Well, mafia 3 not is the best game to check that because is a bad port with so many bugged features but its my first issue with my laptop...till now i have a good opinion of my gt72vr-7re.
I found this topic and its the same like my case, but instead getting 5 fps i go from 70fps to 20 fps... -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Pedro69 likes this. -
My problem is to understand what is causing the underclock, its the temp, voltage, bottleneck?????
As i said, sometimes the cpu goes from 3.4Ghz to 800Mhz, then to 2700Mhz and back normal to 3400Mhz after 1/2seconds....checked this with riva tuner. The temps at the issue was like 70C...i will test other game, “the evil within” and then i left feedback again. The clock of gpu not change and % stay on 99 all the time even with this underclock on cpu.
Any problem in have the pc 24/7 on???? -
Testing "the evil within 1" i not checked any issues till now...
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Use Throttlestop and check Limit Reasons for throttling. 800 mhz throttle will be caused by BD Prochot, or battery power (+BD Prochot) from current limit on battery.
Vistar Shook and Pedro69 like this. -
I always use the notebook with AC power, never used battery. Im checking also with XTU but not had the opportunity to catch the issue while using XTU program....Section on Limit Reasons is clean, only have 3 tables with "Core/GPU/RING" but is empty without any value.
Last edited: Dec 30, 2017Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Enviado de meu Pixel 2 usando TapatalkPedro69 likes this. -
I have tested this games on high settings with G-Sync ON and V-SYNC ON and only mafia 3 had sometimes this issue.
Rise of Tomb Raider
Rocket League
Mafia 3
Mafia 1
The evil within
One thing that happened too was when i saw this underclock(1/2 seconds) and click on the button of CoolerBoost(at the time on 70 fps on mafia 3) somethings seems to freeze on game...was like a power issue and the fps down to 60 fps, then when i clicked again on coolerboost to put the fans on auto the game back to normal at 70 fps.Last edited: Dec 30, 2017 -
Finally was able to catch the issue...any help?
Playing the evil within, in 2 hours happened one time....Last edited: Dec 31, 2017 -
Another thermal throttling...with TS i cant see any problem in limit reasons i think
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I see it.
BD Prochot.
You have it checked on. The user above asked you to disable BD prochot, but you ignored him.
You still have it enabled.
The fact that there is a yellow mark there means that it was triggered on by something previously (Yellow=triggered before, Red=triggered right now, active).
Note: when TS is first loaded, sometimes PL1, EDP Other, Thermal or other flags may be set; this is because they were incorrectly flagged when the system turned on. Just press the Core/GPU/Ring buttons to clear them when you first start throttlestop. Then leave it running. If it THEN gets flagged AFTER, then you have a throttling reason of some sort that caused it.
BD Prochot is used by the EC to limit CPU power draw to 800 mhz when on battery power, when the combined CPU/GPU load get too high for the battery. Unchecking this will prevent the CPU from throttling to 800 mhz, but this will cause the system to shut down if max battery draw is exceeded. This option should never be triggered at all when on AC power. The fact that you have this flagged means either something is overheating, something is incorrectly flagging this, or the system switched to battery power without you knowing it.
Uncheck BD Prochot then save the setting and then do your tests. And go into the TS Options and enable "Battery monitoring" also.Maleko48, unclewebb, Vistar Shook and 1 other person like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Unlocked Bios can disable BD Prochot, but that will be a $20 donation to SVET, or you can just use throttlestop for free and uncheck it yourself. we told you to do this twice already. Why do you want the unlocked Bios to do it when you can just do it in Throttlestop? It takes....*half a second* to disable it.
And svet CAN unlock your Bios menus on the Gt72VR 7RE "Dominator Pro", *IF* that's all you asked for. I had this exact same laptop (Before I RMA'd it) and donated to SVET and he sent me the proper files to flash to a USB flash drive in a few days. However memory timings did not appear and did not show up to be changed. And he said the same thing, about the unique machine identification codes and that this method was highly experimental on these newer MSI laptops. The exact same thing he told you. But he refunded your money because you were not telling the full story here. You were asking for far more than just hidden Bios menus unlocked. You were asking for EC hacks, Pascal TDP hacks, the works. These can't be done without disassembly in Linux and hardware programmers, checksum calculation knowledge and possibly even desoldering chips.
And please don't send me any more silly strange private message questions!! I had you on ignore for weeks. I don't want to put you on ignore again because this time it will be permanent. You are very annoying.Maleko48 and Vistar Shook like this. -
I only send you a PM TODAY, about RMA question, so im annoying to you for just send my first pm to you today? Im not the first user that not like your atitude with some users(a little search could prove that)....but i not will discuss that here.
I not will discuss more things about Svet, because i talked with him today again...not you, and if Svet says that not possible to give a unlocked Bios file is BECAUSE HE CAN'T!!! IF others users can do that, i dont know....
@Falkentyne Already told to you, if you think that you are a master good and know everything....well you are wrong...you want block me forever? Go ahead, i simple dont care...thank you for your help in my problem but with that atitude you not will go anywhere.
PS: My first message to Svet
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Yes that's the problem.
You want an unlocked bios, vbios AND EC. you also explained to him why you wanted these things and he told you it was impossible, and refunded your money.
If you had said "Svet, can you unlock Bios menus for me for MSI GT72VR dominator pro (7700HQ, GTX 1070)" then he would have done that.
That's exactly what i asked for, he warned it was experimental because of new MSI security feature, and he asked for a 6144k bios dump (or 4096k, I forgot), then he went an automated USB boot file to flash with instructions, which would flash the unlocked menus, and after waiting for a 60 second boot loop, all was done.
And what you asked me was completely illogical, unrelated and very pointless, so I did not answer your question because it's impossible for me to do such a thing. That RMA question was beyond silly. How can I RMA a BGA CPU? it's SOLDERED On the motherboard. What do you want me to do? Pull it off?
And you say "I will not go anywhere"? I think my # of reputations says otherwise.
The very fact that you "can't" disable BD Prochot, even though it's RIGHT in FRONT of your face, despite TWO people telling you to do it, and then asking me if you can unlock bd prochot in an unlocked bios, really speaks a lot about your reading comprehension, or your ability to understand things.
I'm done with you.Maleko48 and Vistar Shook like this. -
@Falkentyne I just need understand what component have the problem to think that cpu is hot, but isnt...i will start to remove the cable of the batery and remove 2 slots of RAM to test....
Of course i know how to disable BD Prochot, but my objective like i said, is to check if possible what part of pc is causing this.
My question about your RMA was because if you have a problem with a cpu or just because you not like the performance of 7700HQ. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Enviado de meu Pixel 2 usando Tapatalk -
Just playing right now the evil within, and yes, got the same underclock....i remove the cable of battery but still the same only with AC power. -
Gpu temps can activate BD Prochot? This is a signal path that goes directly to CPU so other devices in motherboard like GPU activate this feature?
The strange part is that for example in AIDA i never got any kind of throttling when stress cpu/gpu/memory together, even in XTU only stressing the cpu, throttling is clear....
This only happens in games, very strange.... -
Have you tested with this Aida64 test setup?Maleko48 and Vistar Shook like this. -
When you say " they want outside already mentioned hardware in their firmware", you mean EC firmware? Bios also? Or both?
Yes, i posted a pic with that setup
Most is crippled from EC firmware.Maleko48, Vistar Shook, Vasudev and 1 other person like this. -
Finally i unlocked my Bios, and yes, unlocked myself.... @Falkentyne was right
And not have the oportunity to check all the options but already checked this
Vistar Shook, ole!!!, Vasudev and 2 others like this. -
Does prema bios and vbios are also locked for gpu oc and overvolting? -
Im playing the evil within since 3 hours and i not have anymore a BD Prochot, i think that discover the main reason for that issue...
With MSI AfterBurner i locked the voltage 0.8750 on GPU with a max of 1900Mhz on Core and with 2000Mhz in memory, with this i not have anymore a single underclock or BD Prochot on ThrottleStop.
There is another way to lock the voltage on GPU without the MSI program?
So many tests and the issue with BD Prochot was the ****ing GPU.....just to mention that i not have any overclock on GPU. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Just to mention that i still have the same stock core and memory core even with that VDDC on GPU. -
If im not wrong, now with unlocked menus im able to do all kind of things like in TS program right?[/quote] -
Like i said, the underlocks only happens when in gaming...with stress test never got a issue. I put a image of GPU-Z to show that i not lock the VDDC.Unhappy User likes this. -
It looks like you need to adjust the Core Voltage Offset and set the Offset Prefix to (-) to use negative offset voltage. That should be the same as what ThrottleStop lets you adjust. Hope you do not brick anything. ThrottleStop is very forgiving if something goes wrong.
Maleko48, Papusan, Falkentyne and 1 other person like this. -
Thanks @unclewebb
And about the cpu cache? I think that the name "Ring" or "Uncore" is one of them. -
@Pedro69 - CPU Cache, Ring or Uncore are different names for the same voltage setting. Make an adjustment in the bios and then run HWiNFO or HWMonitor and see what under volts are reported.
Vistar Shook likes this. -
Unhappy User Notebook Consultant
You have the same laptop?
Well, even if im able to put 140mv(had one BSSOD with 150) undervolt on cpu directly in my bios, the problem still there...sometimes i get the issue "BD Prochot" while playing but the issue not happen in stress tests.
The only way to prevent "BD Prochot" is disable the feature in BIOS or lock the VDDC to 0.8750 with MSI AfterBurner.
I need find a Vbios that limits VDDC only or a way to not use MSI AfterBurner anytime that i use laptop....
Till now, my problem was fixed with VDDC locked at 0.8750V....with this i not got anymore underlocks of 800MHz or 2700MHZ... -
Someone can help me in my problem? I still have the same issue without MSI AfterBurner...
@Papusan @Phoenix @hmscott @Falkentyne -
Someone reported the same issue on msi fóruns, at least im not the only one. -
I recieve a email from MSI saying that i have a problem in the laptop about BDProchot, motherboard, for some reason the pc need to be sent to poland for msi engineers...
Its strange since with the lock on VDDC the problem disappear...Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
MSI AfterBurner have a limit ,135
Overclocking 7700HQ and GTX1070
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Pedro69, Dec 6, 2017.