which way does the cpu face in the socket? i put the corner arrow pointing towards "open" on the socket but when i try to close it i get resistance about halfway closed, i am very worried about bending pins
Make sure you match the arrow on the chip pointing to the one in the socket.
Double check that the chip is sitting perfectly flush on the socket.
Pins wont bend as long as they are all in the holes correctly. -
thats the way i have it, the cpu is sitting flush with the socket and all pins are lined up, but when i scew it in, halway between closed and open i get some resistance, like if i screw to hard im going to damage it.
No thats normal, you should hear a click or feel it once its locked in. Be gentle though.
lol, define gentle, it turns easy and then just stops, i just tried a little pressure, by a little i mean quite a bit, it seems locked in place but its just not "closed"
Its normally one-half turn counterclockwise to fully lock/unlock it.
i only get about a 90 degree turn, this is nerve racking, why cant they just make a clip like on 775s? the possibility of breaking a few hundred dollars with the turn of a screw is just too much. i guess ill just see what happens.
Use this as reference, skip the first 30 seconds. -
its normal. turn it till you feel it get hard to turn then nudge it just a bit more. you may have already passed the "lock" area if you are not paying attention. if you are really not sure boot it up and see. it will not damage it if its not set right it just will not boot up. then if that happens reseat it again
well it came up in BIOS so i think its good to go, my hard drive wont get here until tomorrow so BIOS is all i can check. though im a little concerned because the air coming out of the vent is pretty warm, alot more so than any other lap ive had. i guess ill just have to wait until i get windows running to check my temps.
Did you use any thermal material/paste?
yeah OCZ freeze, its the same stuff i use on my desktops. if the temps are high ill just reseat the heat sink and reapply the paste. thanks again for all your help.
uhh yeah the air gets HOT coming out of the vent on this thing... what cpu is it?? also make sure to only apply a VERY thin layer of it. you only want to be filling in micro spots and not making a barrier between the two
t9600, dont be a smarta$$
yeah def a t9600 will be hot for sure. the t9400 gets hot on this thing also..
I agree that the T9600 runs hot. I wouldn't go with that chip with the P series available. It's not worth the difference in price. Too bad this is hindsight!
well a i was going to get a p9500 but they were sold out, so t9600 it is, its really not that much heat either. my cpu hasnt gotten over 64 degrees and ive already gamed on it for hours. my gpu hasnt gone gone over 69.
Since we are talking about the ms-1651 assembly. I managed to break the plastic part of the lid while trying to transplant my wuxga panel form my ifl90... Everything is running fine but now I have 2 ugly cracks on my lid
Quick Cpu Orientation! 1651
Discussion in 'MSI' started by whitefro, Apr 10, 2009.