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    Questions about reinstalling windows 7 on my GX640

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by JmartWI, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. JmartWI

    JmartWI Newbie

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    Hey guys, I have a few questions regarding reinstalling windows on my GX640. I've had my GX640 for about a year now, and I really like it, but I think it's time for a system refresh. I want to do this just to get rid of some gunk I've accumulated, and to reorganize. However, I have a few questions before I actually go through with this, as I haven't done this before and I'm a bit uneasy.

    1) I heard that some computers come with 2 sets of product keys. My GX640 has a sticker on the bottom that displays one key. I used a program called "Magical Jelly Bean" to find the key that my computer was operating under, and it's different from the one listed on the bottom. Can I just re-use the key that's already in use since it's on the exact same computer?

    2) As a followup to Question 1, am I able to use the second key on the sticker for another computer (My desktop - if it's running the exact same version of windows as my GX640 - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit)? Or will this pose problems, because maybe that second key is geared specifically for MSI brand notebooks?

    3) I don't recall getting an OS disc with my GX640. I have all the GX640-specific drivers on my desktop ready to go. For reinstalling windows, do I need an MSI-specific windows 7 disc, or will any retail disc of Home Premium 64-bit work with the keys I have?

    4) Do I actually need to do anything to prepare my computer for a clean install? I have all the data I want backed up onto an external HDD. Will I be fine if I just put in the USB thumb-drive in (That's loaded with a retail home-premium iso, assuming I don't need a specific disc from MSI) and let it do it's thing? Will it wipe the drives clean for me?

    5) I'd like to partition my HDD into 3 chunks if possible. (One for the OS, one for programs, one for data storage) Do I do this as I'm setting up windows 7, or do I do this after it's loaded?
  2. nicksavop

    nicksavop Notebook Consultant

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    As for #3 just go here, its legal windows 7 download links for every version as long as you have the key that came with the notebook.
  3. nicksavop

    nicksavop Notebook Consultant

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    I would also go to windows backup and restore and make a full backup and image of your current setup just incase something goes wrong you can restore to your current state. As for #5 i believe you install windows first and then go into disk managment and create your partitions. Good Luck
  4. 84CubsFan

    84CubsFan Notebook Consultant

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    This doesn't sound right, though I'm not as expert as many of the people around here. If it were me, though, my process would be to backup your current setup (that part of the post is spot on), then wipe the drive clean and repartition with gparted. Then, once the partitions are set, install the OS.

    Partitioning after the OS install is probably fine, but if you do the partitions first you'll have no chance of messing up your install. Check around for the appropriate OS partition size. (I'm guessing 30-50GB or so.)
  5. MrSeaBass

    MrSeaBass Notebook Evangelist

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    1 - Download windows from the link above. The same version you have.

    2 - Download this activation backup software here. Run the activation_backup.exe and that will automatically get the files you need. Do this on a usb stick so they don't get lost when you format your hdd. The backup-key.txt file it creates has your key on it. print that out so you can input it when asked on the install. After you are all install run the activation_restore.exe and it will activate the windows using your factory key.

    If for some reason it doesn't work you still will have your key and will just have to call MS to activate windows. It is automated, takes about 5 mins.

    3 - Install windows, It will get to a point where you will see the partitions. you need to delete them, except the restore partition, and then you can recreate the partitions and format them there. Proceed to install windows on the partition you have highlighted.

    4 - when prompted type in the key you obtained above.

    5 - Finish, activate and update.