(This is my first thread I ever made. I hope this wont become just some extra traffic on the form lol)
Most of us have overclocked the GPU, now what about the CPU!![]()
To start this thread:
Has anyone ever used SetFSB to overclock the i5 or i7 cpu yet? (on the GX640, GT640, or GX740)(GX660R - when the setfsb update comes)
With the i5-430M (stock)
As you can see:
The software has been updated to read the GX640's motherboard!
(also as stated, theres also compatibility for GT640 an GX740)
Is this software as easy to use as ATI Overdrive?
-None of the changes stays because its software(not bios), so it resets after you restart the computer.
-check for stability (if it freezes, move the slider back after restart)
-Check that your not going over 100c
-easy interface and a nice "Set FSB" like "Apply" in overdrive
Im not sure what the 2 sliders are? (I think the one on top is more important...)
One for each core or one for turbo boost?
PLEASE correct me if i'm wrong.![]()
I want to be sure, like before when I never used overdrive and then before I updated the vbios...![]()
(help everyone else that may find this thread to...)
This could save money but not time lol (but also good to know)!![]()
The top slider is the only one you would want to adjust to increase your overclock. Use Cpu-z to verify its working and you can tell by the buss speed increasing. In setfsb its the 133 number displayed in your picture.
GapItLykAMaori Notebook Evangelist
Yeap the max i can do is 3.11 with turbo otherwise its unstable. i got like P8.8k in vantage with max OC on both gpu and cpu. Tbh dont bother OCing the cpu unless its in the bios. Causes instability and ur games will stutter.
Just wish you could say, "you tried it on the GX640 and it works great" lol.
You mean 133.11 right? That looks like such a small change. Did it change the GHz any(like even .1GHz)?
"dont bother OCing the cpu unless its in the bios"
-Why use this software then? Others have used it and got great results!(dont know if its good for my GX640)
-Why would overdrive(also software) work so well? I can get 625/1000 to 860/1080 to run stable and I didnt go into the bios.
Did you use SetFSB on your GX640, maybe even for tests, before you went to bios?
Is there a difference(or caution maybe) with SetFSB and ATI Overdrive that I should know? -
So how do I do this with my 740?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Probably has the same PLL, lots of these MSI gaming notebooks use that PLL.
PLL: ICS9LPRS113AKLF in fact works for the MSI P45 Diamond/platinium/Neo/MegaBook X340/GT640/GX640/GX740, and the Dell XPS-435/9000! lol -
Yeah actally just used it.
CPU-Z shows 3.108GhZ.
But I think there's some hardware safety kicking on because HWMonitor32 is showing 25W usage at times when the max is 28.93 or something.
THis is also seen by the 25% mark from wPrime because thread 4 finishes later than the others substantially.
My wPrime with 3.108 is 21.908
EDIT: Actually disregard that it's probably the turbo boost coming into the play.
Weird thing is at stock I don't get the 25W usage, it seems to be constant 28.93. But when I go a bit higher it goes to 25W
2nd edit: Here's a score http://www.wprime.net/Scores/9976/View
Currently undergoing the 1024M test. Temps seem to be 70 on Core 1 68 on core 2, maxing at 71 and 69. -
Please keep us informed!
Thanks for making all the edits:
Ive need watching each one come as it happens! Im like pushing refresh every 30secs...
After your second edit:
It says you have the i5-430M(same as me) and you got it to run at over 3GHz!!!
(Hope its stable at that)
Can you play a cpu demanding game with the new clocks for a while? (maybe BF:BC2!)
Is the SetFSB(top slider) changing the default speed or the turbo boost?
Is your turbo boost on when you get the over 3Ghz? -
I dunno I just ran wPrime for 10 minutes temps max 72/71 but I doubt it's stable in game lol.
I'll test it out.
I just oc'ed with the top slider, set it 120.
Oh yeah the wPrime was run with 3.222 Ghz.
Hehe edit: gonna test now. -
Okay I don't think 3.2ghz works lol.
I tested it on the singleplayer Airborne level (last level) and the only thing I notice is that my guy runs/walks much faster lol.
I also tested it it on HVT mission and it seems to be slower.
Another edit: Just tried multiplayer. My guy still sounds like he moves fast. The gunfire is messed up too, I use the m16 and it fires fast like crazy.
Very weird side effects.
Oh and the FPS sucks. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Throttlestop may help you get a better OC. -
Seems your site was more up to date than mine haha! -
That's strange...
But it worked for some people on there laptops?
Is there a step being missed?
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Yeah the problem is there's a hardware throttle that stops the power at 25W, which makes the FPS unstable and lower than usual.
It works in benchmarks and in temps but in-game, where it's most important, no -
+1 rep for you!
I'll just have to wait and go with my plan A and get the i7. (after boot-camp, AIT training, and my paycheck lol) -
lol went from 120 to decreasing one by one from 95 to see which one doesn't throttle.
Looks like it keeps throttling till you get to like 86... Screw it -
Anyone know how to fix this or is there another way? (without a pin-mod)
Well I just tried Throttlestop. It doesn't OC, just stops throttling, but it reported no throttling at all, even though HWMonitor32 said my power usage went down to 25 from 28.93, and CPU-Z also reported a drop of speed.
Maybe I need to use the bottom slider as well? What does that do? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
The bottom slider was originally meant for overclocking the PCI bus with older chipsets. Not sure what it will do for you.
I thought throttlestop was able to raise the TDP of i7 CPUs, if you can do that it should help a lot. I have not read much about it though, I might be wrong.
Something like this:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-m11x/524257-how-supercharge-m11x-core-i5-i7-um-cpus.html -
Yeah me and Gamer have the i5-430m, not i7.
I tried manually increasing TDP from 16-20 but it made no difference at all, still throttles even at 90 in FSB (increased from 83) -
GapItLykAMaori Notebook Evangelist
EDIT: it was obvios i was refering to freq b4 i.e 3.11Ghz :/
also im using a different clock generator and small increments result in big increases in freq -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Setfsb works well while gaming for me (and a lot of other people), but it might just be those i7 CPUs. Core 2 was pretty good with setfsb.
GapItLykAMaori Notebook Evangelist
Everyone look at what this guy did to his i7 here:
He used SetFSB to overclock his i7-720qm to 3.12 GHZ!
For the 920XM/940XM:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-m17x/495203-how-oc-m17x-r2s-920xm-940xm-using-setfsb.html -
GapItLykAMaori Notebook Evangelist
This is what he got from his i7-720qm:
1 core 3.12 gHZ
2 core 2.69 GHZ
3 core 1.97 GHZ
4 core 1.84/1.97 GHZ
OC the new "i" processor wont yield a large increase in performance in most games and programs. Other bottlenecks are limiting the performance.
For example the slower ram, and then the much slower hard drives (unless your running on SSD). Games are very dynamic programs that requires different parts of the the computer at the same time. Your only as fast as your slowest component.
Unless your doing some heavy processing application like processing and compressing data, there's no need to over clock these processors. -
GapItLykAMaori Notebook Evangelist
My 940xm in the GX660R gives these results with throttlestop settings @ 28/23/21/19
2t: 3.61ghz
4t: 2.99ghz
6t: 2.74ghz
8t: 2.52ghz
This is with the stock TDP/TDC settings in Tstop and temps dance around the low 80s.
It wont go much higher on the 2 thead but the others can go quite a bit higher. The only thing holding it back is temps, they go crazy high under 100% with more threads and I dont like taking that high.
I might experiment with some cooling mods but thats not a bad little clocking boost for the 940. -
first, thanks for the application..
dunno bout u guys
i took it up to 3ghz
100c max temp *damn*
and metro 2033 doesnt lag a bit
not even a tiny bit
i guess cpu was the limiting factor.. :-/
Overclocking the CPU in the new MSI laptops! i5 or i7
Discussion in 'MSI' started by g4m3r1337, Oct 22, 2010.