Dang they were selling the open box for 554.00 thats dirt cheap:
Then they have the GT725 for $744.26, cheap deals..
Just be aware, Newegg will ship open-box laptops without batteries and power supplies. I got a g50vt-x6 last week like that.
I know, I never had that happen as of yet, ''knocking on wood'' LOL
Great deals if you wan't older generation tech.
I only show these deals for the people who are on a budget and cant afford the best. Older tech doesnt mean a thing to some people.
not all of us can live in cloudcity IKAS V
The GX630 is not that out of date, plays most games out there..
Is there a Lounge for this laptop? If there isn't could someone make one for it because I wanna get this laptop
No lounge, but newegg has it open box again:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152073R -
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Thanx
CloudCity is very nice this time of year. -
Is there one in Canada for cheap??
Good deal. I wonder what happened to that laptop. How coMe its open box. Are open boxes always the ones that are returned?
Newegg GX630
Discussion in 'MSI' started by nacr05, Apr 25, 2009.