The crappy keyboard on my MSI X320 became even crappier after a section of the keyboard stopped working. Absolutely no external damage on it either. Good stuff.
Does anyone know where can I buy a replacement keyboard? The only place Google will find me one is one seller on eBay, and I'd rather not do that.
We used to contact Tom Ho from MSI for spares, but apparently he no longer works there. Not sure who we contact now.
eBay might be your only bet. I've bought a few laptop keyboards from there, and they've all been fine. Can you link us the page, we'll see what everyone thinks. -
$103 with shipping. That's almost one third of what I paid for this thing.
Maybe I'll just wait until the iPad comes out. -
A $515 ($412+$103) X320 is too expensive. -
I just ask you to read up before you buy. I haven't read much, but from what I've heard it is nothing more than an oversized iphone. Correct me if I'm wrong.
IF you don't have an iPhone/ipod/smartphone/netbook then you can go for that oversized iPhone thingy.
You think it's worth that price tag ? -
2 options .. 1st is eBay(which you already know) and the 2nd is MSI.
If it's still under warranty , ship it back. -
The keyboard on my MSI X410 also became failure last week.
After disassembled it, found out the problem is the Keyboard Flat Cable became looser. Unplug and plug it back into the socket again, the keyboard come to alive.
If the X320 has the similar structure like the X410, it is worth to take a look at it before you pay for anything. -
Just got off the phone with MSI tech support. The information on how to contact them is at their US website (
They will insist you send the notebook to them for repairs, which is a little annoying given that I could replace the kbd on my own just as well, and have a working notebook faster.
The cost of an out-of-warranty replacement keyboard including labor is $35 according to the quote I received from the customer service representative over the phone. That does not include the cost of shipping my notebook to MSI for repairs (likely going to be $10 - $15).
Not too bad. And definitely cheaper than buying from that eBay store I linked above. -
Yes 50 bucks for a new keyboard installed is nothing to be complaning about...
Except for the time that you are without a laptop. -
Very decent price, I think. Glad things are working out for you. I'm happy to see MSI do the right case I'm ever in a similar spot!
Good luck!
Replacement keyboard for MSI X320?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by gorbachev, Jan 31, 2010.