Hi Guys,
First of all, this thread is NOT created to cause alarm, or overly raise concerns.... but a few forum members report seizing of the GT70 top-lid hinges, resulting in significant damage and RMA's of their notebooks. Though this issue seems to be relatively rare, the purpose of this thread is to track the situation, and a place to consolidate other similar cases. At present I only know of only three cases of this, but I think this issue is one all GT70/780/783 owners should be mindful of. Since these models are fairly new to market, hopefully this issue does not become more prevalent in the passage of time.
Reporting forum members:
dune10191 - 18 September 2012
killersquid - 29 October 2012
bjtaz44 - 11 November 2012
View attachment 87271 View attachment 87272
If you experience this or know of other cases, please post info, links, and photos.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I would like to add something, it happened to me very early of ownership my laptop has only been in use for just over a month now and all I did,....after a couple hours of gaming I shut the game down and with my hand grabbed above the camera/mic area and went to close the lid like everyone does. But 1/4 down or so there was a crunch sound and plastic bits hit the table and when I looked to see what had happened it was the cover, it pulled away from the hinge and broke away. So all I am saying is if its going to happen, it will without warning it seems. I wasn't applying excessive force or anything out of the ordinary and there were NO signs previous that something like this would happen. The lid opened and closed fine previous ..no resistance..nothing out of the ordinary. The RGA was issued quickly, its just the time now to get it back, that is going to be disappointing, but thats cause I just sold my old laptop I had for a back-up
..I was also disappointed I have to pay for the shipping!, shipping and insurance and etc it cost me $ 60...but thats like most things...still to new to pay more I feel anyway....
I just hope this doesn't happen again.... Thanks again for letting me share my experience as a first time buyer of MSI Products.
Hi, im very sad; same happend here but worse
the laptop only have 1 month T_T
Expensive laptop case !"#$%&/(
ADDED: 15/11/2012
Guys, the customers services works fine,i call today, and inmediaetly they send to me the RMA to send it back.
I think they will send me a new one, because the laptop have only one month.
more photos:
Sending it back
Sorry for my english... im from Colombia.
Note: A friend had to travel to USA to send it back. lol
Never in my life, whit cheaper laptops, this was happening
CARE WHIT HINGES, U CAN CRACK YOUR LAPTOP AND THE PHOTO is a proof that this happened, not false. -
same thing happened to me yesterday
any ideas how to fix it?
mine is six month old. will msi repair it? and if yes, how good is there customer service....google says that they are horrible at customer service D: -
Holy crap. I haven`t even started using mine yet. This seems pretty serious! I payed $2300 for mine and for this price I demand it to be top notch build quality. MSI is already a lot more expensive than the other brands which do not have this problem.
No posts about it in the MSI forum
Or through Google seach -
same thing happened to me yesterday
any ideas how to fix it?
mine is six month old. will msi repair it? and if yes, how good is there customer service....google says that they are horrible at customer service D:
I'm very sure they will fix or replace it. I don't know how good the customer service is but definitely have it RMA'ed. You'll be back and running for sure.
Now I'm just more careful when handling the lid. I try to open/close it by holding the bottom sides instead of the top. -
Man I don`t want to go through a RMA process. Done that before and its no fun.
So let me get this straight, this just suddenly happen? No warning signs before, like plastic breaking sound or any weird sound that you didn`t care to check? or too tightly fastened lid? And did you use force when opening the lid, or just normal?? -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ok guys, please remember the purpose of this thread, is to track how prevalent this problem is, to build a case, and to make MSI aware of the situation.
BREATHE, take deep breaths, and all we need do now is monitor this situation. Just because we have 5 RARE cases of this reported, does not mean this will be your experience. Best of luck, Cloudfire.
Tazzaro Tausif likes this. -
Read additional information on first page.
MSI repairs this issue on warranty. Thats why I am using gt60
. Models free from this issue: 16f1,16f2,16f3 . Models with issue : 1761,1762.
MSI has had my Laptop for a week now....I phoned today, still don't have the parts to repair it apparantly, yep don't care what this thread is about...never buying MSI again!, its a holiday in the states now also, my repair is in CANADA, so they told me they won't see parts for it till next week at the earliest, then they have to repair it yet.....Awesome for a laptop 45 days old...used for only 20 days of that.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
It still looks like there are only 5 known cases of this thus far. RMA times can vary for numerous reasons, but one thing for sure, the sooner you do it, the sooner you will have satisfaction. I would also advise you back-up any important files prior to RMA. Please keep us posted on the process, and let us know how the outcome.
Good luck!
In msi Poland fixing this issue takes 4-5 days and they have all parts always. Shame for other countries.
Hunnith that is some bad quality control and built quality by MSI. Reminds me of the M11x R1.
Let's hope MSI does not make you pay for shipping it to them for repair under warranty. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
The purpose of this thread is to track this issue.
This hinge issue should certainly be looked into by MSI, but I think it's a bit premature to start bashing the build quality of the notebook. Again, considering the volume of production and global sales, this issue seems relatively rare. I know of only 6 known cases of this. I should also note that the GT780 and GT783 series have the same lid and hinge construction, and I know of no such cases within these series. As such, these cases are somewhat isolated, and I suggest we not start with the drama, making 'mountains-out-of-mole hills'.
Can we please limit the post to constructive comments? If you do not own the notebook, and are here to make disparaging or unhelpful comment, you are trolling!
Thanks to those making helpful contributions!
Do you work for MSI? you seem to get very offended when someone posts on here, delete the thread then? to some of us $ 2300 is a lot of money and not everyone is going to post on your thread if it has happened. We are allowed to be upset and hope MSI is reading this which I doubt...and if you do work for MSI can you tell them to please fix my laptop I am losing $$$ daily because of this 8 days still no parts.
I really don`t hope my hinge breaks
Im really careful when opening and closing it because of this thread. Clearly MSI indeed have some quality issues but I`m hoping this perhaps is just a faulty batch or something -
Actually they said that I have to pay for one-way shipping and recommend me to add an insurance. So this took me around $90 for shipping and handling and insurance from UPS ground. And they said that an A cover is changed for this issue. So sad with MSI.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Losing $$$ daily, really? This reminds me of the numerous students, buying gaming notebooks for 'schoolwork'..... and then when it fails for one reason or another, they blame the manufacturer for the loss of that supposed 'schoolwork'.
If you can find other cases of this issue, you are certainly welcome to present them. Afterall, that is the purpose of this thread, but I for one, do not believe 'The Sky is Falling'.
Hysteria at it finest: The Story of Chicken Little.
If it makes you feel important then you keep it up! your doing good..at counting. I am done with this forum, I have to go out and make mountains out of mole hills now, so good luck everyone I am on day 16 of the RGA process shipping etc still no repair, but stop feeling my pain people!!, my fault for buying MSI.
So my hinges haven't seized, but had a hinge cover pop off mysteriously. Broke a few small tabs off on both the main chassis and the hinge cover.
Sorry no pics, It's hanging on now...but I'm not going to risk pulling it off and cracking the tabs that are left without replacements.
Not worth RMA. I am unhappy about it but still happy with the machine overall.
Only hoping those pieces that broke off didn't fall into the case.
Does any one else have a keyboard that "crackles"? It's possibly airflow through the keyboard fluttering the membrane out something. -
Weren't for Ken I probably would have given up on mine. -
Yep that is ridiculous $90 bucks jeez! And that is for a warranty repair and you already paid for the laptop. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
First of all, I do not see any quotation marks, so this is a moot point. Secondly, no there are no prohibitions or rules..... but there is common sense. I believe there is truth that ignorance is bliss, and seemingly abounds. Did you REALLY not understand what I was saying? Are you here to give a writing lesson, or did you just take offense? The point was, it is somewhat a ridiculous argument (and one I see often) to blame the manufacturer for the loss of schoolwork, any work considered valuable, or that you are loosing $$$ daily. This is really about expressing ones frustrations, and emphasizing an immediate demand for remedy..... like the manufacturer is supposed to wave a magic wand. If you must double your vital records, information, or work, on a gaming notebook, by all means, protect them by doing back-ups. There is an irony here wherein one could ask where the users priorities really lie. Data loss is a fact of life, and this could be said of any data systems..... but why blame the manufacturer for failing to do what is OUR responsibility, as users of the product? So to answer your question, YES, I guess your work could be considered disposable, IF you have failed to impliment a data recovery plan. Personally, I catagorize my gaming notebook as leisure, and not for business. This is not to say I do not use it for important files, but each time and based on priority, I take a small moment to copy to the data, flash, or cloud drive.
I think at one point or another, everyone has lost data..... and most learn from this, and eventually take corrective action. The school-of-hard-knocks gives tough lessons, but lessons well learned.
On a final note, I do not feel the topic of this thread, necessarily precludes or prevents data recovery..... prior to sending the notebook in for repair.
You don't strike me as the sort who's willing to take a step back and rethink your opinions, but I'm going to wade into this (quite probably pointless) thread one last time ...
Even when somebody makes backups, they still lose productive time when they don't have access to their laptop (due to a bad RMA process). -
My laptop was finally shipped back out to me yesterday
I lost track how long its been now, so in 4 days I should have it back!!! ....I was losing $$$ because I had to rent a laptop during this period, I didn't have the money to buy two laptops at the time, one for a back-up lol. I broke the A/C plug on my ASUS, whole process took 4 days and they paid two way shipping for me, just thought I would compare the difference in service. So ya, still never buying MSI again...and thats only because I feel this is a defect and they don't care.
I'm curious as to whether this issue could happen in the barebone model (1762).
This is the only thing keeping me from getting the Force 1762 since I want to use this laptop for at least 2 years. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Remember Murphy's Law -
Alienware M17x configured similar to my GT70: $2774
Asus G75VW configured similar to my GT70 but with a GTX670 instead of a GTX680: $2299
MSI GT70-0NE with GTX680: $2299 (when I bought it just over a month ago)
Even taking everything into consideration, MSI's notebook is $200 cheaper than a similar notebook from Asus or Alienware, much more if you really consider the Alienware. So you have a cheaper notebook up front, and something breaks so you have to send it back. $90? Even if you take the time lost into account, you're still miles ahead as far as price is concerned.
Logic dictates, that if you REALLY are that concerned with stability and quality of build, you pay more for better quality (look at Apple, in general...). It's a price premium for a premium brand.
Not trying to defend striker, but he's pretty much 100% correct on everything he has said. My laptop is my main PC. But I backup everything I care about every Sunday to my server in my house. If the notebook dies, guess what? I didn't lose anything I actually cared about. If the hinges break? Well, $90 for shipping and lost time is still much better (IMHO) than spending another $200 minimum to upwards of $600 for an Alienware.
If you didn't learn this yet, now you know and next time you can pay more for the Alienware. Then you can complain about how badly those are designed and how much bloatware come on them by default. In their forums.
As far as this thread is concerned.....I'm slightly concerned with mine. Mine haven't cracked or done anything strange yet, but they do seem to be getting more 'stiff' as time goes on. I take my notebook to work with me everyday and it always gets opened/closed usually at the very least 3 or 4 times daily. That being said, it hasn't broken....yet.
I bought my GT783R last March. I use it every day, but rarely move it from my desk. Last week I noticed that the screen was being pulled apart when I closed it. Today, I tried to close my laptop, but the hinge has seized up. When I try to ease it closed, the screen separates farther. I am leaving it open for now.
Where does it separate? At one of the bottom corners?
I have seen this happen to other notebooks, but usually after years of use (3-4)
I will try to take some good pictures of the situation. -
RMA and service.
Definitely RMA. You can close it very carefully for packing if you tightly grip the corner and cautiously close it slowly. I had the exact same problem in the same area. Just be very careful so it doesn't get worse when closing.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
This is an obvious manufacturing defect, I am surprised they are making you pay for shipping.
Just happened to my wifes GT70.. we only had these since November and it was on a desk on its Cooler Master laptop cooler. The back left corner of the laptop screen made a click when she shut it a few mins ago and now when we try to open it it clicks and starts to seperate. Contacted Xotic PC and not sure if they still handle it or MSI only
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Is it the hinge retaining screws ripping out of the lid or the hinge itself breaking?
Cant really tell.. the whole screen starts to split.. when I can see in there and how its causing the frame to crack.. i can only lift it maybe 1/4" at best before it starts to rub and split.
Got RMA from MSI with no issues.. just have to package it up and send it out tomorrow.
Reports of GT70 series notebook top-lid hinge seizing....
Discussion in 'MSI' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Nov 11, 2012.