I was merely wondering, if you it is advisable to repaste the CPU and GPU on msi laptops? I have only owned one other laptop based on a clevo design, and I got quite a good decreased from repasting that one, but since I don't know anything about MSI's laptops, I thought it safer to ask![]()
MSI uses quite a good paste (and good pads too), I think it is IC Diamond in terms of performance (I can say it from scratches on the both CPU and GPU dies after cleaning). At least they used in my GT70 barebone. So I don't think you should repaste it for a long time. I don't advise to repaste it unless you are experienced and absolutely need to. It is so easy to break things up as I did mine (damaged couple of thermal pads and probably damaged the GPU too). You're golden now, I would leave it as is.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I would see what the temperatures are like before fiddling, if they are fine you stand more to loose than gain.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Thanks everyone
because i will buy this laptop after a week , do you recommend it ?
is there any issue with laptop ? and what about the cooling ? is it good ?
can you you give us some benchmark and temp ? -
Uhmm sure! I'll have to wait till tomorrow though, as I'm heading off for bed, but I can provide some basic feedback tomorrow. I have 3Dmark and having built many desktop machined and OC'd a lot in the passed, I'm sure if you have any particular info you'd wanna know, I could surely squeeze that in
Keep in mind that I have removed the HDD, and upgraded from 8 GB to 16 GB RAM already, though none that should have any effect on benchmarks (I already checked 3Dmark, and there is no difference from the RAM switched) -
Edit : i will buy the laptop from xoticpc , and i saw there is a Copper Cooling Upgrade
do you think it worth to do this upgrade ? or it will not effect anything ?Last edited: Jul 12, 2015 -
I don't know. Mine looks like copper, and I have had nothing special added or done, so it seems weird that it wouldn't come with the laptop as a standard. I haven't seen any temps above 85C even with torture testing on the CPU, and the GPU has never gone above 70C. I'll check if mine is copper for sure later, once I'm back from work
and it cost a 60 $ , i dont know if it worth the 60 $ or not -
Looks wild! No that isn't in mine, so whatever I provide of info, is without that. Sorry for being so late, but business after work is drawing out
and it cost 6 $ !!! i can buy a 12 pieces in 20 $ !
i dont know , maybe i will buy it in the future , maybe its a marketing thing , i dont know ! -
Anyway for being late today. Had to sell my old laptop and then the GF hijacked me. I'll back sure to get it all done as soon as I get up tomorrow. I have no work then, so it should relatively early
(I live in Copenhagen, so GMT 02:00, around 12:00-14:00)
, i want to ask you , did you get your laptop from your country or you buy it from usa ? like amazon or xotic pc ?
( because if you bought it from USA , i want your advise of Which is the best site for the global service ? ( xotic pc , gentech pc , ETC.... )Last edited: Jul 13, 2015 -
In Denmark we have VERY generous guarantee, support, and replacement laws, so as a danish citizen it is almost in always in my best interest to purchase in-country, so I can't tell you really. I'd look up the different companies on the web, and see what you can fine. Generally note what customers tend to complain about, and be critical. A lot of people complain over self caused problems, and some complain about things that isn't relevant to you. Generally look for anything that suggests bad service, and avoid those stores like the plague.
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Alright, so I didn't have time to make a huge review like I wanted. However on the laptops score on 3dmark Firestrike was 6633. Max temps were 85C on the CPU and 66C on the GPU.
The SSD (m.2) score on CrystalMark with 4 GB testing, was 535 Mbytes/sec write and 573 Mbytes/sec read. The HDD was around 130-140 Mbytes/sec read and write.
Overall I'm very happy with it. The design is imo professional, maybe a little too flash with the lit up MSI logo on the back of the screen, but hey. The keyboard is wonderful and I personally like that they switched the windows button and the Fn buttons positions. The LED backlighting isn't too good if you try to go for white for example, as the bleed over of the different colors are noticeable, though nothing worth complaining about.
The noise a lot better then my old laptop (P170sm Clevo). It can be noisy, but even at full speed, it seems much better, then what I usually hear from a gaming laptop.
Overall I would recommend this to anyone who wants a laptop that can deal with pretty much whatever you throw at it, especially for the price it at atm (in Denmark).
If anyone want to know anything else in particular, don't hesitate to ask -
and until now i had a hard time to choose witch is the best , but i think that msi is the best choice
because im looking for a laptop with a lightweight and good cooling with 17 inch screen
i dont think that there is better than msi ge72 in the same specs , i hope so -
Edit : can you tell me your opinion in the surface temps , does it get too hot like the alienware ?
or it just get warm ?Last edited: Jul 15, 2015 -
and i forgot to ask you about the weight , i know its lighter than the other laptops
but in your opinion does it feels light and slim ?
or it feel heavy and bulky ?Last edited: Jul 15, 2015 -
oh soory for the many questions , but i want to know what is the screen in the msi ge72 ?
is it IPS ? or something else ? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It provides wide view angle and great contrast. -
they said its an IPS , even in many sites they said its an IPS !
maybe there is a model with IPS , and another Model with LPS ? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It's like IPS, or IPS alternative, please refer to the wiki below.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPS_panel -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Could you run a Intel XTU Benchmark, and post your maximum temperature.
I have the same laptop, I am testing with ICD7.
New owner of the GE72 2QF (970m)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Sokar408, Jul 11, 2015.