How is it, really? I heard they're not using led backlighting which is a downer, since I'm having a tough time between this and the asus g51jm which does use it. Is the screen good indoors? I mean does it look vibrant? Outside is different and I don't mind if it doesn't look bright outdoors(to be expected really) but I'm just making sure the screen looks decent. Also, which is more powerful, the 5850 or the gts360?
its fine, although mine has minor bleeding at the bottom but thats pretty common on most laptops.
The HD5850 is much faster than the GTS360M. Much faster.
As for the screen: it's not bright enough to be used outdoors under the sunlight. But, if you're indoors with your lights off and watching a movie, there's no light leakage. On the other hand, most (as a general trend) LED backlit screens have blacks that are more like grays, but higher max brightness. The color is rich and saturated, though.
It's not like LED backlight is necessarily better than CCFL. It could just be a marketing buzzword, or it could be that it's cheaper to make LED backlit displays at current volumes. In any case, LED is the future, but it has a way to go before it becomes really mature technology. Right now, even the claims of energy saving haven't become reality yet. -
to some up what min said, the screen is fine. Its not something to write home about, but neither is it a deal breaker. I've noted before that it isn't too bright, but after using it for two days, its more than sufficient for indoor use.
Screen brightness on the gx640
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Satchmo2, Apr 28, 2010.