Well F3 does work, but for some reason it's not doing what it's suppose to. It justs logs me into windows like normal. Also I'm pretty sure I didn't format my recovery partition because it's still there.
I'm running windows 7 64bit edition if that helps.
first time
no suggestions or answers? -
no one have an idea on what to do or why i can't use system restore?
Your recovery .iso was on C:\.
EDIT: I should still have mine somewhere if you wanna find somewhere for me to host the .isos. -
seriously?! what's the point of making a recovery partition if it's not ready to use -_-.
Yeah they should have put them on the backup drive by default.
ok guess i'll format the drive then since it's an empty shell >_>
i'm not, if it's not there no point in having it right lol, or you could just upload it somewhere like megaupload or something like that
How would I go about that. I have the .isos at home. Oh, is your lappy a GT725? I'm not sure if it'll work if yours is a different model.
oh i have the gt627
Recovery key not working.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Razeruk, Oct 9, 2009.