I just bought the bare bones version of the MS1722. They recommend the DVD Super-Multi Drive Part#: 957-1722E-001 or Blu-Ray Drive Part#: 957-1722E-002. Can't seem to find any of these.
Can I use and slim line dvd drive as long as it supports 12.7mm size/height optical drive. Like maybe a sony or NEC brand.
Any help would be great.
Yes, as long as the dimensions and interface type matches (SATA).
sony-optiarc AD-7560S / AD-7590S, these will work fine.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
The only thing is the bezel may not be aligned or, well, ugly.....
If that isn't a concern, you're good. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
It's like have a slightly off, mis-colored bumper on a car. Gets the job done, but can stand out.
The 7560S has a squared off Bezel (similar to the 1651) as does the 7590S.
If looks aren't a concern, here you go:
$49.99 at both places. -
No No the plastic cover will fit on the ODD, just remove the default/standaard plastic and place the part which is delivered with the barebone.
it's not slightly off, if wil fit perfect. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
There was no part delivered with the barebones. If the Bezel was actually included, the drive issue would be an easy fix both aesthestically and ergonomically speaking.
Maybe some of them include the bezel, but I know mine didn't. But I actually put a real MS-1722 Multidrive in mine so it was a moot point. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
FYI, RK has 5 of the real deal drives in stock:
One of the three I managed to track down before was from them.
Quick ship and delivery. Good service. -
Part NR: S7D-2280001-SI4
307-722F112-Y31 -
The bezel doesnt come with the barebone?
The odd's for the barebone are all sold out, is it possible to install another odd with the same bezel ? -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
The Bezel's are really custom to the design and curve of the 1722's. I mean, you could dremel one down to fit in the sense of complete open and closure, but perfect? Hmmm.
Only strike on the Barebones is the lack of a faceplate. I see lead times are pushed back again. -
RePaRaQu, where would one get the bezel? A google research only returned this thread.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Yeah, the bezel is custom made for MSI (according to them). Same goes for their other bezels. So while it has an assembly part for tracking, it comes only with the drive kits.
Hopefully, someone will prove the reps wrong. -
Well where to order isn't hard, I order them directly trough MSI Europe.
Whe order the barebone with the multi drive and the ODD bezel, but I order extra just for spare.
No issue in Europe. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Unless you're willing to sell us some Bezels, this doesn't help us man.
Good point, well go to the website and order them trough sales.
Or i might just check if i can sell them, but the amount must cover the transport costs? are you sure -
I got my Bare Bone from ebay today and it came with a Bezel.
[email protected] Company Representative
USA models:
the wuxga ships with a bezel
the wsxga does not -
Correct all Europe Barebone Models are delivered with the Super Multi Drive ODD and bezel. (WSXGA & WSXGA+) all are now with 9 cell battery and with latest BIOS 1.0R / EC 4.29. -
Edit: Just found the 937-172226-003 wuxga no glare serial # on the box ... bonus! -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
I have two more coming in from two different sources, so this should be interesting indeed.
The one I bought said in the auction description that it did come with the bezel. Still waiting for it to show up.
Just fitted the Sony ad7590s multi drive ... a perfect fit to drive bay and bezel.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Of course the bezel's not really a big deal since I'm probably not going to bother putting an optical drive in anyways. Just need the processor to show up and I can fire everything up.
The officially supported msi drive is in stock at ProVantage for $48+$5 shipping.
I'm trying to find a cheaper drive though. If there are any other compatible dvd drives, please post them here. -
UltimateUber, I don't know if it's in stock per se. I ordered that driver from them about a wek and a half ago. I haven't heard anything yet and my order is still marked in process waiting for distributer. Long lead times, lol.
Thanks oddeyeball. BTW, if I choose to not have an internal dvd drive at all, is there a battery or hard drive that will fit in that slot?
I don't know what could fit in there if it isn't an optical drive. Could try seeing if a second hard drive will work but mounting it is going to have to be a hack job. I'll check it out when I get home.
Bump...Any updates on the availability of these drives? Been everywhere looking around and still nothing..
I emailed their service dept. and they go back to me two days later and said that they couldnt locate a drive and cancelled the order!
Good luck....but I dont think that I will order from Provantage ever again.
It just rubs me wrong when someone advertises something as "IN Stock" and it is most certainly NOT! -
Bleh, sorry to hear that...wonder if MSI USA could offer any help in getting at least a bezel so I can get a sony drive.
Does the sony crx890s fit? I don't necessarily need a dvd burner, I just want something that fits properly.
Luckily mine came with the bezel. I cancelled my order as well and just got the Sony multi-drive. Bezel fits perfectly and even the light lines up.
Mine came with the bezel as well, I ordered the Sony and it fits nicely. I tried to track down a bezel for you guys but everyone who claimed to have one in fact did not!
you can use any sata drive with the bezel. and any without it it just doesnt look pretty it does not have to be the sony one
Thanks zfactor, so there are no worrys about clearence? I mean aren't some bezels smaller then others?
Most optical drives use a standard spec, so the bezel it comes with is usually going to be rectangular or fit to the drive height and width. It will still work without the custom bezel, but it just doesn't look as good. People are looking at the Sony ODD because of Newegg. Newegg has 3 Slim SATA DVD burners, two of them Sony and one Lite-on. All three will work. I like the slot loading Sony ODD but there isn't a custom bezel for the MS-1722 for it.
imo best slim burner out there is the samsung right now. the sony/optiarc are okay but the sammy gives better burn resluts and why everyone limits themselves to new egg? i got my sammy from ewiz i believe
for a laptop external drive only usb can be used? this item wont fit?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180328562227 -
As long as you buy an enclosure that it will fit in, it should work. The only external I have isn't one that can hold a DVD drive so I can't tell you for sure.
So bottom line, I can purchase any SATA Notebook cd/dvd drive for the MS-1722. All I have to be aware of is that not all bezels will fit and look nice right?
That is the bottom line, they will work, but not be pretty.
sounds good =)
i have sheets of thin textured plastic here i use for custom dash kits in cars and molding dash pieces together etc (i used to own a custom car audio shop and we did all custom fab work).. im going to trim a piece down and heat it and mold it to the best shape i can a little duraglass later and a bit of matte sem paint ill have a bezel.. then 2 dabs of ca glue to hols it to the new drive good as new..
question goes to anyone who bought a sony optiarc 7590 to use in the 1722: when you bought your sony drive did you get sent a mounting bracket, and if so do we require it in order to mount the drive? Reason I ask is that i didnt get one with my bulk order drive.
Optical Drive for MS-1722
Discussion in 'MSI' started by whitebud, Jan 28, 2009.