Hello! I'm new on the forum and I have recentely bought a MSI Laptop. The Model is GF65-Thin 10SER. It have i5-10300H and RTX2060. I have already installed a second M.2 and setted Throttlestop. Any other suggestion to get the best from this computer?
Thank You so Much!!
GF is still thin ? ,.,.read all in HWINFO or TS and repair msi setup
max 90C cpu "94C is limit" for normal performance - custom cpu setup / fan curve
GPU max 85C "87C is limit" - Afterburner "voltage limit" new curve
hwinfo + sensor
no need any special steps ,.,.only heat is problem for gaming notebook
New Laptop!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Krizan1991, Sep 4, 2021.