Ram really does affect our overclocking. I have i5-430M in my GX740, on stock ram (2x2gb Asin DDR3 1333MHZcl9) i have OC'd my i5 to 3148MHz stable (168fsb) useing SetFsb.
Tooday my new ram arrived - 2x4GB HyperX 1600MHz manuf. part number is KHX1600C9S3P1K2/8G - very nice looking....
Straight away i tried to oc my cpu and see how it performs.
I got a blue screen at 142Mhz bus (from 133 to 138->140->144->bluescreen)
Dont you all think it is very wierd ? Why is that so ? is it becouse ram has pre programmed jedec's inside and they interfere with something ?
IS it becouse My ram dont want to jump in to cl7 at fsb 144( cl7 begins from 622MHz according to jedec's) ? ant therefore - it just stops working ?
Only gain i have right now is CL6 on stock, nothing really HUGE as i expected to OC CPU to the same 3.14GHz and benefit from quick 8GB ram. These ram is specially designed for sandy bridge, but it is backwards compatibile.
It works nice on stock, but i want to OC, 920XM is on its way already, will see then.
Share with me your thoughts, THX !!
quick UPDATE- i am getting blue screens even at fsb set to 138 LOL
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moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Try using thaiphoon burner to flash the SPD on the ram to change the timings.
The i5 doesn't even support 1600Mhz ram.
i had the same prob on my 1600 Kingston...
the old 1066 go till 158 FSB...the new ones not over 147 MHz!
I think the controller cannot provide so much current for the 1600s
btw 168??? wow thats high greetz -
Or should i return them and buy just normal crucial/patriot/corsair ddr3 1333mhz ram to juice more out of my new cpu ? -
What are you guys using for OC CPU...?
niffcreature ex computer dyke
setpll or setfsb free version. Do some searching to find the PLL.
setfsb free version wouldn't work on my GX660, so thought you mabye were using the registred version..
But i will try setpll -
920xm on it's way? Cool! But once you've installed it you'll notice that the 920xm and setFSB don't mix well at all. Throttlestop is the way to go in case you want to push a 920xm, setFSB will bring you to BSOD-heaven. -
Yes, i heard about it
I will stick to TS then, maybe i'll just check how it works with SF but ...ye.. i dont want to be in BSOD heaven
920xm in my hands on th 20th june
Discussion in 'MSI' started by flingin, May 19, 2011.