Super long title, but I didn't want to be super misleading.
I'm relatively new to PC. Mac user using a rather slow loading boot-camp for a short while before this. I've definitely found that visual learning (reading/watching videos) has a rather large disconnect when trying to put theory to real life practice. Troubleshooting and learning to understand logical quick fixes are a blast! (I honestly like the challenge) But there's are advanced options and modifications that are a little harder for me to comprehend and this results in being more timid toward a lot of the more complicated internal configurations I should use or consider, or even certain settings with Windows 10 in general because I'm just not entirely sure what's working for everyone else.
TL;DR If anyone has any tips, configurations, settings, softwares, that they have or would suggest that I look into. I would really appreciate your input and ideas.
Honestly anything is welcome, I've been insulated for so long and I hate it and i'm just unaware of all of the opportunities and probably a lot of must-haves that I want to field the community with.
Thanks in advance guys. I hope everyone has a goodnight and enjoys their extra of hour of sleep (Gaming/homework) tonight. (Daylight Savings)
Components: MSI GE73VR 7RE
Intel SkyLake 7700HQ
Graphics Card: GTX 1070
SSD: m.2 1TB Samsung 960 EVO
2x16gb RAM 2400mHZ
If I forgot to list any components that are necessary information please let me know.
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Do a clean OS install. MSI's bloatware is horrible and reduces performance quite significantly.
I'm actually ahead of the game on that one, I had it done as a service when I purchased it. I'm kinda bummed though, I'm actually curious as to what all this bloatware looks like. It's just interesting to hear everyone complain, and then never have to deal with it myself.
Anyways thanks though, anyone have anything else?!? -
Try checking out this thread. It's very long, but is pretty useful.
I'll write a few things that made sense to me.
(I'm pretty new to this stuff)
1. Undervolt using Throttlestop - around -135 to -140 seems working for most
2. Remove Windows Bloat
In fact, follow the below link
Try Page 82, Post no 812, among others
New Novice PC User - MSI GE73VR - General Knowledge, and Set-Up Tips?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MoomDog, Nov 4, 2017.