I don't know if I can do that in this thread.. (mod?)
I have an Acer 6935g with nvidia 9600m gt
I search an ati hd 4670 from an MSI ex625 or gx623 cause it's the only way to upgrade my graphic card..
Does someone want to sell one from an "old" pc or (give) or did you know where I can find one please?
thanks in advance (and sorry for my poor english)
You can search for it on eBay. I think there you will find one. Or contact MXM Upgrade Home Page they always have this type.
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Nooooo they dont.
They have 512mb ddr2 cards. Quite different. -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
I dont know but I think you could try the 5730 too, in the ex600 model thats what they used, with the same poor excuse for chassis and the same terrible cooling that they used for the ex625 (yes I do own the ex625)
niffcreature ex computer dyke
you mean the ge600? It has a MXM 3.0 slot. -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
dammit, yeah I meant the ge600, too bad that its MXM3.0 instead of the 2.1
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Yea I guess its too bad but if it had mxm 2.1 then it probably wouldn't have the 5730
Is the cooling really that bad? I'm not totally sure they are built on the same chassis, you would be able to fit a full size MXM 2.1 III card correct?
I'm seriously considering getting a ge600 because I think it can fit type B cards (yea, i don't know why i even asked about the cooling if im thinking of practically rebuilding it).
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
I have the ex625 with a P7350 cpu, and the 4670. The temps are terrible.
CPU: on load reaches the 95c
GPU: on load reaches the 95c
When I use a cooling pad they lower in 5c, with the bottom off, and I gain 5fps, when I use a real fan (floor fan) they get to 80c and the fps gain average in 10-15. It is a real and noticeable.
The most gripe that I have is with the chassis, when you grab the notebook using both hands on the sides, something that is common and safe, there is a depression, clear and visible, in the middle.
The plastic is cheap, fragile and thin. The coating at the hinges is starting to peel off.
The screen is terrible and not bright at all.
you can also check the notebookcheck review of it, they have the same complaints that I have.
BTW the keyboard is the worse that I used, granted that I have migrated from a lenovo, to the ex625. There is clear wobble when you type, Im not pressing it just to show that ''hey I have the worst keyboard eva!", no the gripe is from typing.
Im glad that I will retire this unit when it reaches 2 years, which is now.
PS: I have a problem with the power connector, its loose, and I fear that I will have to buy another mobo, because of it.
PPS: I have thought about asking someone to make me a metal chassis to replace this one, but it would get terribly hot bottom. And would sure ditch the DVD to make room for a modded cooling solution, that change would make room for at least 2 fans, but I never found anyone that could make me that chassis. And since that it uses a fairly low power CPU I dare not to put anything higher in it, except maybe a P8800.
When I bought this, I did for the guts, terrible mistake. However if you do buy one, take a look at the possibility of modding the case.
PPPS: The chassis for the gx640 has been in use for several years, the chassis for the ex625 has only lived for 2 models (ex625 and the ge600), the new ge''something something'' is getting an entire new chassis redesign, and thank god for that. -
Whenever your ex625 "retires" i am willing to buy your 4670 from you. So if ur serious about retirement. I am willing. lmk
Daniel -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
alright, it all depends on my budget which is currently on the 600 bucks ballpark and how much I can raise till the release of the:
lenovo: thinkpad edge e420
Sony Vaio SA
Or the Asus U series SB equipped. -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Is this pretty much your heatsink:
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
No it isnt. But the basics is the same, the measurements of the heatpipes should be equal also.
The differences are that the GPU is located where the ram is and vide versa, as a consequence the Cpu is dislocated more to the left.
the custom cooling solution that I thought, is to extend to the right two new heatpipes connecting both to the existent ones, and accommodate the 2 fans where the DVD drive is, this is of course dependent that the new chassis is built and that I put some screw holes for the added fans. The other problem would be the powering of the fans, for this I think the power that the SATA port provides for the DVD drive would suffice. if not I would have to give 1 or 2 USB ports.
The worst thing is that I would have to cut the touch sensitive panel and place it in the new chassis, that would be a pain to make the fit and finish in a good measure.
and the battery would have to be enclosed in the new chassis, if not it would ruin the looks of the now metal laptop. and this also remind me that the battery needs to be replaced, its been a good 4 months that it barely holds any power, it can only last less than 5 minutes.
All in all if you want to carry out this project I think its a good one, any thoughts? -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
I think its a great idea, but not with everything you think would be involved
Making a metal chassis is NOT easy at ALL. I mean I don't know what tools you have access to, but it really sounds and looks to me like you could pull off another heatsink in the DVD drive slot just by cutting through the bottom of the existing chassis...
You could try to power the new fan with the red and black wires of your existing fan, leaving the yellow one only connected to the original. That really depends on your BIOS / EC to work but its worth a try.
Another thing you could try, steal the power from 1 USB port by actually cutting the connection to the port, then wire the power from the other one so they could be shared. You would just have to watch out and not power like 2 external hard drives at once or something.
3rd option would be making your own speed and voltage control circuit and wiring to the 20v or so of your DC jack. Advantage there is you could use a 12v fan.
In any case, do you have a dremel? Cause you're going to need it
I like the sound of this mod, people don't add heatpipes enough and its been something I have wanted to try for a while. -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
Yep the idea behind losing 1 or 2 USB ports was that, but I saw the mod that Bronsky and the other guys at the acer 3820tg did to add a switch to the backlight keyboard that they modded into the 13'', and I saw that one guy soldered the USB at the back of the port, stealing the power while retaining function of the port, and that is something desirable.
The problem is the acess to a:
-2 slabs of metal - one for the screen and one for the body
-There is the redesign part that is going to be needed for the added enclosed battery, and to add a smoother line to the chassis, the holes for the screws is the ''easy'' part.
Now the problem would be as I said to find someone with the necessary equip, this has to be done a la unibody, and one uncle of mine came to my mind, he has an auto repair shop and he sends the parts to a company that designs the wheels and make them, they just carve out the wheel out of a solid piece of magnesium alloy.
The screen would have probably the same design that it has now, the bezel is so thin that I dare not to change that. And there is the issue of the quality of the screen, the problem with replacing the screen is always that the connectors that are usually proprietary, not to mention that I would like to change the keyboard, and those are also proprietary
The cost of that is going to be astounding, and due to the bad ac connector and the probable need to change the mobo, one I would not dare to take.
The other major problem is about the heatpipes, I need to ask the engineer guys at college for them to design something for me, and have it done, I wont have the necessary materials nor equip at hand, maybe at the engineer campus.
another thing that came to my mind if this can be pulled off, the SATA port for the DVD would not be used, thus I could get another drive installed there, probably I would need a mSata SSD or a 1.8'' drive.
When I think of this project I drool extensively... the problem is always the cost.
Due to the need of more mobility, Im going for my 3rd graduation and I cant be arsed to carry around 2.5kg laptop + 1.2kg psu + books, I need to change for a lighter and smaller chassis, and lenovo just delivered me that with the thinkpad edge e420s
It comes with:
i3/i5/i7 SB
magnesium alloy chassis
the quality of the lenovo keyboard that I miss so much
weights 4.1lbs
Lenovo enhanced experience 2.0 (a mSata SSD made by intel which booted the goddamn windows in 8s, this is done while you retain your 2.5'' drive, so speed and storage)
the starting price is 750.
The bad thing is that it appears that the screen is not of notable quality, the res is not something that worries me, since I grew accustomed to the 1366*768 res, and the other lenovo that I had before had a res of 1280*1024, the brightness and the colors are the trouble.
The final price of the e420s with the config that I want would set me back by about 1300-1400ish
so all in all, the money that I would spent on reforming a notebook that would come out heavier than the original is not worth it, I would easily spend that on just buying the parts and the cost of the service.
It can although be made into a pet project, I would buy a mobo for the ge600, and start from there -
I own an MSI EX625 ... but I've actually bought a EX623. I have a 4670 GX623 with a total loss for getting "free" and since the notebook is reported as "EX625". The temperatures behave just like the old 9500m GS, in IDLE mode, I have around 50 ° C (with a P8600), under load the temperatures rise to about 80-90 ° C, which is normal for a device this size / performance category.
I've been looking for about 6-8 months after the card, it is no longer available. I phoned up to MSI Taiwan, is only the HD4670 GDDR2 the EX628 to get even, but even still there, for the equivalent of about $ 250, but that was 8 months ... The MSI repair centers also send any cards, because hardly any. With defective devices are replaced with equivalent devices HD4670 (2x already in my circle of friends ever happens to one CX623MX). MSI dealers as Citosoft can not order the card ...
There is a GDDR3 HD4650 from Toshiba for the MXM-II slot, but it also costs more than $ 200, http://cgi.ebay.com/ATI-HD-4650-M96-DDR3-1GB-MXM-II-Vedio-VGA-Card-LS-5001P-/260766260211.I've oberserve a Geforce GT330M from a Toshiba A500 in the observation that there really is NOT for the MXM-II slot, but according to the pictures she has MXM-II form factor.
I hope I could help you a little.
Search an hd 4670 from ex625 or gx623
Discussion in 'MSI' started by low9, Jan 9, 2011.