Hey guys,
Just upgraded my gt60 with a 3820qm QS unlocked multipliers.
I put core ratio to 41 / 40 / 39 / 39
Tdp lock enabled, tdp up ( seems that does nothing )
I could OC the BCLK to 102,9 without problem.
Now here is my question. Can't find a post to see which value I should put to : maximum power limit / short power limit and long power maintained.
So is there some of you knowing which value would be the best ?
99 to the short & max power limit & 56 to power maintained ? Just saw post relating this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Set both to as high as they need to go to avoid throttle and watch your temps. 75w on each is a good start.
Thanks mate but which value do I put to power maintained ?
Also, on throttle stop I don't have on set multipliers turbo, can only put it on 41x.
Weird thing, when I am playing, my cpu is at 3,4 ghz or 3,6.
With throttle stop, my cpu would be at 3,9 ghz with 4 core running right ? -
flex vid 25
That is just to get into windows. Flex will be far lower. You can use xtu to play around with the voltage. Technically at 41 should not need any flex at all, but i was using an extreme cpus every time. -
By flex you mean I should set TDP lock to disabled to being able to change the power limit values right ?
Also what does TDP option if I put it to up. -
Maybe you need to start here and get familiar with your system.
MSI G-Series Unlocked BIOS -
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2}
Looking at your screen shot....
Your voltage is locked out at 0.
And you have not access to amps.
This will impede your progress in getting a higher multiplier. -
So I have done all I can ? Nothing else to do ?
( now BCLK 103 )Last edited: Jan 3, 2015 -
I think so. I don't think you actually have the right unlocked version. I remember there being two of these kinds of chips, but it's been a while.
Ok now, I don't see my cpu with throttle stop running at max speed, it is going randomly 3,4- 3,6 ghz or less.
Overclock new bought 3820qm QS on my gt60
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Darks3N, Dec 30, 2014.