I have just had the all clear from my reseller that I can do a repaste on my CPU/GPU.
Having scoured the interweb and watched through a Youtube vid or two, it seems that with the Haswell CPU's, a repaste job involves actually removing the heat spread attached to the CPU, and getting at the thermal paste in between that and the CPU dye itself. This seems an altogether more precarious job than any application of thermal grease I have done in the past.
I am wondering if those who have repasted (resulting in the sort of 70C full load temps widely advertised by GT70 2OD owners on this forum), can indicate what precisely is involved here?
Is it is a case of heatsink up, grease upon heat spreader, heatsink applied, and good to go......or must the actual heat spreader be removed here?
I know you have issues with temps in your other laptop, why not have the reseller re-paste the new one before they sent it out? From what I can tell it's the same process,clean the old stuff off and put new paste on the CPU die and then press the heatsink in.
Use a good qulity paste, ICD is good.
Good luck! -
This is what I mean:
Core i7 4770K (Haswell) Deliding / Integrated Heat Spreader Removal - Replacing IHS Thermal Paste - YouTube
And I have never done it before. Whenever I have been building up my own PC, I have never removed the heat spreader from the CPU PCB. Have I been doing things wrong all these years? (If so, my desktop CPU temps have always been very good). Or is there something different with Haswell. If so, does the same thing apply to GPU? -
LOL there are no heatspreader on mobile CPUs and GPUs. You put paste directly on the chip, smack on the heatsink and you are done. Just make sure you remove all residues of old paste.
Never knew that.....
Never have bothered with a laptop before beyond the basic word processing, internet, and media 300-400 GBP affair.....
Only since laptops started actually being able to handle games,t I have gotten interested. -
No problem.
Today we have gaming notebooks pretty close to the high end desktops, so repasting is important. I do mine every 6 months, and use dust off to blow away the dust that accumulates inside the notebook and around the holes.
Reapplication of Thermal Grease to GT 70 2OD CPU/GPU.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MatTheCat, Jun 24, 2013.