just tested with stock clocks and I got around 82-83 celcius without the turbo fan. Weird thing is when playing sc2 im always at 85 C, but not more... I thought furmark was much more stressful on the gpu? But, i am wondering what your temps are like forge, because it was my 1st time using and applying thermal paste so i might have scewed up somewhere, as the cpu temps are much improved from stock tests, but not so much the gpu...
Thanks =]
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
It's been a while since I ran a test, but at 70F ambient with only passive cooling and autofan, I think I maxed at like 82C with stock clocks. That was before I did any mods. I know I repasted--it was the very first thing I did when I received my laptop--but I can't be sure if it was AC MX-3 or Tuniq TX-4 that I used.
hi guys, i have a question. Where can I find the webcam driver for GX660R I couldn't find it on the MSI website? Thanks in advance.
hi owners of gx660r, may i ask whether could you use 2 external screen in this laptop, i mean it does have a hdmi output and vga ( which i think we can buy the converter to convert it become dvi output)
Thanks a lot for the help. Works Great! -
Can anyone take a few pictures of their GX660r next to a ruler, I would like to see the width. Is it realllly thick?
It is bigger than others 15,6 notebooks like your alienware is.
I do not have here a ruler, but side by side a gateway 17,3"
BR -
Ah thank you, and the height, can I get a picture of that as well please?
It's a big laptop then! I didn't realise, I assumed it was the same as my alienware m15x (cos that was a big laptop)
Oh and think about doing a review, I love to read reviews from this forum, it's alot more personal than the ones from blogs (commercialised). I would love to read a review from you if you have time!
I've ordered it, but haven't paid for it yet, so still in lingo. -
Affirmative Inaction Notebook Consultant
The 5870 supposedly supports the ATI "EyeFinity" Technology which allows you up to three monitors if you want.
Got me how it works though. The whole point of a laptop for me is to not have monitor screens! -
I believe you need adapters for each of the monitors, and I think multiple VGA/DVI ports, which are not available.
That being said, the 5870 can't handle 3 monitors unless you're playing the game in low detail. -
nah im going to use it for web browsing and other minor stuff, for gaming will still use just 1 monitor
Hey guys, hoping you one of you can answer my question on having two different simultaneous audio sources going at once, one through HDMI to TV and the other through laptop speakers/headphones. I'd like to be able to use the GX660R as a HTPC along with gaming at the same time. I've made a post on this and from what I'm seeing it doesn't look like Windows 7 even supports this ( Output to more than one audio device simultaneously - Windows 7 Taskforce)? Is it possible with this laptop?
Update: Is there a realtek setting for this?
Thanks -
I tried checking the realtek settings but the only two options is to tie up all input devices or separate them (like having different line in or mic).
I'll try tomorrow with my tv via HDMI and speakers on the laptop and post results. -
Thanks Ryzeki, looking forward to hearing your results. I'm trying to get myself off of TV and get rid of cable so hoping it works on this laptop.
But being realistic I don't think it works natively. I have used the HDMI interface before with this laptop, and I remember always being able to use a single sound output. Maybe it is capable and only needs a bit of tweaking or additional software. -
No problem, if you can get a chance that would be great. I've been reading a lot of conflicting information and it seems it is motherboard dependent on whether or not it works. The software must allow you to choose the different the audio sources but sometimes the motherboard doesn't give two option. Appreciate the help
My guess is it's a difference of audio done by Dynaudio and audio through SRS. -
Thanks Bearclaw, hopefully ryzeki comes back with good news that the gx660 supports dual audio as well
There is a bit of trick to it though, and there are several factors. Mostly it is just software. With windows 7 you have the choice of default device and default communication device. Additionally, you can make certain apps like Windows media player to use a particular output mainly, making it the default multimedia device.
Here is a picture of that particular feature. I played a youtube vid on my TV via HDMI with sound on the HDMI, while playing a song on my laptop speakers on windows media player.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
Nice find Ryzeki
Awesome thanks Ryzeki that is good news to hear. Hopefully will be buying this in the next week or two. Still looking into HTPC software/hardware and canceling my cable.
I just got a GX660, and I am already thinking of taking the processor out and replacing it with an i7 920 or 940XM, but am wondering what kind of temps people are getting that have already done this? Will there be a significant gain over my current i5 450m? Is there a significant different between the i7 720qm and the 920 and 940? Is there any real difference between the 720 vs 740 other than the small speed difference, because the price difference seems to be pretty significant on ebay.
Edit, how difficult is it to access the extra ram location under the keyboard? I can get a 2gb stick for 37.99 on newegg, and will be getting that as well. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231214 <<<Was thinking I'd pick this up. -
I would suggest 920 over 940 as there is very little performance difference between them and the 920 can be found for around 380-450dlrs for some QS versions. I doubt you will see much performance difference right now because Core i5/i7 are strong processors that, at least on the mobile world, are not a bottleneck for gaming. There is no difference between 720 and 740 other than 133mhz.
As for the access for the third RAM I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it. I think Forge has and it may be a bit tricky but not that difficult. -
Well after reading a post of TalonUIUC on the GX660R thread, I want to tell you guys that Windows rates our GX660 memory with the same score (5.9).
My desktop PC with 4 gb DDR2 is rated with a 6.3 lol!!!!
any help here guys? I've read on some forums that sellers are tricking people packing PCs with DDR3 1333 while only quad core i7 can support that frecuency, so any dual core i5/i7 will handle 1333 as 1066.
You can see that with cpuz reporting ram speed as 533 mhz (533*2=1066) -
I have a rating of 7.1 for my ram. I have 8gb of ram.
I think windows must have an algorithm which uses the amount of ram, not just the speed. -
My ram is rated at 7.3.
Windows Index is a joke as a measuring system, as it just compares ammount, speeds etc and throws a number. The real bench behind it is very limited and usually indicative of nothing. -
how much noise does this laptop make both on no load and under load? As per techradar's review, it sounds like you are living under Heathrow...
I don't mind moderate levels of noise but is it really loud? For example, does it make listening to music/game sounds from the speakers unpleasant?
Is it worthwhile upgrading from stock cooling to IC diamond thermal paste? And is this better than Arctic Silver? (xoticpc.com)
I'm interested in purchasing this laptop to upgrade from my current...
thanks, -
Sound on the machine will easily put to shame the sound made by the fan anyday so don't worry. When on normal usage, the fan is there but not that intrusive unless you are in a closed silent room with no other sounds. On my office, for example, I can barely hear it because there are other machines, faxes, printers, PC and I can't even hear my own laptop.
when gaming I always enable turbo fan to keep things super cool, but my speakers triumph the sound. That, or I user headphones, either way I am not bothered.
I think that stock system is quite good already, IC diamond would be only if you are interested in pushing the system over the limit. Even then, stock paste is good.
The HD5870m will be a sizeable upgrade over your current 9500m GS. It should be the change from " I can't run this at all" to " I can run this... at high settings" -
sounds like it's ok.. I was worried by the "Heathrow airport" term used by Techradar...
I noticed that with the IC diamond paste, you're getting temps of 78 deg C while gaming (70 deg with the turbo fan mode), probably with the standard paste it should be 5-8 deg C higher I guess...
By the way, is the stock wireless card good enough?
Thanks again...! -
Affirmative Inaction Notebook Consultant
The drivers and BIOS were a pain in the butt to get right (for whatever reason I had to re-flash it), but it works pretty well for me.
The money is right, not sure I'd do it again given the amount of time it took for me to get it to work vs. price of the upgrade -
Hi, this is my first post.
I bought this laptop a month ago. What is the difference between the turbo mode and the gaming mode? How many FPS are you getting in Dirt 2 demo DX11 1080p 8xAA and everything on high? I am getting avg 28 FPS. How many FPS are you people getting on crysis demo (the original one from 2007) with all settings on high and full AA and 1080p?
Crysis retail is playable all high (not very high) 1920x1080 around 25+fps average. I get over 30fps average with my overclock but it still struggles a bit every now and then. Specially the later levels like the snow levels which run around 24fps or less.
Keep in mind this is without AA. AA is a no no with 1920x1080 right now in newish games because memory bandwidth is lacking and performance will drop considerably.
hihihihihi i flash bios gx660r on gx660 hihihihihih
now power with GX660R -
BTW, how did you get your core clock to 900? What tool are you using, because the max I can do with MSI afterburner and the ATI Overdrive is 860. And are those clocks you use for gaming? Or just benchmarks? -
Affirmative Inaction Notebook Consultant
Bear - Do you have the GX or E-version of the 740? Not that I can help you with the clocks, more just me being curious
As for overclocking, I use MSI afterburner, but the program is locked at 860 clocks, you need to unlock it via modding some files of the program. I do game at 900/1030 but sadly it isn't THAT stable. It doesn't crash not die, but in some games I have noticed a 1-2 second freeze that I am sure its due to the inestability of the O/C. Rolling to 880-890 does not seem to have any issues even after several hours of gaming.
Cheers. -
Just got me a GX660. It's such a good laptop except for the screen. The screen look blurry/cloudy for some reason. Don't know if its Windows7 or the screen itself.
Yea. I guess its the resolution.
Do you know how to get rid of that orange moon light on the touch pad? -
Well if it is a sticker, I removed mine a loooooooooong time ago.
Ryzeki's MSI GX660R Review
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ryzeki, Sep 5, 2010.