Hi 16F2 owners.
My GPU has been making noises that sounds like sparks, or one of those old hard drives that makes lots of noise while in use except quieter. It only happens when the GPU is in use and rendering something, like a game or some kind of website with animations.
I found a website with lots of animations, so if it isn't too much to ask, load this website and listen to your GPU to hear if it is making any noise.
Free Flash Banners Maker
I need to know if this is something happening only to me or if everyone is experiencing this since I never really noticed this before.
I've RMA'ed this laptop twice already for GPU issues, so I'm really regretting that I bought this laptop so far.
And can somebody help him on his GPU noise prob? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
2630QM is able to run 1866mhz memory.
Also, any help for the OP's GPU noise? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
No. Both to your question and his. Neither with my original card (560M) or the HD5870 or the 570m did I notice an electronic hum coming from the card.
As I have said before, what intel claims their CPUs can do and what they are capable of doing are not always the same.
The only quads that have issues are the D0 Engineering samples. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Why do you think the noise is from the GPU?
Have you opened the bottom,turned the notebook on it's side and tried to pinpoint the souce of your sound issue while running?
Moving parts like fans and platter hard drives are more likely the source of sounds.Speakers?
Do you see any lines or artifacts on the screen? -
No artifacting so far, but I'm afraid that this buzzing sound may lead to it. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's usually a capacitor that will produce noise.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
A perfect excuse to get a GTX570M/580M/HD6990M IMO.
I was planning to upgrade laptops when Ivy bridge is released.
Just wanted to give an update to this thread after four months of RMAing.
Within these four months, I have sent this laptop back to get the noise fixed 3 times because the noise gets quite loud when playing skyrim and annoys me, especially at night when it is dead quiet.
The first two times I RMA'd, MSI sent the laptop strait back to me and it seemed like they didn't even do anything about the issue, which wasted like a month of time and a half of time.
The third time powernotebooks examined the laptop themselves, and couldn't replicate the issue for some reason? They also sent it to their 'best and most trusted techs' at MSI and they could not replicate the issue either, so I received the laptop back last Friday, except I was able to replicate the issue the same day.
Not exactly understanding why they were unable to replicate the issue. Maybe they are expected the laptop to sound like a bee when it is not that loud, or they just didn't find this issue big enough to fix.
Not exactly trying to bash on powernotebooks, Donald was great to work with when I first bought this laptop. Can't say much about the support team. They got my hopes up when I asked if I could pay a little more for a 570m (since the fix of this issue would just be to swap the GPU), and they said that I might even be able to get a 670m if I waited(which I waited about a month before sending it out for RMA the third time), but in the end, I have the same laptop which I had back in February (except for a power connecter fix on the third RMA). If they had let me pay a little more for a GPU upgrade, this issue would be gone.
It feels like I have only had this laptop for half the time I've owned it, since I also had to RMA this laptop twice before this incident.
This was an issue I was having with the video card before... Power Pro R 11:36 GPU Issues - Furmark - YouTube
My warranty ends next month, so I think it's time to let go of this cursed laptop and go back to Sager laptops. -
It's been discussed before that the specs that Intel releases on the speeds of RAM that their processors can handle is contradictory to the benchmarks. Granted it's not a huge jump to go from 1333 to 1600 (I never looked at 1866MHz benchmarks, but I'm sure it could be a similar story).
Just curious because I have the same laptop.... How long did you have your laptop when the sound started happening?
Power Pro R 11:36 (MSI 16F2) GPU Noise
Discussion in 'MSI' started by CpxAzn, Jan 29, 2012.