MSI has asked me to get potential consumer's opinions about the offering of a WSXGA+ screen option on the MS-1039. The possible optional screen would NOT be glossy, but rather matte as MSI's LCD supplier does not have a glare type 15.4" WSXGA+ panel.
I decided not to make this a poll as I am more interested in getting written responses in order to provide more detailed feedback to MSI.
As an FYI, this optional screen is ALREADY being tested.
yeah, i'd like the idea of a wsxga that's matte! given that Asus doesn't have a comparable equivelent so far in this year's line up and Clevo being some what similar (so far).. it's a very very good chance for the 1039 to be the next "Z70va"
I would gladly take a matte screen over a glossy just for the extra property space.
The text size on WSXGA+ is just a little too small for my tastes, but I can definitely see how many others would appreciate the option. I think it would help sell the system at the very least, since it'd also provide a choice between matte and glossy screens.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have any real problems with 1280x800 after using my wife's work laptop (Dell B130 15.4"), but the extra real estate would be nice, especially paired with the X1600 and GuildWars!
there have been quite a few times that i wished my screen was larger than wxga on the 1029...if i were to buy an msi laptop again i would for the wsxga+ panel even though it would be matte.
scott -
I just messaged you earlier today on notebookforums asking if you had any info on WSXGA in 1039... Thanks for posting
The only thing that is affecting my decision right now is the WXGA.. I would definitely get it if it was WSXGA.. This notebook will be the best on the market IMO if they had it in wsxga, there are many people like myself who want AMDx64/x1600/wsxga -
The lack of WSXGA+ is a definite deal-breaker for me. I think WSXGA+ on the 1039 would make it nearly irresistable, regardless if the screen was glossy or matte.
A WSXGA+ would be a deal maker, 100% if it were an option. You can guarantee them that I will buy an MS-1039 if WSXGA+ were an option.
As much as I would prefer a glossy WSXGA+, I would still think I would opt for the increased screen real estate over the glare type screen. Not to be a pain in the asus, but the resolution I'd really love to see is 1440×900 aka WSXGA or WXGA+. I think that has the perfect size pixels on a 15.4 laptop - I think this is what the Apple 15.4 laptops have.
Thanks for taking the initiative on this unleaded. -
The glossy thing i don´t know for sure, never used one with that, but the WSXGA+ is definitely very interesting, and i would go for it. That's my vote
I say no to the WSXGA screen...
What draws me to the MSI line is that they use WXGA screens! WXGA screen offers the optimal solution of using a decent resolution and being able to play games at the native resolution without interpolation.
If they truly offer an option of WSXGA and WXGA, then ok. However, if the choice is WSXGA or WXGA, then I say my vote is WXGA.
BTW, when is this comp coming out? If MSI doesn't hurry up, they will lose a customer! -
could go either way, btacular. I'm still assuming it will have the WXGA as the default with the possibility of the wsxga option.
You're one of few who like the wxga resolution, too. -
matte wsxga!
WSXGA+ would be an OPTION. The standard screen will still be a glossy WXGA and I believe this would be the only screen available at initial release.
btw, since you're talking to MSI, could you find out what's the delio with their future 14" line up
particularly the 1052
I can ask them, but we are not permitted to share any roadmap information at this time.
I'm also interested in seeing a WSXGA+ as an option on the 1039s even though it's just matte.
A matte screen and wsxga are both criteria for me. I would highly recommend this option. If the MS-1039 is offered with these options, I will definitely consider purchasing this model.
A matte WSXGA+ screen is a major criteria for me as well. If the 1039 came with this option, I would seriously consider purchasing one; otherwise, no dice.
while a choice between matte and glossy would be nice...i would rather have a brighter lcd. i have the 1029 now and that's something that i wish mine had.
scott -
definately rather have a WSXGA... tell 'em to get another supplier that has glossy screens!
Ive been browsing these forums for some time, toying with the idea of building a laptop for the mother-in-law (built loads of desktops) and had nailed down the MS-1029 as my choice, until i go for the plunge and a quick browse finds the 1039 about to be released!
So, i am in US working atm and shes coming over from the UK on the 25th March for 2 weeks, is there any chance this laptop will be available to buy before then?!!
Back on topic, laptops ive had in the past (prebuilt) ive always found that the more choice/options the better, and would go for the matte WSXGA if time wasnt against me! -
No, it won't be available by then. They updated the ETA to be, in the best case scenario, April.
i definitely want the WSXGA+ screen.
i'm fine with a matte too!, i just took back an hp L2000 with brightview, and wasn't that impressed (extremely reflective, in sunlight... i thought i was looking into a mirror!)
getting a laptop with that poweful a gfx card really needs a high res. option.
also, what's the likely delay on the laptop with that screen?
MSI really needs to hurry.
there are tons of people wanting it, and the longer we all wait, the more likely we are to buy something else (esp. with duo core dell's now being available with ati's in 15.4" - not to mention how much cheaper they are with coupons)
Just do a full comparison - even with coupons, you'll be surprised at how competitive the other lines of laptops (MSI, Asus) are with even Dell and HP when you do a full configuration. Yes, they'll usually come out a bit cheaper, but it just depends on what it's worth to you.
You'll almost always see the newer system specs appearing at the majors first, as they are used by ATI and Nvidia for testing prior to release of new GPU chipsets. -
just while browsing, i noticed the MSI website change to include the optional WSXGA - which is 1440*900, which honestly is probably the best option for a 15.4"
that's great news
But, if it is true, then I am overjoyed as this is exactly the "right" resolution for me in a 15.4" screen. -
for instance, the vga-out on the 1036 is DVI, not 15-pin d-sub as the website specs show. -
If the 1029 had WSXGA+ I might have gotten it instead of my Asus Z70Va. And if any Canadian resellers sold it. But to be honest the lack of a secondary modular bay battery or extended battery option would've probably forced me to choose the Z70Va anyway.
The option would definitely be great, with the WSXGA+ screen it would be the only true Turion competitor to the Acer Ferrari 4005/4006. -
I love sxga so I say they definetly should especially if they want me to buy a barebones unit for my next laptop..I've also been looking at the z70va. I'll need something portable so a nice light 15in sxga is what I want
Optional WSXGA+ LCD for the MS-1039
Discussion in 'MSI' started by unleaded, Feb 23, 2006.