers, this may be a way to draw in a crowd![]()
Please let me know if you have info or pics!
Come on, 40 views and no replies. If we all chip in a little info, we can salve the puzzle together. Does anybody have a picture of the ribbons, or does someone else know the wiring diagram? Could another person answer the question of whether or not the software would work via the data connector even if the power is not manageable?
I think I've got a pic of the underside of a SteelSeries backlit keyboard. I'm not sure how to link an exact post, but it's on this page. http://forum.notebookreview.com/sager-clevo/658237-msi-steelseries-keyboard-p170em.html#post8460008
I don't have the laptop yet, so I can't add anything useful, but I like the idea very much. It would be amazing if you could do this.
I'm definitely interested in this for my gt683dx.
I'll do my best to keep everyone informed, the lack of a backlit keyboard is the reason I don't order a ge60/70 right this second. I'd appreciate if we could get a reply from someone who has worked with the SS keyboard, but I've taken in all the info I could get from http://forum.notebookreview.com/sag...s-chiclet-backlit-keyboard-p150em-p170em.html Now we just need some replies.
I don't know what it would look like with just the power connected.
My keyboard doesn't even light up until I run the "KLM" program. -
In the XoticPC GE70 video on YouTube they state that if the program for the keyboard is not installed it will light up, but only in white. Of course in the video they have the app installed, so I don't know if it's true or not..
Also, why wouldn't we be able to install the program once the keyboard was installed? Thanks for the reply! -
It wasn't the GE70 video, I just wrote that instinctively because we were talking about the GE series. I'm sorry to have wasted 30 minutes of your life :/ .
Here's the video in which they mention it though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCFP9TlKWqM#t=9m53s
So how is this going?
I would be interested to see if someone actually manages to input a backlit keyboard into the GE60 -
Well I contacted XoticPC and they told me they don't support it, and won't install a SS backlit in a GE even without the power connected, and I'd have to buy both if I wanted to try it myself. I'm having no luck finding a wiring diagram or anybody willing to help, so if you guys have some friends who may have an SS backlit or some knowledge about its wiring, please bring them into this. I'm sure we can help TONS of people who want a backlit keyboard in models that don't provide for them. Like the super sexy GE series. As far as software, I imagine if we get the white light working we'll know that the KLM software will work, and I don't think it will be hard to get a copy of that.
The problem that you would probable run into is the same that I'm in.. the power connector for the LED is physically not present. That's how it is on my GT680R. I've seen where there is supposedly one that doesn't have a power connector, but I see no physical way that it would be possible to get it to work. However, it may receieve power from the main keyboard slot. Anyway, let me know what you find out.
Thanks for the input Inches, the whole point of this thread is that since there is no power connector on the motherboard, we are trying to find a wiring diagram so that we can route power to the keyboard without the motherboard connector. The LEDs won't run on the keyboards data connector alone, but what we don't know is if there is a data or potentiometer on the power cable as well. Thanks for the reply though.
Ok.. I get what you're saying now. I didn't look at the modified thread in the OP. My question to you is are you wanting just to power it on or the full functionality of the keyboard, like thru the KLM software??
Prostar Computer Company Representative
That's sad :/ .
@DaCm Don't give up hope, all we need is for 1 person with a backlit SS keyboard to come on here and help us out. Or 1 person with a little knowledge on them, like a reseller.
Customized audio mode for MSI GS60 keyboard LEDs:
SteelSeries backlight mod
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Speednynja, Aug 6, 2012.