Yes, the chassis is supposed to be the same as the current MS-1656 chassis.
[email protected] Company Representative
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
[email protected] Company Representative -
[email protected] Company Representative -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Perfect, can't wait for the barebones
Any idea of the battery life with typical portable settings will be on this laptop with the 9 cell battery. Typical meaning low screen settings, web surfing on.
thats probably a high estimate too. it's more like 2 and a half hours. you get this powerful stuff in a computer and it eats the battery.
My CW has an I5 520 and a 330 M and it's closing on 4 hours and that's WITH a six cell. I didn't realize such a monster video card would be such a phenomenal difference in battery drain.
edit - At least according to Notebookcheck, the 5850 is a 40-60 watt part. I have no idea where that stands on the video card totem pole. Anyone? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
5850 at idle is supposed to be quite cool
[email protected] Company Representative
OP here. K, tomorrow during my lunch break, I'm gonna call up Justin @ xoticpc, and Ken at gentech for quotes. Anyone else suggest another reseller that's good for Cali buyers?
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-- Gentech ( changed the price from 1099 to 1149! Whattttt -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Yep they moved it up $50
Also, being 25$ cheaper than xotic made up for the price of ICD7 before. Now it would be almost 1200 to go with gentech and some ICD7.
But I still can't find out if gentech has free shipping or not...anyone know? I guess at this point that will be the deciding factor.
Xotic 1123$ +(30?) shipping = 1153
gentech 1149 + shipping? = ???
Ughh I just want this thing in my hands, why am I nitpicking when my budget is twice the cost of the laptop -
Howdy. First time poster. I have been lurking around for awhile now soaking up all the valuable info being posted. Almost bought an Asus N61 until I stumbled across this beauty and all of the comments.
Just wanted to let everyone know as I haven't seen this site posted yet. The GX640-098US is 1087.32 plus about $10 ground shipping at Provantage. They had 10 in stock this morning and now are showing 6. Here is the direct link...
I look forward to hearing your comments on tweaking the laptop. Thanks! -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Nice link, will def help out the ppl around looking for the lowest price for the stock model.
Why not ask gentech to price match? (Do they price match?) -
xotic does. they might be willing to.
Xotic will price match - not on customized units but on standard base configurations.
By the way I just received my tracking. Looks like Provantage's stock is in Fresno, CA. I am in NC. Obviously no place closer.
Here is my chat transcript with Justin asking for the price match...
Me : is the MSI GX640 available now?
Justin W: The GX 640 is currently in transit to our location from MSI
me: will you price match gentech at 1099.00 and the Additional 120W AC Adapter: $55? I am ready to buy now if I can be guaranteed a unit from your initial allocation. Thanks.
Justin W: Unfortunately we're unable to price match on that particular notebook? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
I think it might be because of demand right now? They're not exactly sweating to move these things? I'm not sure
What program allows you overclocking and monitoring gpu temperatures?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
ATI has an official overclocking tool you can download
CCC has a built-in overclocking tool. For a quick Oc , just click on auto-tune. -
my score without overclock were 5054gpu score and 5400 total score
Justin @ xoticpc quoted me 1123.65+no tax+roughly28shipping = 1151.65
Also, a note, he said that xoticpc will not offer thermal paste upgrades, as opening the MSI voids its warranty. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Does this mean I can't even take the back panel off to blow out dust? That would be the first time I'd heard of a policy like that. -
i think if the reseller does it, it does NOT void the warranty.
However, if you do it, it would.
gentech and xotic should have the same rights. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
which means xotic should be able to replace thermal paste, they might already be in there upgrading the processor anyways. So the explanation makes no sense
Quick update. Just received the laptop from Provantage. Provantage does not list what battery comes with it. Mine came with the 9 cell. Also, they now have 20 in stock.
Don't tell my wife but I think I have fallen in love with this black and red beauty! -
Oooh do review
Which site would be the best to buy the GX640? I live in Canada.
pccanada and ncix are both cdn... but with the dollar right now I'm curious if it'd be better to go with an american reseller.
I was about to buy from gentech, but they rose the price...
PC Canada offers a very nice 1139 $ CAD deal... I would be safe for any frontier fees this way I guess... I just want to be sure I can trust it. -
This is your bible when shopping for laptops from resellers.
Gentech - Lifetime 9.61 / 10 (95 reviews)
Xotic - Lifetime 9.82 / 10 (193 reviews)
PC Canada - Lifetime 9.67 / 10 (only 30 reviews though, outdated)
Personally, I would go with Xotic because of their presence on this forum.. customer relations mean a lot to me. -
I sure appreciate the presence of Justin from Xotic on the forum, but that doesn't make me feel safer for frontier fees.
Oh, and I must say I like the fact that windows 7 is bilingual on PC Canada version.
Any other advices? -
How does "Provantage" stack up against Xoticpc for US purchasers? I'm in california specifically. Also, does provantage charge tax?
Dookie11 - if you're not in a hurry, Amazon has stock unit for $1100 and no sales tax in Calif. 1 day shipping to LA only added $18.
Pccanada also has a forum presence here but they tend to lurk more you could probably get an answer to a question via pm easily. Buying from pcc means you only have to pay GST, and they do free shipping, but you won't get a bag. I'd go with pcc since you are in quebec it's a lot less complicated and will arrive quicker. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Pro: it's close if you need to get RMA through them
Con: Pst -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
So which is better for a citizen of Montreal (Quebec)? PC Canada or NCIX?
Should I pre-order the GX640?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ECKS, Mar 30, 2010.