Hello everyone,
I need to reset the CMOS on my MSI GT627. I'd imagine that the CMOS battery is under the main panel on the underside of the laptop. Unfortunately, there is a void warranty sticker that sits right across one of the screw holes, and this screw needs to be taken out to remove this main access panel.
I need to reset the CMOS because I flashed to a different (newer) BIOS, but I can't change settings within the BIOS. It says something about only being able to view the selections. I'm thinking that a CMOS reset would fix this. I can't reflash my BIOS back because F11 no longer displays the boot menu, so I can't select my USB flash drive to boot from.
So, I have a few questions:
1. Is there another way to reset the CMOS other than taking this main panel off?
2. I read that MSI no longer cares whether or not the warranty sticker is broken on the MSI Wind. Does anyone know if this applies to the MSI GT627 as well? I'll give them a call tomorrow and ask as well.
[email protected] Company Representative
If you have the memory slots closer to you (bottom) to the right is a two wire plug. I do not have one open in front of me but this should be the CMOS battery. You will have to remove the main door to get to it. -
What about trying to flash the original bios back?
After I flash back to the original BIOS, I'll try switching back to the original EC firmware. -
Hmm thats really odd, if you have the warrenty then stick to using it before going inside and breaking the warrenty, even if it is for a small thing like removing the battery.
Good point cataclysm, but it seems ridiculous for me to send my laptop back to MSI just because of a CMOS reset. I just wish they didn't have a stupid void warranty sticker. It isn't the kind that comes off easily either; it easily breaks apart.
If anyone knows of an alternative way to reset the CMOS, then please let me know. I tried holding down the inset key when booting, and tried taking out the battery and unplugging the AC adapter and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. No dice.
Alternatively, does anyone know the default MSI BIOS password? I can get into the BIOS when hitting enter and not entering anything, but it says "View Item Only" when I attempt to change any values (i.e. boot order). I looked around Google for some default passwords, but none of them worked.
*Sigh*. -
did you ever find out the default password or which jumpers are the cmos reset?
I have the exact same problem as you on my gt 627. I suspect the models have a tendency for the bios to reset for some reason. In my case i did nothing unusual, just one day i happenned to notice my bios seemed to reset and the boot menu option no longer appeared, which sounds like your symptoms -
Just as an update,
resetting the CMOs does not solve the problem. Thanks to this forum, I did find the CMOS jumper and reset it, but unfortunately that leaves the BIOS in the same default state: asking for a password that I do not know
Just like Z, I've tried all the default passwords listed on the web but no luck
I'll ask MSI support and hopefully I'll get an answer... -
just to finish this thread and remove some misinformation i posted previously:
After a second attempt, i was able to successfully clear the CMOS and get my BIOS working again without the default password.
The first time I tried I guess I i forgot to remove the primary laptop battery so i didn't actually clear the CMOS. I just tried again and made sure all power was cutoff to the cmos and this time the reset worked.
so all you have to do to clear the cmos and remove the password prompt in your bios is :
1) unplujg laptop, remove laptop battery
2) open the back main cover (voiding the warrenty sticker)
3) with the laptop oriented with the memory sticks closest to you, unplug the small power lead to the right (and bottom) of the memory sticks
4) reconnect the power lead, plug in the battery, power on laptop, you should see an message saying CMOS is cleared or something and hit F1 to enter setup. From there you are in th bios and make sure you verify that there is no longer a password setup -
Hehe thats great to know, another thing you could have done is create a bootable cd with the bios on
Thanks again for the guide.
Reset CMOS MSI GT627
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Zangetsu57, Mar 9, 2009.