So i have a GT 780 DXR today I installed an SSD and installed a fresh copy of windows.
Im having a problem getting all my touch buttons to work. So far i can get everything to work except for:
EJECT, Media button (next to P1) and the P1 button.
The media button does nothing but it does light up when i touch it, but will not go out, it stays on.
Eject does nothing at all but lights up and extinguishes like it did before, but will not open my drive.
The P1 button does not light up or do anything
Any ideas? I downloaded all drivers from msi, used the live update and still does not get all my touch buttons working.
Any help is much appreciated.
ALSO the on-screen visuals dont work for instance when i change volume, when i press wifi button, fan, overclock etc no on screen visuals display. What do I need for this??
Download the S bar software from MSI
i think i may have it now.... i didnt have the proper update for s bar to work. Thanks though.
Problem with touch buttons on GT780DXR
Discussion in 'MSI' started by milestone85, Feb 29, 2012.