Has anyone tried them? I have the drivers from when I first got it (in the first shipment from PNB). Will this improve much? Do you generally reinstall windows with the installation of new drivers, or do you just uninstall the old ones then add the new ones?
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Uh...why would you reinstall windows after installing new vid drivers? I just installed them on top of the old ones. Windows will stop using the old ones, start using the new ones. The current ones work fine for me.
I know for a fact that if you change video cards from ATI to nVidia, it's highly recommended by most people that you reinstall windows (because catalyst conflicts with the remnants of nVidia drivers). I just wasn't sure if the situation was the same here
Did you notice a performance difference? -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
I didn't notice any difference when I changed drivers. Then again, I didn't change vid cards, so don't go by that.
Hmm, the whole purpose of updating video drivers is to increase performance and optimization.... Do you play games? Which ones? They often optimize for only recent games.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
I think the main purpose of new drivers is to fix (hopefully minor) bugs. Im sure this last update fixed many little things that I didn't notice. Driver updates CAN improve performance with better optimizations, but I didn't notice any of that in this case.
New MSI-1651 vid drivers
Discussion in 'MSI' started by wisedude, Dec 7, 2008.