Just a quick heads up on this new offering from MSI.
The review just posted on this site is entirely accurate, HOWEVER, there are a few things I'd like to add. While the U210 handles vista AND win 7 easily and well, it is a LOT faster under XP sp3. I mean a LOT. I'm still sorting out the drivers, but with the latest catalyst offerings you can us the FUSION utility and frankly, for a netbook, its rather startling. With 2 gig of very fast (for a netbook) memory, and the onboard ati1270 (instead of the spec'd 1250) it is easy to achieve very playable WOW framerates in the mid 30's to 40's.
Do install the bios upgrade asap or risk falling prey to the dread "crcdisk.sys" boot killer that MS has STILL not fixxed in Vista, even after all these years...sigh. In XP, its not a problem. IF, you do get whacked by this error, the thing to do is to open up the back, pull the mem chip. start the lappie, shut it down, then reinsert the mem chip, bottle it back up, and recheck your bios settings (which are painfully sparse by the way). In any event, you'll want to update pretty much all the drivers that come with the unit from those at the msi global site.
Also, as the article pointed out, load up the synaptic touch pad drivers (tho not listed or hosted by msi) and the trackpad is instantly transformed from a real PITA (nuts sensitive) to an excellent netbook trackpad.
The screen is a joy, as is the keyboard, and the construction is rock solid. Rather amazing for a cheap plastic box. VERY well engineered.
I'm getting 4 hours plus out of general use, i.e. surfing, writing letters, etc. so Msi's claims are substantiated. You can also get the 9 cell from the U100 if you need more time away from a plug. Fits just fine.
Lastly, there is a great deal of expandability built into the U210 with an open and easily accessible pci e slot, as well as a place to plug in a sim card.
All in all, a "best in class" unit and the first unit I've seen worth trading up from my U100.
hmm how is the netbook overall? I'm thinking about picking up dualcore version u210x. I can not find on u.s websites but its out in Asia(I'm in korea right now) Cost about $500 seems little too high for netbook.
sounds like the congo will be a beast based on this. To bad this isn't on the congo platform. The x1270 really scares me , it should not be in a $430 netbook.
Any Turbo feature to speed up the CPU?
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
But even the first MSI Wind netbook had a factory OC option to give the ATOM 270 a little boost(20%) sooooooo.....I was wondering if this had the same feature. -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
The ATOM is great for regular netbooks.
That's why I was asking about the TURBO feature, on the ATOM it's O.K. but on a dual-core ATOM or now that would be something.
AMD-NEO is better than the ATOM. -
I just bought my MSI U210 today, and I must say I am quite impressed! Anyway, where can i download the proper Synaptics driver for it's touchpad? I downloaded the one off of Synaptics' website and it won't open. It says that it's not meant for win32.
Dug, you found the other thread right?
As for the ability to "turbo" , the simple answer is yes but not with a single button push like the U100. The neo can be pushed over 2mhz with setfsb, and it increases the performance of the laptop substantially, many multiples of what the atom based netbooks can do. The atom ION units, however, benefit greatly from the onboard 9400m Nvidia gpu and quite a bit stronger in pure graphics than the 210's neo and 1270, but NOT as fast in purely computational proggies.
seer -
pushing the neo to 2ghz makes the netbook feel more like a full notebook, its snappy and very stable. temps are running about 68 C when running the cpu hard 60C when surfing with ie and about 57C running idle. pushing 2ghz allows for fullscreen high quality hulu desktop with very little to no stuttering. now the big question who here can write up a batch that will increment the clock up to 2ghz on startup rather then having to open setfsb after each reboot. honestly after expieriencing this netbook at 2ghz i dont wanna go back to 1.6 ever and at $425 if it blows up after a year i'll just buy another. I mean honestly i have more expensive hobbies that arent nearly as productive.
you might consider picking up one of the little external cooler fans that attach to the exhaust grill. My temps at 2050mghz or so are much less than yours using the one I have. If you think the 210 rocks at 2mhz in vista, try xp pro
oh, btw, there are new vid and chipset drivers up on the msi website. -
first thing i did when i unpacked it was burn my back up of vista then format the drive and install my aging copy of xp mce this little bugger screams for such a small package. i have found the sweet spot for my u210 at 2.15ghz i have had it up to 2.2 but didnt like the heat (keeping load temps under 72C) currently i'm running 70c under load at this setting, but can you send me a link to that clip on fan
another quick question anyone know if theres a touchscreen kit for this baby yet, i've seen a few floating around for the u100's
////// EDIT: Felt like I should contribute a little.. /////
I picked up a full bodyshield for my vanilla u210 on eBay,
for those as conscious about protecting their netbabies I'll post reviews when I get mine.
I doubt quality will be identical to ZAGG's (helicopter quality) shields but we'll see.
///// Moving on to intro /////
Hi first of all, it is my pleasure to join the NotebookReview community =)
I own a MSI U210 (arrived yesterday) but my journey for research on this immature beast begun a month before when I heard about a netbook riding on AMD and ATI hardware. But unfortunately my first impressions were negative, HD videos on YouTube lagged, Counter-Strike Source could barely run on mid, and during 3DMax rendering there were a lot of black objects (vs actual graphics) I read on this exact thread about overclocking the cpu and ram and would like to know more about this.
My first reading was here: http://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=130874.0
A user posted about adding a HP Mini110 BroadCom HD Decoder chipset to render HD videos smoothly @ higher FPS, with almost half the cpu usage.
Then I read elswhere it was possible to clock the CPU manually using SetFSB at a defined setting.
The complexity here is your settings will be reset (to default clock speeds) after every restart.
Also, SetFSB requires a donation of $500 YEN (~$5 US/CAD) in order to be activated.
But ultimately, after reading a user on this forum post this:
I wondered, if anyone would be generous enough on shedding some light on the steps to oc'ing my u210.
And should I do RAM upgrade? I have 2GB atm @ only 400 mhz according to CPU-z.
What RAM do I need? I am using Transcend PC2-6400 (stock)..
If only, MSI released a BIOS (1.09) upgrade similarly to that of U100 for a 20% boost.... sigh
Regardless, your time is greatly appreciated,
///// Original quotes /////
Brian check out the other 210 thread. I put up links to the fan and there's a bunch more info on what I've found out about the box.
Observations on the U210 Netbook
Discussion in 'MSI' started by seeratlas, Oct 9, 2009.