Hey all! I have a few questions about the GT73VR and GT75VR and I hope you guys can answer them.
1. I remember reading somewhere that the GT73VR has been downgraded to create space between it and the GT75VR. (I remember either @hmscott or @Donald@HIDevolution making the post). I am looking at the GT73VR Titan Pro-866. Does it have:
a. TB3?
b. ESS Sabre DAC?
c. Space for 3 M.2 SSDs?
2. Which of the two will have better thermal performance? This is critical. Based on this info I will be deciding on whether to get the reseller to repaste or not, and it will definitely factor in to my longevity assessment.
3. Will either of them be upgradable to Volta?
4. What are the current bugs with the (new) GT73VR and the GT75VR? This is also critical. Many thanks to anyone who can answer this one.
I'm tagging as many people as I can: @hmscott @DukeCLR @Atma @Donald@HIDevolution @Kevin@GenTechPC @Falkentyne
Edit - sorry forgot to tag @Phoenix
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ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
Correct me if I am wrong but I think these are the only differences between these models-
- 75vr has mechanical keyboard
- 75 vr has slightly updated screen
- 75 vr has a palmrest
- 75vr has a slightly updated cooling systemhmscott likes this. -
1) I think you're talking about GT73 'EVR' versions. From what I see on HIDEvolution website, GT73VR Titan Pro-866 at least has ESS Sabre DAC.
2) As said by DRevan above, the GT75VR is marginally better than the GT73VR when it comes to cooling, but they're really close.
3) Hard to say ... we don't have much information about Volta, even less about laptop versions !
- the 'GTX 1070 1.013v' bug
- CPU throttling when laptop consumption goes above 330W (well it's not exactly a bug... it's a feature
- That's all I remember !
- the 'GTX 1070 1.013v' bug
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The GT73EVR model name is only listed as EVR *OUTSIDE* of USA
This same model, in USA, still has "GT73VR" in the name, rather than GT73EVR, but has a certain number "like xxx or xyx", etc, after the name, which is different from the number from the CM238 versions. The CM238 units have all been discontinued.
The HM175 versions do NOT have ESS Sabre. The ESS Sabre is a hifi board you can see on some MS 17-A1 disassembly guides. They also come with the Killer 1435 board rather than 1535, unless the OEM states otherwise.
There are also no SLI versions of the HM175 chipset version, so there are even more maximum power restrictions on the EC (but normal users won't care about this, but bypass 330W total AC power draw and watch your CPU run at 800 mhz, without any power limit throttling flag even showing up anywhere).
The GTX 1070 bug only affected most 2016 year revision 1070's, and more laptops than just the GT73VR and GT72VR were affected. I believe some asus laptops were also affected. None of the laptops which shipped with Kaby Lake systems were affected. -
ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
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ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
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ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
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Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
310W estimated tops for most games and combined loads, assuming you also have some USB devices and the LCD set to maximum brightness. We can say 200W for the GPU (this can spike to 215W), 60W for the CPU (this is estimated; your CPU default VID can affect this quite a bit; high VID chips use more power than low VID chips, although the only way to know the EXACT default VID is to use an unlocked Bios and set IA AC and DC loadlines to 1; with MSI's Auto settings, the VID jumps all over the place by as much as 100mv, even at full idle), and 30W for the rest of the system (LCD, disk drives, mainboard itself, RAM, etc). Most people with 1080's found about 280-310W of power being used (this is not power from the wall; power from the wall will always be higher than the power the system is using since the PSU is not 100% efficient, excess wall power is always released as heat).
Temps depend on if you are using cooler boost or auto fans. With auto fans, the fans don't really start to kick in until >80C for the CPU, and 75C for the GPU. With 100% fan, the 7820HK should stay below 75C unless you are trying to burn it up with 8 thread stress testing. No idea about the 1080 temps. You can search the GT73VR main thread as plenty of people posted temps there in the past. I can tell you that unless you are using "supersampling" AA, or a 200% render scale (Overwatch, basically SSAA), a 185W TDP modded 1070, with Liquid Metal repaste, tops out about 77C with auto fans, and 62-65C with cooler boost 100% fan (a 10C decrease in ambient temps only affects the GPU temps by maybe 5C, as there are other factors involved).Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
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Questions about the GT73VR and GT75VR
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ThePerfectStorm, Dec 13, 2017.