I hate to ask - but Ive been reading about setfsb for OC my 1722 - Is the message at http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=392869 correct for the 1722 as well? (It mentions the GT725) - Im just making sure before I flash that its correct....
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Did you try using setfsb without flashing?
I did, it doesnt seem to work at all ...
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Are you sure your notebook has the same clock generator (PLL)?
Can you select the PLL you think is right. Then click on the "diagnosis" tab. Then click on "getfsb" and post a screenshot here? -
Sure -
I can click the buttons to increase, but it doesnt seem to do anything...Attached Files:
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
do you have an intel or AMD cpu?
he would have an intel chip. i also tried one version a while back with no results. never really pursued it any further and just settled with the turbo button taking me to 3ghz. yes i had the correct pll chip input and also remember the "get info" or whatever it was called working correctly.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
If you had the PLL datasheet it would be not to hard to fix this.
I looked around and could not find the datasheet.
If someone could email Abo (creator of setfsb) and ask for the datasheet for that PLL then it would give you a better chance to overclock.
I will try to find a simmilar datasheet for now...
Usually the problem with setfsb not working is that TME mode is enabled.
I had this problem and I fixed it with a simple PLL pin mod.
You can see that in the thread in my sig.
But it's hard to say what your problem is without the datasheet -
That's cool, I appreciate the help that you gave me - I can always just stick with the turbo button - Main issue with that is that even set at 20% I only get 2.5 out of 2.4 Quad machine ....
OC 1722 with SetFSB - Verify a question?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by PensFan66, Oct 7, 2009.