Just have a few questions regarding the MSI Wind. I plan to buy the white one with the following configuration:
1.60 Intel Atom
XP Home
1GB Ram
120GB Hard drive
Now my question is can i install my legit Microsoft Office 2007 Home & Student on this? Will it run smoothly?
Another question is how do install this since it does not come with a cd-drive. Should I ISO the cd and use a flash drive? Or just use an external cd-drive?
I only need this computer for word-processing and net surfing.
Thanks a lot for your comments. Sorry if they are rather noobish questions.
The Atom processor will not have any problem with Office... it's not THAT slow, come on
It really doesn't matter how you get it installed, you can install Daemon tools or another CD emulation program for ISO, or if you have an external CD drive that works fine as well, although I definitely wouldn't go out and buy one just for it.
I've even installed programs from my main laptop that has a DVD drive. I just stuck the CD in, shared the drive, open it up on my netbook and install. Works really well. -
I just copied the content of the CD on to a flash drive and installed it from there. As Citizen86 stated, the Wind runs Word, Excel and PowerPoint fine.
Yes, I got mines installed thur my external harddrive, in my shared network wirelessly! runs great and no problems what so ever!
Thanks a lot guys for the replies. I can't wait to get my msi wind. I was really considering getting the samsung nc-10, but i don't really need a 6 cell battery and just opted to keep it simple (and cheap).
I only use my dell studio for word processing, internet, and occasionally watching videos, listening to mp3s, etc. I'm sure the msi wind will do all i need.
I just have one more question. I plan to hook my future msi wind to a external lcd moniter. Up to what resolution does the msi wind support?
Can I get a 19" moniter with 1440x900?
Oh and what color should I buy? I was leaning more towards the white. I just don't want something that will get dirty too easily. Should white be ok? -
If you have a network just share the optical drive on another computer and your Wind will be able to use that.
Unless you absolutely need Office, I'd recommend using Open Office. It'll most likely run more quickly, plus, you can just download it.
ok. what about the external moniter? can i use a 19" 1440x900?
also does iTunes run on the msi wind with the xp home sp2? thanks guys. -
hi guys can anyone answer my question above? thanks.
I can't say for 100% sure that it will work, but it has a VGA out, so as long as your monitor has VGA in it should work fine. If it doesn't work right away you could also update your graphic drivers.
Also, I'm pretty sure XP on the Wind will come with SP3... but... yes Itunes should run... it runs on Windows, right? -
Itunes runs just fine on my wife's Pink wind. She is also able to play her sims game, granted it looks like crap to me, but it runs well enough for her
The external monitor will run fine for office and internet stuff. Again anything but Solitare is out of the question.
thanks for all the answers guys.
I've been contemplating using a dual monitor setup with the msi wind at home. Are there any good dual monitor adapters besides the dualhead2go modules? -
lol... sure, how about the MSI Wind screen and an external screen used at the same time
I don't know of any other than the dualhead2go. If you expect that much out of your laptop I think you need to think about getting a desktop. Apparently it's going to sit on your desk a lot. These netbooks aren't made to be your primary computer. They're made to be secondary internet web surfing type laptops. -
Has anyone used the Recovery DVD that comes with the Wind?
I know that the Wind has a D: partition that has the recovery files already on it but if that is removed does the Recovery DVD also replace this when it installs Windows again?
Some MSI Wind Questions
Discussion in 'MSI' started by prophetofsin, Dec 19, 2008.