i came across this when i was about to register my MS-1651 even though shes not up and running yet,
General Terms and Condition
MSI Computer Corp., hereunder MSI, offers a one (1) year limited warranty on our Notebook Hardware Product, hereunder Product from the manufacturing date. If customer registers the Product online, the limited warranty will become one (1) year from the original date of purchase. Under no circumstances, the limited warranty is transferable to any other party that is not the original buyer of the Product. T his limited warranty only covers the Product that is purchased in the United States . MSI will repair or by any other efforts to restore the defective Product to its working condition as originally configured by MSI (Please refer to S250 detail hardware specifications). MSI is not responsible for any subsequent installation by any third party or the owner him/herself. T his warranty policy DOES NO T apply to MSI barebone, whitebox or OEM products.
is this true? what if something goes wrong with it?..
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
just use ocon's name and use your home address should the need arises...
or send it back to ocon and ocon can go to msi for a replacement -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
I did this for my gateway
There should still be a warranty for the barebone model itself.
barebones have a one year direct through msi warranty. they have a different policy for barebones so they are imo saying that that specific warranty does not apply to the barebones models.
You still need to register the system yourself, so there shouldn't be any need to go through oc.
You are probably better off purchasing an external warranty service (SquareTrade or what-nots) and get it covered for 3 years. If anything happens, you can always get the $ for a replacement. If nothing happens, all the better. Not too expensive anyways.
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
isnt the new Asus barebone for the C90 coming out? Why not wait for that?
Whats the point of having a laptop with a desktop cpu at this point if it isn't a core I7?
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
lol i didnt notice that you use to have one i guess you were tired of waiting for an update eh?
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
right now im just waitin for my parts to come..hopefully next friday i'll get her up..so lame..only got my wifi so far -
SquareTrade is pretty much an external warranty service. You pay $ for $X coverage. Obviously more $ for more coverage. A $700 laptop comes out to be $100 for 3 years or something, so it's not a bad deal.
And if they can't fix or replace your laptop, you get the coverage $ as compensation. That said, since you are a member of this forum and you are buying a barebone, chances are if you need help with your unit, SquareTrade wouldn't be able to fix it either, so you just get however much $ that's in your coverage plan. If they can somehow magically fix it, all the better.
It's a win-win for $100. I'd do it. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
oh right..so i got a quote for 125, not bad for 3 years, really not bad, but i got a question how much would they cover? does it tell you your coverage after you pay?
i cant speak for everyone but imo squaretrade sucks. i have bought their warranties and tried using them to find out they didnt cover almost anything. make sure to read the fine print.
I never used SquareTrade myself, but resellerratings give some decent feedback for the company. I highly doubt the company will be able to fix something that you can't fix, so just buy it for the coverage compensation. So roughly speaking $125 extra will net you a peace of mind or $800 in coverage. Of course, the main thing is how good they follow up on their service in case anything goes wrong...
The coverage is how much you put as your item's worth. So you can pretty much change the compensation package. They will try to fix your laptop within the coverage (if the cost goes over the coverage, then you have to pay extra, but if anything cost that much, you might as well get a new laptop), and if they can't fix it (in a week?) they shell out $.
what did you have the insurance on? -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Unless MSI has changed their policy, I sent a barebones MSI-163k in that had a bad LCD last month, and they shipped me one back brand new. I just pulled out all the aftermarket components before I shipped it off.
Yea, OCon said he diddn't register so you have the MSI warranty..
Also, i am so told square trade does not like giving out cash, or fixing stuff, and likes to find reasons not to honor their warranty. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
DANG IT! i don't know if i should do it then. sounds good from what electrosoft says
Well, you could do both, the MSI coverage comes with the laptop anyways. But I'd get a warranty for a longer period, especially considering all the video card fiasco going on out there.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
alrighttt i know what to do, i think..
You may want to consider this insurance company: http://safeware.com/
I haven't heard much about them, but from reading the fine print it covers basically everything, including accidental damage and even theft. -
i bought it on a 32" lcd tv. they would basically not cover anything and if i wanted it repaired i had to pay to ship the whole thing in to them which cost a small fortune then also pay for the return shipping
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Does anyone have any success stories with Squaretrade? All I ever hear about is problems when things actually go south and you basically have to pull teeth to have them honor their extended warranty they gleefully sold you.
Let's hear from some of the, "happy" customers. -
store credit is not as attractive as cash in hand IMHO... what if you wanted to buy your replacement anywhere else but Bestbuy? the store credit would then be a waste isn't it?
store credits only work with Bestbuy, so what if you want to purchase your laptop somewhere else? Also most electronic items @ bestbuy are overpriced. If you think deeper, extended warranty has always been a big source of extra margin for these retailers, just like the extended warranty in the automotive industry.
Same thing with laptops and electronics. If they last through the factory warranty of 90 days or whatever, chances are pretty high that they are going to last until they become obsolete. And since most of those warranties don't cover software related problems(90% of the problems people have with computers), they really aren't needed.
And if best buy carried an MSI barebones notebook(maybe they do, but I don't shop there so I don't know), it would be the retail price, which is 4 times what you can buy them for right now online. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Only thing I get warranties for are my TV's because they do tend to be used till they die completely for years on end. I've had both my 37" Panasonic LCD and 60" Sony go bad and both were fixed (actually the LCD was replaced) under warranty. Never fails, my 60" Sony went south 2yrs later just earlier this month, and my Best Buy 4yr warranty (which was $400), saved me $1300 between a free lamp ($150) and replacing the entire optical engine ($1150 repair bill when all was said and done).
Outside of that? Not really. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
i need help registering my 1651, can't find the model when i try to add it.
Someone back a page or so ago asked for positive remarks about square trade warranties. I bought a factory refurbished Toshiba, used it for two years and the cursor started moving to the left and staying jambed at the edge of the screen. I reloaded the disk image that came with it twice but it still happened. I called them up. I told them the problem. They said if it didn't show signs of having been dropped or liquid spilled on it, they would refund my money that I payed for the computer. They sent me an email with a prepaid UPS label (or FedX I don't remember) I sent it back on their dime. A few days later they deposited the cost of the laptop in my paypal account. I bought a new barebone and they offered to cover it at 20% off the usual rate because I am a former customer, and they offered an accidental damage warranty if I want it. They also offered to cover the ES chip I bought for the barebone. I think I would be a fool not to buy all three warranties from them. It's true, even if they replace the purchase price they would still get to keep about $155, it represents a little more than a sixth of my purchase--but if I can offer a computer built right, with a warranty including accidental damages and the remainder of a three year warranty on an unlocked 2.93 ES chip, I think it will bring more than an additional $150 sold at auction a year down the road when the next gen mobile chips will arrive. I know I love to get extended transferable warranties when I buy used stuff on ebay--it makes the merchandise much more desireable. The square trade warranties are transferable. Well maybe I am a little too positive right now because I really didn't realize that they were going to refund the entire purchase price of the laptop. I guess I expected some kind of prorate or fee. I'm sure if I had dropped the laptop or spilled something on it that they wouldn't not have given me anything as I did not have accidental damage coverage like I will now.
Sorry that's a mistake in my above post. It should read that Square Trade Warranties offered me a warranty with a 20% discount--not for 20% of the price.
No Warranty on MSI Barebones?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by vinceboiii, Jan 28, 2009.