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    Questions about the new GE 70 Apache Pros and SSDs

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by CodeGunnerDev, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. CodeGunnerDev

    CodeGunnerDev Newbie

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    Hi Y'all,
    I'm new here to the MSI Community and am looking to make my first purchase of a MSI Notebook. I'm looking at the new GE 70 Apache Pro because of the budget I have to work with thanks to having to go out and spend $6K to get my car fixed( but that's another story for a whole other day and a whole other online forum). I also have a ton of other gear that I carry with me on a daily basis so weight is critical to me. Forgive me because this is going to be my first real experience with Solid State Drives so if I ask something that seems stupid or dumb I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to them. I'm purchasing the Samsung 840 Evo 120GB mSata SSD, yes I would love to go out and get a bigger capacity SSD but again have to think of the budget, and I understand the basics of doing the actual physical installation into the computer itself but am a little unclear about certain things.

    1. How do I get the OS installation onto the SSD itself?
    2. Do I have to do anything special in the BIOS to get the computer to recognize the SSD?
    3. As far as the recovery partition goes should I leave that on the actual mechanical hard drive or transfer that to the SSD as well?

    I'm looking at the Apache Pro 012 with the 4th Gen i7 4700, 12 GB DDR3, 1 TB 7200RPM HD, and the Nvidia GTX 860M. Yes I would have loved to have purchased a top of the line GT Dominator Series laptop with all of this work already done for me, but the budget wouldn't allow me to do so. I don't do all that much as far as gaming goes. I play World of Warplanes and World of Tanks and that's as far as my gaming experience goes. I mainly use my machines for doing amatuer photography and working with Visual Studio and other App Development IDE's so as far as the Apache Pro goes I feel it will be the best fit for me inside my budget. Any assistance y'all can offer me would be greatly appreciated and I want to thank you all in advance for your help.
    Code Gunner