Hello, Do any of you guys know where I can find a driver for my eco and turbo button for windows xp 64-bit? I searched the internet and these forums but I couldn't find it. I really want the turbo button again, I flashed the bios and firmware and it worked in windows 7, but now I went back to xp64.
I haven't seen any scm driver work in Windows XP x64. Another member and I did tests with ex625. Tried the ex625 drivers and they didn't work. Then we tried the scm drivers from similar msi laptops to see if the drivers would work and we didn't have any success. Your best bet would be Vista or Windows 7. Windows XP x64 has very limited support with drivers.
I know driver support sucks in xp64... is there any other option to overclock my cpu at startup?
and does anybody know a program to overclock a gts 160m ? rivatuner and atitool don't work -
Well I know there are some other software you could use to overclock your cpu but honestly a functioning turbo button would be better.
It overclocks on start up with the saved profile you set up.. -
Tried that before, but I get a bluescreen when I start it up... (it only works with nvidia chipsets?)
Guess I'll be going to Vista
Thanks for your help! -
I hoping you wouldn't have to go to Vista but Windows XP x64 is such a dinosaur and it is rare any consumer uses it therefore no support.
SCM driver (ECO & turbo) xp64
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Starfight, Aug 20, 2009.