So I got my first "gaming" laptop today, which is the one wrote above. Since I have never really had a gaming computer or laptop I have a couple questions now. My laptop has the 2630qm, 560m, and 12gb ram in it. What I was wondering was first that I seen somewhere after i bought it that it doesnt run games as well plugged in as it does unplugged. Is there any truth to this and how would you get around that? It doesnt make sense to play games for an hour then have to plug in...then unplug and blah blah. I just seen there is a laptop almost the same price with a 570 in it. Can I switch my 560 out for this or a 580 or is it not worth it? also, does the turbo button give a good increase to performance or is overclocking the cpu and gpu yourself better and safe since its a laptop. How hot can a laptop get before it becomes dangerous for it? hmm what else.....Is this ic thermal paste stuff I read about worth getting? a cooling pad? Thats all I can remember from the questions I was thinking about earlier. sorry for all the questions that I probably should have asked before I even bought this thing. Thanks for taking the time to read this and any help!![]()
Those are a hell of a lot of questions to put in a single paragraph man haha.
I think you got it backwards, the laptop runs faster when plugged, but not as fast when unplugged. This means you won't get the same gaming performance when on battery (you get less on battery, not more).
Yes you can change your GPU. The 570m is a nice jump in performance and I recommend it if it doesn't costs you a hell of a lot. 580m is even more power but nothing you can't a chieve with a nice overclock of the 570m, and well the 580m is only a bit more hot and depending on the vendor, could have throttling issues. The 570m is a nice jump in performance but from 570m to 580m is not as huge.
You can get better performance with your own overclock. The overclock function is just very mild and more like a marketing stunt. You need to overclock little by little until you reach your max stable performance with acceptable temps.
Temps vary by system and hardware. CPUs for notebooks can reach around 80C when used near 100%, GPUs anywhere from 40 to 60 in idle, and upwards to 90s when full load, but it really depends on ambient temps, cooling solution etc. GPUs nowadays can handle over 100C before it gets dangerous, and they tend to downclock etc.
The tricky part for GPUs is overclocking the memory which is much more sensitive, unstable and usually it doesn't have a temp sensor available. So naturally you have to take it slowly. Most GPUs will be fine with overclock but a slight few are on their limit and can't overclock much, or even die with slight overclock (it is not very common).
Your CPU, unless it is an ES version or an Extreme version, won't really overclock.
Cooling pads are a good idea if you want to avoid using your PC in bad surfaces like a bed (obviously without fans) or to keep it a little cooler but it is generally not needed for stock as the cooling is very good. If you overclock a lot and/or your laptop gets too warm for your liking you can use a nice pad to keep it a bit cooler.
Good luck and I hope I was able to answer most of your questions. I suggest next time to format your post a bit more so it can be read easier and users can pick up your questions faster.
Cheers! -
Haha. Sorry for the big confusing paragraph. Thanks for answering my questions though!
Am considering this laptop too.. Does it come with the steele series backlit keyboard??
no backlit keyboard on the 15 inch laptop yet., the 17 inch series do.
New gt683R
Discussion in 'MSI' started by PRATFO, Dec 31, 2011.